Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Cecilia's POV:

"This hall is beautiful."I gawked. I never been to the hall but it was huge. The theme was sky blue and white so everything was either that colour. Large windows were along the walls looking out to the sunset. Many tables were lined up with a dance floor in the middle. A large table was at the head for Stella Jackson, Me and Stiles. Max would be sitting with Caleb but it would most likely only be for the food. Everyone was finding their places and Max was seated with Stephan and Jackson's mom and her boyfriend.

I went up to the top with Stiles and sat beside the Brides seat while Stiles sat beside the grooms seat. Watch when the come in Stella is going to be so excited and Jackson will be his shy self.

"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls. Please welcome the just married couple... Jackson and Stella Storm!"The DJ called. On the far end of the room the doors opened and Stella walked out smiling so big with Jackson who was smiling big too. Everyone clapped and cheered as they went to the middle of the dance floor...The first dance. Jackson then pulled Stella close and wrapped his arms around her as slow romantic music began playing. They swayed back and forth. She rested her head on his shoulder and snuggled right into him.

"He is going to be good to her. Trust me." Stiles said to me.

"I know." I smiled.

After they were finished we were given salad to start off or people were allowed to dance.

"How do you feel Ms.Storm?"I asked her as we ate.

"I feel so good. I am so excited for the honeymoon too."She said dazed. Jackson was taking her to a resort in Australia.

"Oh...and what are you excited about?"I asked raising my eyebrow seductively. She starred at me confused and then her eyes shot open wide and she blushed.

"Oh. Cecilia,no. Not that."

" That?"I asked her. She just ate her salad pretending to ignore me. Her and Jackson never had sex. I swore she did! That meant Stella was a virgin. What a good girl.

"Stella you haven't had sex with Jackson?"I whispered.

"No. Cecilia I told you he's gentle he would never force me to do that." I shook my head and laugh.

"You two are such goodie two-shoes." I smiled finishing my salad. Many people were dancing and talking. Jackson was talking with Stiles, Stephan, Max and his dad. Caleb was dancing with the other little kids.

"Now we would like to ask all the fathers and daughters to step on the floor for a little dance." The DJ said.

"I don't have to go." Stella said.

"Go. Have fun. I have these two idiots."I said gesturing to Jackson and Stiles.

"Oh thanks."Jackson smiled rolling his eyes.

"Can it, you virgin." I laughed. His eyes widened and he flushed again.

"Cecilia."Stella muttered shaking her head meeting Max on the dance floor. Caleb ran up to me because he didn't want to sit by himself so he sat on my lap.

"You like girls?" He asked Jackson.

"Yea. Why?"Jackson asked.

"Girls are lame. They have germs."He said disgusted.

"Uhm what about mommy? And I saw you and Ms.Little flower girl having fun over there." I said to him. He shrugged and smiled and looked away.

"Oh it's okay my baby. Don't worry about girls yet. They are nothing but trouble." I said resting his head on my chest and kissing his head. There were a lot of father and daughters here. I think there was only one other little boy.

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