XVI - Training Part 2

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I'm 14 today

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I'm 14 today. Good, thought Alexander as he woke up at 4 in the morning. His grandfather had promised to teach him some new moves in martial arts and he was looking forward to that. Alex quickly got up and took a shower, pulling on his fathers watch and made his way outside his room. He decided to go for a run while his grandfather got ready. 

Running two laps of the back garden easily, Alex thought back to when he was 12, it was his first day and he was crying and wheezing all over the place. It was a wonder he Sir didn't kick me out, his thoughts then merging into the ones of his previous life. How was his mother and Sirius ? was Remus okay, dealing with his furry little problem ? He wondered about the twins and Estelle as he finally completed running, to see his grandfather standing there.

"Sir" acknowledged Alex with a short nod and went on to do push ups. "Alexander. You're 14 today. You'll start new moves in martial arts. I'll be testing you on your magic and all the other things I've taught you over the past 2 years. If you even get one thing wrong. Punishment" he gritted out as Alex finished 40 push ups back to back.

"Yes sir" Alex bowed a bit and did some chin ups. He had definitely come far from when he was 12. These little activities took him 3 hours, but today it only took him half an hour. He stretched, practiced his flips and headstands as his grandfather continued to drone on. "Someone from the ministry will be coming today. You can call me grandpa then. Since you are at a good age, you will be able to take the lordship of the Noble House of Black. Next year, I will also pass down the lordship of the Noble House of Wyllt to you." This was news to Alex. "Noble House of Wyltt, Sir ? Aren't you the Lord currently ?" he asked. "Do not interrupt me boy ! Yes, I am the Lord but, at 15, you will be of suitable age. I need someone to extend my bloodline" he gritted out. "You are lucky I can't hurt you today boy. Otherwise you would already be in the punishment room long ago." he almost growled and went away saying "Meet me in the martial arts room." "Yes sir" Alex replied and ran his way back to the house. Thankful for the ministry worker to come as he whimpered at the thought of the punishment room.

He had been there enough times, to become numb to pain. The room was full of whips, chains and of course powerful magic. He shuddered at the thought of it and made his way to the martial arts room. The only safe haven in his world now, was his grandmother and the times they cooked together. She had taught Alex his etiquettes, how to be a gentlemen, ballroom dancing and almost all of the pureblood rituals he was supposed to know how to do. She was the one who applied ointment on his bruises and gave him advice on how to accomplish tasks. She was his second mother and he made sure no harm would come to her. 

"Alexander Myrddin Wyllt, heir to the Noble House of Black, the Noble House of Wyllt and the Noble House of Potter, do you accept your lordship for the Noble Houses of Black and Lupin ? " the ministry worker called Jenkins asked him. 

"The noble house of Lupin ? Is Remus dead ?" he accidently questioned in front of him and whimpered when he saw the harsh look on his grandfathers face. "I, Alexander Myrddin Wyllt accept the lordship for the Noble Houses of Black and Lupin" he finished as two rings appeared on his fingers, with the crests of the noble houses he had accepted his lordship to. "Great, then Mr. Wyllt" he acknowledged his grandfather "I must get going now. I'll owl you the official papers in a while." and practically ran away from the duo.

"I'm sorry sir. Forgive me" pleaded Alex as he saw the dark look in his grandfather's eyes. "Never boy. To the punishment room." he growled out and kicked Alex towards that way. Alex had passed out somewhere between his third Cruciatus curse and sixtieth whip beating. He woke up, with all the bones in his body hurting, marks and blood spilled all over his body. Silently Alex sat up and crawled out of the room, going to the bathroom to check his damage. 

He was horrified at what stared back from the mirror. His usually clean black hair, dirty and disheveled. Clothes torn and arms full of bruises and cuts. He could barely stand on his legs and looked down to see that shagged pieces of glass had been inserted in his feet. His face had a deep bleeding cut on his cheek, while his back and stomach took the worst of it. Alex whimpered as he climbed into the shower, gently ridding himself of the contaminated and dried blood battered on his cuts. He took out his wand and gently said spells to wrap his arms, feet and back in bandages. Finally he dabbed some ointment on his cheek cut and made his way out of the room.

With everything hurting, Alex completed that days lessons. He was not allowed to see his grandmother because of his conditions, as he made his way up to his room and fell asleep dreaming about the fun times he had in Hogwarts. Part of him was agitated that no one tried to find him over the years, "I guess Sir was right. Friends are a weakness, I should not make friends when I get out. Especially with Mud-Bloods and Half-Bloods." he thought.

" he thought

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