XIX- Letters and Lupin

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Alexander  groaned as he heard the shrill noise of the alarm clock waking him

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Alexander  groaned as he heard the shrill noise of the alarm clock waking him. He had gone to sleep late last night and evidently had to function on 3 hours of sleep, as he stopped the alarm clock showing it was 4 in the morning. 

Pulling out his running shoes, Alex apparated to a lonesome beach and started running till his head was clear of all thoughts. He ran and ran till he couldn't anymore, checking the time to be almost 6 in the morning. He had been running for two hours. He quickly  apparated to "Xi Lings Martial Rooms" and made his way to the room his grandfather had reserved for him for lifetime. Nodding in acknowledgement to Lia, the teen girl working there, he started doing push-ups, chin ups and crunches, followed by practicing his martial techniques. 

Done with his physical activities for the day, Alexander made his way to his room in the Leaky Cauldron, grabbing a cup of coffee from the breakfast buffet. Taking a quick shower and getting dressed, Alex decided to let go of his bounds over magic. Yesterday had been a strangely emotional day and men never showed emotions according to his grandfather. He swept all sharp objects and kept them outside his room, going inside once again and releasing his restraints. Alex smiled as his magic flooded the room making it more comfortable for him. Everything was changed to the way he wanted it to be, comfortable and elegant. He smiled as he pulled his magic in, just then someone burst in through the door without knocking.

"Mr. Wyllt, there's a letter for you here, by someone named Hermione ? Also do you need us to take the dirty dishes downstairs because..." the man trailed off seeing that Alex was seething with anger. "Mulberry. Ever heard of manners ? Never enter my room without knocking. If you repeat this mistake, I swear to god you won't live the next day. Now, give me my letter and get the hell out." Alex said irritated. Alexander opened the letter, who the hell was Hermione ? what did she want now ?

Dear A. M. W.,

Hey A.M.W. , I'm Hermione, a 4th year student in Hogwarts. I was browsing through the library in Hogwarts when I saw your letter address scribbled in the pen pal sheet. It was there from 3 years ago, when you were in your first year. I hope you still want to do this program. If you don't, then please don't reply to this letter !

I was assigned to be your pen pal. Here's a bit about myself, I'm 14 and am best friends with Harry Potter and Ron Weasley. I love reading books and am not the best at potions. How about you ? Do you study at Hogwarts too ? Will you ever be up for meeting in person ? Also, what does A.M.L stand for ? What is your name ?

Well, reply if you want to. Hope you have a great day !


Hermione Granger

Alex smiled at the innocent letter he read. It had been so long ago that he had applied for the pen pal program. He didn't want to reveal his identity to the girl, but there was no harm in talking to her. Right ? Sir had said not to get close to other people, but he couldn't get close writing letters, could he ?

Dear Hermione Granger,

I feel happy after receiving your letter, I was beginning to think the program was long forgotten ! I obviously know about Harry Potter, the boy who lived...haha. Unfortunately, I can't tell you the answer to most of your questions, considering I would like to remain anonymous. I hope you still want to continue talking, you seem like a very nice girl.



Alexander quickly scribbled a letter in response and went to the owl office to deliver it. He couldn't use Shadow because he was easily recognizable. After posting the letter, Alex walked down the path in Diagon Alley, only to find himself stopping in front of the bookstore. A book there yesterday had peaked his knowledge and he was curious to read it. Coming out of the bookstore, with his newly purchased copy of "Dragons, Basilisks and Other Creatures" by Tunher Jiled, he walked back to his room.

It was almost 8 in the night when Alex completed his book, so interested in it that he forgot to check the time. "I needed to go meet mum at 6, ugh come on Alex. Do better !" he thought as he quickly pulled on a robe and apparated to St. Mungos. He smirked seeing that the new receptionist was a teenager. This was going to be fun. Alex leaned in close, his breath fanning her cheek as he asked her "Hey darling, Can you give me the reports on Ella Black, please ?" The flustered girl pulled up the records with shaky hands and gave them to Alex, not once questioning him. Alex grinned taking the records "Thank you, good girl." he said and walked away, almost laughing at the expression on the young girls face.

Alex made his way to his mothers room, slightly annoyed at the fact that Remus was there. He sat beside his sleeping mother and started to read the reports he had charmed out of the girl. "I was beginning to think you won't come today Mr. Wyllt" Remus told Alex who held his mothers hand in one hand and the file in the other. Alex hummed as an answer, hoping that it would give Remus enough clues to back off.  It didn't.

"I found out what you did to Mary yesterday. You could've just told her you were Ella's son or used your real name. I don't know what you're going through Al, but changing your name is not a good thing, especially to something as weird as Wyllt." ranted Remus.

Alexander clutched the files in his hand, his mind flashbacking to the numerous times he had been in the punishment room saying that Wyllt was a stupid name, the scars he had gotten because of it. He stood up and walked to Remus, anger and magic radiating from every part of him.

"I would prefer you stop talking Lupin, I don't want to kill my mothers friend. I can't tell them I'm Ella's son because I'm  not her son anymore. I was blood adopted by my master, meaning my blood and Ella's blood don't match. Moving onto the next part. I'm legally known as Alexander Myrddin Wyllt. Lord of the Noble Houses of Black, Wyllt and Lupin. If you had paid attention in school, you would know that Myrddin Wyllt is an ancient name for Merlin. I'm a descendant of Merlin and could crush you with a single flick of my wand. So don't make me angry." He gritted out and walked away towards his mum, kissing her cheek and walking out of the room, leaving a shuddering Remus.

Alex walked into his room to find an owl waiting for him. He smiled at the thought of the girl who had written to him this morning.

 He smiled at the thought of the girl who had written to him this morning

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To be honest, I honestly have no idea if you guys like this story or not. I'm still trying to clear things up. Basically Alex is 1 year older than Golden Trio, and has never met the boy who lived and Ronald Weasley.

But thanks to the few people who added the story in their library, it honestly means a lot. Thanks for over 800 reads ! it is so awesome to see people actually reading this story.

Signing off

The Scorpion Prankster

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