XII - Birthday and....

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There was no doubt that Ella Black was proud of her son, a fact she reminded him every day since he came back from Hogwarts for his summer vacations

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There was no doubt that Ella Black was proud of her son, a fact she reminded him every day since he came back from Hogwarts for his summer vacations. Ella knew she had done the right thing, seeing as her son was much more happy and joyous and his friends, Estelle and Cassius were a delight to have over. Especially Cassius, Merlin, that boy had the manners of a gentleman.

As for her and Sirius, the two way mirror proved to be a great way for him to keep sane. Every night Elle and Sirius used to talk for hers, though Sirius had to whisper and keep the ring hidden in his hair, it did not matter, hearing his voice was enough consolation for Elle. Sirius and Alex did talk, but not as much as Elle and Sirius, mostly because neither of them knew what to say. After all, what do you say to an estranged father you haven't met for 11 years ?

Finding out that Ella had relations with Merlin himself had indeed been a huge shock to the family, but it certainly explained how Al was such a great wizard even though he was only 11. Soon enough it was Alex's birthday and to say he was excited would be true.

"Alex, darling, wake up ! Come on ! It's your birthday" Ella said as she kissed her son's cheek. It seemed like only yesterday he was 2 ! Lost in thoughts, she didn't notice Alex wake up until he pulled her into a hug "Heyy mum. Morning' " he grinned cheekily as he got up to go to the bathroom. Smiling at his antics and ruffling his hair she said "Quick, take a shower and come on down, Remus is already here, he seems excited." as she got up and walked down.

Alex pulled on his jeans and a black t shirt as he tumbled downstairs, giddy with excitement. Over the last year, he and Remus had exchanged letters quite a lot, the man almost acting like a father figure to the young boy, giving him advice and whatnot. Grinning Al greeted Lupin with a good morning and jumped onto a seat as his mother set his breakfast- pancakes before him. "Remus ! I thought you said Hogwarts has great food. Look at my boy, He's grown so thin there !" said Ella as Alex's mind went back to the numerous times he ran out of the great hall with just an apple to prevent being suspicious of a prank. Remus knowingly smiled at Alex's grin and changed the topic quickly.

"Al, I hope you are excited for your gift. I tried my best" Remus said as  he handed him an untidily wrapped package. Alex being Alex quickly ripped it open to find a book, he had been trying to buy for a long time. A History Of Dragons : Charlie Weasley. Al knew that many people would have opted for Newt Scamander or some other well known author, but the truth was, Al loved Charlie's footnotes about his thoughts on dragons. Quickly opening it Al found an inscription on the first page,

Dear Alexander,

It is my  great pleasure to wish you a happy birthday. Your uncle moony used to be a great friend of my parents, and has babysat me a lot of times. It would be awesome if we could meet, considering we share the same love for Dragons. Owl me whenever you want to.

Charlie Weasley

Alex could not stop smiling as he ran over to Remus and pulled him into a hug. HIs hero had written to him ! It was turning out to be an awesome day.

"Okay Alex, I have to go out to buy some things for dinner tonight. I'll be back in an hour or two. Don't do anything Sirius wouldn't do. Definitely don't do anything Sirius would do. Bye !" screamed Al's mum as she walked out the front door. 

Al smirked to himself as he settled in front of the bathtub. He was not allowed to do magic. But no one said anything about potions right ?

After a few failed attempts, Alex decided to give up. He could not make a potion using soaps and detergents and that was the truth. Glancing at the time he felt a wave of uneasiness wash over him. His mum should have been an hour ago. She had been gone for too long.

A knock at the door startled Alex from his thoughts, but as he walked towards the door, he could not help but feel anxious for his mother's return. There stood a witch, in black clothes and a black hat. 

"Mr. Alexander Black, we are sorry to inform you that your mother was found on the brink of death in alley. We believe the cause of this to be prolonged usage of Cruciatus curse. She is currently being shifted to St. Mungos, however there is little hope for her to live." she said feeling little to no remorse, as Alex Black decided that day, with tears rolling out of his eyes that he would do anything to bring his mother justice.

" she said feeling little to no remorse, as Alex Black decided that day, with tears rolling out of his eyes that he would do anything to bring his mother justice

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Wait what ? PLOT TWIST. Pretty neat eh ?

Anyone got the reference ? If so you're awesome and we should meet up. It's literally midnight right now and so I'm gonna go. Bye

Signing Off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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