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Alex woke up the next morning truly happy

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Alex woke up the next morning truly happy. He loved every part of magic. As he opened his Potions textbook he suddenly remembered the letter and locket that he had taken from the vault the other day. Al searched his bag and finally found the letter crumpled in a corner. 

He took out the locket along with the letter and started reading it.

October 31, 1981

Dear Ella,

By the time you read this, I'll be long gone. I want to tell you something Ella, something I should've told you long ago. I'm a wizard, a real one. There's a whole world of magic that I want to introduce you and little Alex too. I'm so sorry el. If you still trust me please just write a letter to a person named Remus Lupin. He'll happily tell you all about our world.

Another thing, our little Al ? I think he might be a wizard too, last night, it wasn't me who broke the lamp, it was him, his first display of accidental magic and he's only two ! He's gonna be a great wizard El. Please remember that I love you El. You and our little bundle of happiness...Al. I never wanted to keep this from you, I just never knew how to tell you. I'm sorry. 

I love you El, and Alex, I love you two with all my heart.


Sirius Black

"Hey....Mom ?" Al shouted, his eyes never wavering from the piece of parchment in his hands. Ella came into his room, to see Al sitting with his back towards the bed reading a piece of paper. "Yes Al ?" she asked confused due to her son's behavior. "I..umm I think dad meant this for you" Al handed his mother the letter along with the locket, the word 'dad' seeming foreign on his tongue.

Curiosity in her eyes, Ella read the letter. As she reached the middle, she couldn't keep herself strong as she had been for the past 9 years.(p.s. Al was 2 when Sirius had to leave, so its been 9 yrs since they've been away) She broke down in front of Al, crying and apologizing. 

It was the first time that Al had seen his mother so broken, so weak. He almost didn't have the heart to give his mom the locket, but he ripped it off like a band-aid and gave it to her. Ella finally pulled herself together, seeing the heartbroken expression on her son's face. She took the locket and opened it. One side had a picture of her and Sirius with Alex, the typical family picture. Sirius had begged her to do one as he never had one of those as a child. The other side was a mirror. It was similar to the mirror she had seen on one of Sirius's rings. She had often seen him talking to it, but ruled it off, because how could one talk to a mirror right ? 

Now knowing about the existence of magic, she tried something. She tried to contact him through the small mirror as she almost whispered... "Sirius ?"


Sirius was tired, hungry and exhausted. Like every day he glanced at his ring, just trying to see if El had seen the letter or forgiven him, but she didn't. Al would be 11 now, Sirius thought as he scratched a line in the walls of his cell. He may have been off by a few days, but he knew that Al would be going to Hogwarts any day now. Everyday Sirius regretted not telling El, the love of his life about himself.

When Sirius was about to go to sleep again, he heard a faint whisper calling out to him, it almost sounded like El. "I must finally be going crazy" Sirius thought as he glanced at the stone walls around him. "Sirius ?" he heard it once again, this time it was more profound and there was no lying it was El. Sirius slowly brought his ring into view, he saw the tear stricken face of El and was surprised. El ? he almost asked in a hoarse voice as if he had not spoken for centuries.

He couldn't believe his eyes, the love of his life stood there looking almost the same. Had she finally forgiven him ? "El, it wasn't me...Peter and I switched El. We switched..." Sirius trailed off, he heard the dementors coming and had to say goodbye to her. Now, knowing that El had forgiven him he felt like the happiest man on Earth. As happy as one could be in Azkaban that is.

"Hey Al ? let's write a letter to this Remus Lupin person...I think there's something we need to tell him..." Ella asked her son. Alex was overjoyed on using his new owl and quickly wrote a letter to Remus. Telling him how he was Sirius's son and how he needed to talk to him.

Now it was only a matter of time he would reply...till then Alex read his books and prepared for 1st September. Opening his Transfiguration book, Al realized he had accidently brought the book for second years, but since no knowledge can be bad he started reading the book and practicing the spells. Alex was overjoyed as he practiced every spell perfectly. As Al performed the last spell in his book, the inscription on his wand glowed, assuring Al he was doing it right. 

After yelling "Avifors" Al smiled as he saw the small stool in front of him converted to a bird. He finally went to bed dreaming about the world of magic he had just been introduced too.

 He finally went to bed dreaming about the world of magic he had just been introduced too

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Hey ! how did you like the book so far ? I'm so excited for it especially for Alex. By the way what do you think his Patronus should be ?

A. It changes with the situation

B. A big black shaggy dog

C. A Dragon

D. A black owl 

Please comment and star, also constructive criticism is appreciated. Thanks for reading !

Signing Off, 

The Scorpion Prankster

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