XXIII : Myrddin

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Sighing, Alex tried another password

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Sighing, Alex tried another password. "Come on you big gargoyle, just open up! Cheese Balls? Chocolate Frogs? Sour gummies? Lemon Drops?" he smirked as the statue finally turned around to reveal the stairs going up to Dumbledore's office. 

"Ahh Mr. Wyllt, we've been waiting for you. Come on now, on the chair you go, haven't got much time." Dumbledore said as he nearly pushed the boy on the chair and put the sorting hat on him. "We meet again, Black or should I say Wyllt ? I take it, you followed my advice on your heritage? good going Mr. Wyllt. You are brave and smart, conniving but kind. I must say I haven't seen these pair of traits together, in a long long time. Well, off you go to the House of Merlin!"

Alexander smirked, getting up as another hourglass made its way to the points system, filled with black colored jewels. "Oh, Al- Mr. Wyllt, I'm afraid we don't have the exact room for the house of merlin, as no one has been sorted there for centuries. We'll have to work out a sleeping arrangement with different house heads." said McGonagall as she rushed to get the other heads who were in the dining hall.

"I'm afraid I'm going to have to stop you there Minerva, for Mr. Wyllt can't truly reside for the night in a house he hasn't been sorting in, it's against the rules, the buildings will kick him out. He'll have to find his chambers on his own, that is what the previous heir did." Dumbledore said as he smiled and gave a worn-out journal to Alex. "I believe this belonged to your ancestors young man, make good use of it." signaling him to leave now.

After his meeting with Dumbledore, Alex made his way down to the grounds. After all that had happened, he needed to clear his mind. He closed his eyes rearranging the facts one by one. He was finally free from his grandfather, but he still had to find a prospective wife when he was 18. Problem for future Alex, he smirked as he thought. Now, he just needed to find his chambers and where he was going to sleep that night. Alex tapped the book with his wand, as he said the inscription "Nan unum et solem" the journal opened to reveal a diary entry and what looked like a rough sketch of a room. 

Dear Myrddin,

 If you're reading this, I am afraid that you've come to know that I- Merlin am your ancestor, for the journal won't open for those who aren't my true ancestors. It's a good thing you've made it to Hogwarts, me and some others built this place for people like us. But Myrddin, you must know that you and I are special.

We've got the powers of the ordinary wizard, but we've got other special powers too. They're different for each person and I hope you've figured yours out. With these powers also comes a great responsibility, you must swear on my life that you'll never turn over to the dark side, and use these powers for the harm of others, if you do, it'll lead to a painful death. 

You'll achieve great heights Myrddin but be careful to not soar to high or you'll burn like Icarus when he flew too close to the sun. Take care of yourself, getting these powers means that people will be jealous, some more than others. Only get close with those who you know you can trust. 

I hope you'll pay heed to my warnings Myrddin, because the world for people like us is a dangerous place. 


Alex sat and thought about what he had just read. It was what his grandfather had ingrained his brain for the past 3 years. Don't let anyone get too close. Be strong and stay on the right side. He must've known what he was doing thought Alex as he got up and went to the seemingly empty dining hall, wanting to read more about what merlin had to say to him. He went over to the next page and watched in amazement as text appeared on the page, as if someone had just written it.

What's your name Myrddin?

Alexander Myrddin Wyllt, wrote Alex in his perfect writing remembering his grandfather's cane.

How old are you, Alexander?

I'm 15, you can call me Alex, Alexander is too long to write.

Alright Alex, Are you in your chambers yet?

No, I don't know how to get there. Dumbledore said to figure it out on my own.

Alex stared at the blank page for some minutes, when a reply finally came.

Alex, read this carefully as I'm only going to be writing this once. Your chambers will appear wherever you need them, just go to any door and say the inscription on your wand, your room will appear. This only happens for a true heir of Merlin, so no one else is going to be able to get in. Still, I suggest that you pick a passage not in use as otherwise people might be suspicious. 

The text disappeared almost as soon as it came, but fortunately Alex had read it. He grinned as he made his way to the 2nd floor, a passageway full of unused classrooms. 

Tapping his wand to the door he said the inscription, seeing in amazement as he entered a full-fledged room, with a bed and a study table. A small library stood in the corner accompanied by two armchairs. The room had a clear view of the Hogwarts grounds, a door beside his study table led to a small, attached bathroom, which had an inbuilt cupboard with all of his clothes.

"Now that you're done gawking, can we get down to talking?" he almost screamed as a voice came from just behind him. 


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HAHA. left it on the plot twist thing. I'm evil I know. but you most probably know who it is.

Signing off,

The scorpion prankster

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