XX - Anonymous

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Dear A

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Dear A.M.W,

Writing to an anonymous person honestly makes me feel like I'm in a muggle mystery novel. What if you turn out to be a killer ?

Considering you are the only person who replied out of 3 people I sent letters to, i guess you are my pen pal, since the contract was magically binding to whoever signed up for it.

It is honestly, no surprise that you know of harry potter, he is after all the savior of our generation. (His words not mine). Did you hear about the attack at the Quidditch World Cup ? I was visiting and supporting Bulgaria with my friends. Thankfully none of us are harmed. How are you ?


Hermione Granger

Alexander went through a variety of emotions reading the letter, from humor to horrified and then to content. He did not know why he was worrying so much about a girl he had never seen, but still he picked up his quill and started writing a letter in response.

Dear Hermione,

I assure you that I'm not a killer, even though it seems like something a killer would say. I'm surprised that no one replied to such a sweet girl like you, truly mind boggling.

Harry seems like he's trying to be funny but failing at it. I did hear about the attack and was honestly a bit worried for you. It's great to know that all of you are okay. I was not present at the world cup, since I was visiting my mother at the hospital, but I heard that Ireland won. Totally not related, but this owl is very pretty.

Do you read muggle literature ? Which book is your favorite ? Do you play quidditch by any chance? Who were you supporting ? You mentioned Ron Weasley in your previous letter, is he somehow related to George and Fred Weasley ?

Looking forward to your reply at the earliest



Alex sighed as he finished his letter and tied it to the waiting owl. Unlike the previous owl, this was one was a beautiful snowy color and very patient as he wrote his reply. He gave the owl some knuts and sent it on its way.
Alexander sighed and wrote another letter, this one to Hogwarts, stating that he would be attending the school this year, he tied this letter to his own black owl and sent him to Hogwarts. Hopefully it would not take long.

Tired after a long day, Alex turned out the lights and crept into his bed but he could not keep his mind from thinking. He had figured out that Hermione was a muggle born, since no pureblood had the last name Granger. Was it worth getting close to another person ? Especially so close that he could not stop thinking about her ?

Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now