XVII - Training Part 3

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Without a thought in his head, Alexander woke up and started the day's training

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Without a thought in his head, Alexander woke up and started the day's training. He did not care about anyone anymore, except his grandmother. His grandfather looked proud at the boy he had trained. "Alexander Myrddin Wyllt, you are 15 now. You are excused from todays magical training, you already know everything anyways. Get ready for receiving the lordship for the Noble House Of Wyllt today." he told Alex watching him complete his morning training. 

"Yes sir." Alex nodded and moved inside the house, looking at his waiting grandma. "Alex, go take a shower and put on some decent clothes. We need to take you robe shopping today" his grandmother told him while he nodded and ran to get ready. Alex took in his appearance after getting a shower. He had grown up to 5'11'' in height. His stormy blue eyes looked calm as he brushed his jet black hair back into place. Pulling on a pair of jeans and t-shirt, he made his way to the dining room.

"Alexander. Your training will end today. I have taught you everything and dare I say you are an even more powerful wizard than me now" he chuckled looking at Alex "When you receive the lordship of the Noble House of Wyllt, my work will be officially done. You are going to get out of this house and never come back. When you are 18, your grandmother prefers you marry for love. So I am making an adjustment. If you marry for love, then only with a pure blood. You will not taint our blood line." he completed his rant. Alex smirked at the thought of marrying out of love. He didn't love anyone, everyone left. "Yes sir" he nodded and continued eating.

Shopping with his grandmother was one thing Alex despised the most. They made their way to the robe shop in Diagon Alley, his perfect pureblood mask in place. He hadn't been outside in a long time. "Alexander, I was thinking of getting Hogwarts robes made for you. I hope that's where you go. That's where your father went you know." his grandmother continued talking and Alex smiled a feeble smile at the old lady, she was so innocent. "That seems quite alright, grandma. We can have Hogwarts robes made" he replied and started walked towards Madam Maulkins Robe shop. 

Entering the shop, everyone's eyes turned to him, they could feel the powerful aura of magic radiating from the young boy. He glared at the bystanders and made his way to Madam Maulkins to get his robes made. "Madam Maulkins. I would like to get robes made for Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Kindly take my measurements. I'll be back in 2 hours, hoping that is enough time for you to complete the robes ?" he asked in a low tone. "Yes, Mr. Wyllt. Please stand up on the podium, so that I can take you measurements." she replied as an enchanted tape measurer started measuring him.

"Okay grandma, do we need anything else ? I don't like being in public" he asked his grandmother as they walked through the Alley. Alex remembered the first time he was here with Professor McGonagall. He smiled at the memories as his grandmother pulled him into a book shop. "Hello sir, we would like to buy books for a Hogwarts 5th year student" she smiled and pointed at Alex, who was in the dark magic section." That's my grandson, please pack up the books for him." 

While they were waiting for the books to be packed, Alex saw the same hazel hair that Cassius had. He turned around to take a better look and sure enough, it was Cassius Adler with Estelle Rossi and the twins. Anger emerged in Alex. How dare they have fun, when they left me alone for all those years ? he thought. He looked at his grandmother conversing with the shopkeeper. He started browsing through the dark magic books, trying to calm himself. The years of meditation proving its worth as he finally subsided his anger, only to hear the group of friends pointing at him and whispering. 

"If you have something to say to me. Do it to my face. Back talk is the mark of cowardice" he gritted out and turned around. "Just for your information, it is rude to point, I am not Alex Black, Estelle. I am Alexander Myrddin Wyllt. And Yes. I will be studying at Hogwarts this year, Cassius. No, Fred, George, I still remember who you are. Now excuse me, I have to go."

He smirked as they were all left open mouthed. Grabbing his grandmother's hand, he apparated them to another shop in the Alley, fortunately the books had already been picked up. "Okay Alexander, we should get back to your grandfather now. Jenkins should be there any minute." his grandmother told him and he obediently apparated them to his grandfathers mansion.

"Alexander. Good to see you again my boy !" Jenkins said and reached out for a hug. Alex stepped aside, letting him fall and said "It is Lord Black to you Mr. Jenkins. Now, shall we continue what you came here for ?" he asked and led him to a table.

Jenkins embarrassed at himself quickly took out the papers and started "Do you, Alexander Myrddin Wyllt, accept the lordship to the Noble House Of Wyllt ?"  keeping his pureblood mask he replied "I, Alexander Myrddin Wyllt, accept the lordship to the Noble House Of Wyllt."

One more ring appeared on his hand, with the crest of the house. "Well, Lord Wyllt, I look forward to seeing you in the parliament. Have a good day." Jenkins said and walked out of the house. 

"Good. That was the final test Alexander. You are now officially done and can leave. I expect to meet you at 18 with a prospective pure blood wife. Goodbye boy." His grandfather  said and walked out of the room. 

"Hey Alexander. I am so happy you came to live with us for the last 3 years. I expect letters every week young man ! I also got you your old owl. I know how much loved him." there you go, his grandmother said passing him a cage. "He is sleeping right now, should wake up soon. Now come here, give your old grandma a hug." she finished with tears in her eyes as Alexander walked up and stiffly hugged her. He had not hugged anyone in 3 years and didn't plan to. 

Alex shrunk his trunk and walked out of the door. He was going to stay in "The Leaky Cauldron" for the next few months and then off to Hogwarts. He smiled at the thought of meeting Minerva again. It had been a long time. A long time indeed.

 A long time indeed

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Uhm, so yea. Back to Hogwarts. Just clear up some things. Alexander is 15 so he is in 5th year and I just made Harry a year younger than him now. So this will be the year of the Goblet Of Fire. Hope you liked the story so far.

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