VIII- Wait, what ?

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Alex stumbled into his first class of the day 10 minutes late, tie not to be found and shirt untucked

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Alex stumbled into his first class of the day 10 minutes late, tie not to be found and shirt untucked. His hair was messy and blue instead of the trademark black. "Mr. Black, nice of you to finally join us" Professor Snape hissed. "Look at you ! just like that no good father of yours. How could besmirch the name of Gryffindor house showing up to your first class like that ?! 20 points from Gryffindor. Take a seat Mr. Black." 

Alex took a seat beside the bushy haired girl, who looked at him as if he was something repulsive. Just as he sat down the girl came closer and whispered to him "Not that I stalk you or anything, but I thought you had black hair ? Bleaching hair is not really good for it you know." "WHAT ?! What happened to my hair ?" Alex shouted resulting in getting taken away 10 more points. "It's blue ! Seriously. don't you own a mirror ?" she whispered "And calm down !" 

Alex stayed silent in the class for the remaining time silently plotting the twins deaths. His hair was off limits. He let the girl do the work, he already knew how to do it and the girl seemed more than happy to do it for him. After the class ended, Snape called him "I know you didn't do any work Mr. Black, I expect you to be here tonight after dinner for detention." And with that Alex had already landed two detentions in his first few hours of school.

He quickly went through the other classes, plotting some pranks he could pull on the twins. Maybe tonight, during dinner, I'll try to swap there souls. No one would know except them and it would get frustrating. Al smirked while making his way to the library during lunch, keeping in mind to meet Minnie for his detention.

He went up to the transfiguration classroom trying to knock but the doors opened as soon as he was there. Due to him reading a second year transfiguration book he walked right up to the table where a cat was sitting, knowing it was McGonnagall. "Minnie...I already think you're cute no need to become a cat to exclude cuteness" he smirked and winked as the cat transformed into McGonnagall.

"5 points to Gryffindor for correct observation" Professor McGonagall sighed as she told Alex to sit in front of her. 

"Mr. Black, you must refer to me as Professor otherwise you'll find yourself in detention everyday. As for what you needed to ask about the sorting hat, I can't tell you much but I would advice you and your mother to look into the matrilineal lineage. Now, for todays detention, you are going to have to help the librarian correct the places of books without your wand."

"Alright Mi- Professor." Alex said making his way to the library once again. He thought to make friends with the librarian as he would probably require her help a lot.

After completing his detention, Alex finally had some free time without any classes, so he made his way back to the dorm trying to think  of a way to fix his hair. "Ah, I wish I could just think about what I wanted it to look like instead of trying to find a spell." he thought plopping on the bed and closing his eyes. Not soon after that, he found Harry and Ron hovering over him, looking at him as if he was something special.

"Uhmm...Alex ? Can you tell us why you already have a fangirl group called "We Love Alex Black"" asked Harry while Ron just looked at Alex in amazement. "Wait..what ?" Alex heaved as he couldn't stop laughing. He could not believe that he already had fangirls, after all he hadn't even turned on his charm yet. 

"I don't know guys"..he laughed..."I really don't fucking know".

After all was said and done, he went with his newly made friends for dinner. Harry and Ron chatted about something while his mind drifted off to what McGonagall had told him. He had to write to his mum and fast.

 He had to write to his mum and fast

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Happy New Year !

2022, seems strange to say. Damn. What did you guys do for new years ? I was with my family, dancing and eating. Anyways, thanks for over 100 views and I'm super grateful to see people voting. If you wanna know anything about me, ask in the comments and I'll do my best to reply. Lemme know if you want aesthetics of other people too.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now