II- 15 August

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Above is the pic of his owl

McGonagall took a heavy sigh and knocked on the Black's house's door

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McGonagall took a heavy sigh and knocked on the Black's house's door. Dumbledore had told her a prophecy one made about the Black child. 

"Born to the eldest Black, the only living relative of Merlin, the child will be more powerful than he who wants to conquer the world, the Dark Lord"

She knew that Alex Black was a powerful wizard, but being a relative of Merlin was something she could not fathom at all. The door opened to show a  grinning Alex Black as he stood tall. She cleared her throat and started to ask "Mr. Black, I believe that you will be accompanying me to Diagon Alley today ?

A cheeky expression overcame the young Black as he replied "Asking me out on a date so soon, Minnie ? At least wait till we get to Hogwarts !" McGonagall sighed as she realized that Alex was not so different from his father and was going to be a load of trouble. "Mr. Black , kindly refer to me as Professor, otherwise you'll find yourself in detention even before the sorting ceremony."

She took his hand and said "Hold on tight, Mr. Black!" as she apparated to the dingy pub which lead to the opening of Diagon Alley" "Prof. I....I think I'm gonna puke" Alex said as he tried to regain his balance. A slight smirk could be seen on McGonagall's face as she lead him into the Alley.

Finally over his initial shock, Alex looked in wonder as he saw the different shops. He smiled happily after locating a joke shop in the middle of the Alley and tried to walk towards it, however McGonagall who already knew this would happen had a strong grip on him. "Alright, Mr. Black, firstly we'll go to Gringotts for some money and then to buy your wand, your robes and lastly your books and other supplies"

Alex's mood dampened a little and then a lot when he saw the harsh looking goblins glaring at him ,but as he sat in the cart taking him to the Black vault he  couldn't help but think of a rollercoaster. "Mr. Black, this is your vault- 420" said the goblin as he opened the door to it. Looking in Alex could not believe his eyes, the vault was filled with  gold. Although he and his mum weren't poor, they were not very rich either. As Alex was taking all of it in he heard McGonagall's voice as she said "Mr. Black, I would advice you to hurry up, as we have a lot to do before the day ends." she ended with a  sigh.

Quickly, Alex brought a pouch and put some coins in it which looked like Galleons, while he was doing this he saw a locket with a note beside it. He got that too, thinking it might be important. After he was done he got out of the vault and hopped back into the cart  excited for the things to come.

After they had bought his robes, they decided to get his wand. Al stepped into the old shop which looked as if no one had been there for centuries. "Ah, Mr. Black I was wondering when you would be coming. After all you are the relative of the great wizard himself. Now for your wand...." he trailed off looking for a wand fit for the young Black.

After 15 tries, it was safe to say that Al was exhausted. He was scared that he wasn't good enough for a wand and just wanted to cry at this point. Ollivander looked at Alex in surprise as he started thinking "I wonder, It can't be ? can it ?"

Alex looked at him, wonder and curiosity evident in his eyes. Ollivander slowly bought another wand to Al. A wooden one with an inscription in Latin on its base. It also had something coiled on its tip. As Al slowly gave it the wand a wave, everything in Ollivander's shop fixed itself. It also became more cleaner. Alex looked at the wand in wonder trying to read the inscription written on it, "Nam unum et solum"

Alex sighed happily, joyous to have a wand. He trotted out of the shop, trying to find McGonagall so that they could finally get his books and be done with the day. He spotted McGonagall coming out of the pet shop and wondered why she was there. McGonagall came up to him and smiled a little "Mr. Black, I see you are done with getting your wand. While you were gone, I took the liberty of getting you your owl. I hope you like it" she said handing him the cage. Inside it was a pure black owl, with piercing blue eyes. Those eyes set it apart from the many other owls he had seen. "Tha..Thank you proff." Al replied truly mesmerized by its eyes. 

They finally bought his books and then McGonagall dropped the happy boy home. Alex couldn't wait for the first of September and for Hogwarts. He told his mum everything about the world, his eyes sparkling as he spoke about it. Ella knew she had made the right decision sending him with McGonagall. 

After dinner Alex whipped out his books and started reading. He had promised his mom to be the best wizard ever, and he was excited about the world he was introduced into. Al read through the books like fire, absorbing every word, even though all of it was new to him, he felt as if he already knew it. 


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Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now