I- Finally 11

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(Alex looks like the above pic just imagine black hair instead of brown)

(Alex looks like the above pic just imagine black hair instead of brown)

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"Mum ! mum ! wake up" Alex said jumping on his mom's bed. "It's my 11th birthday mom !" His mum wake up with a smile and asked him "And what does that mean Al ?" trying to coax the answer out of the excited 11 year old boy.

"I can finally build my go kart !" he grinned widely. His mom had set 11 things for his 11 birthdays, marking the end of a year. All of them were fun but important things.


Year 1- The basic baby stuff

Year 2- He should know how to walk and speak( a bit)

Year 3- Perfecting his speech

Year 4- Riding a bike with training wheels

Year 5- Learn to swim

Year 6- Find out if he's interested in music or sports 

Year 7- Learn to play a guitar 

Year 8- Learn Ballroom dancing and have calligraphy lessons.

Year 9- Learn how to treat a woman right and basic gentleman etiquettes

Year 10- Start playing basketball 

Year 11- Build your own things


"Yes that's right !" she exclaimed looking at her little boy in delight. "So how about some birthday breakfast and then building it ?" she asked even though she already knew the answer.

She got up from the bed and started preparing the batter for choco chip pancakes, while Alex was getting dressed. "I wish you were here right now Sirius...you would proud of the man our little boy is growing into" she whispered to herself. She and Sirius met at a party 13 years ago...and instantly hit it off. However one day, he suddenly disappeared leaving Ella alone with their two year old son.

"Hey Al, if you've gotten dressed...could you please pick up the mail and bring it here ?" Ella asked spreading the batter on the pan. "Sure mum" Alex replied happiness still evident in his voice.

"Here ya go" he said putting the letters on the table, keeping one for himself. As soon as they were done with their breakfast, their was a knock on the door, confused as to who it could be Ella got up and opened door leaving her son in the kitchen.

A stern looking woman was standing there, wearing funny looking clothes and a pointed hat. "Hello Mrs. Black, our school did not get your reply and so we were wondering whether Alex would be joining Hogwarts in September ? she asked" 

Ella was confused. What was Hogwarts ? Who was this woman? More importantly why did she want Alex ? "I'm sorry miss, I think you have the wrong house. We don't know anything about this Hogwarts." Ella replied trying to be respectful. "There hasn't been a mistake Mrs. Black. Surely Mr.Black would have told you what he was before going to Azkaban ?"

An expression of complete pain took over Ella as she yelled "AZKABAN ! SIRIUS IS IN AZKABAN ?" she asked crying, just hoping it was not true. "May I come in Mrs. Black ? I see there is a lot to tell you.." McGonagall asked in a sweet tone feeling a little sad for Ella.

"I do feel Alex should be here as well" she told her not wanting to explain the whole thing again. Ella called Alex and soon enough all of them were sitting in the living room with a cup of tea listening to what McGonagall was saying.

"You see, Mr. Black was a wizard. A brilliant one, I must admit, he scored top marks in most of the subjects........

McGonagall trailed off explaining them everything and how Sirius was in Azkaban. "And so Mr. Alex you're a wizard. I'll pick you up on the 15th of August to get your supplies form Diagon Alley at 11 a.m. sharp. I'll leave you to it now"

After McGonagall left

"Why didn't you tell me mom ?" Alex asked his mom not knowing how to feel. "I didn't know Al, I really didn't know." Ella replied her voice quavering due to the crying she had done in the past few hours.

Ella knew she had to be strong for her son, so pushing her thoughts to the back of her mind she focused on Al. "Do you wanna go Al ?"  "I don't know mum"  "You should, you will learn great things and we can always talk through letters." she replied trying to make both of them feel better. "I'm gonna go mum. I will learn things and be the best wizard ever" he said pointing his finger and moving it as if it were a wand. To his surprise the window he pointed at actually broke. "I'm sorry mum, I didn't know that would work" he apologized.

Ella laughed it off. "It's alright son. Now it, really is your birthday..so do you wanna build a go cart ?" "Yes ma, obviously,  I've been waiting for it since last year !" he replied getting excited once again. After all he was a 11 year old boy.

 After all he was a 11 year old boy

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Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now