XVIII - St. Mungos

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Alexander rented a room in The Leaky Cauldron and put all of his belongings away, considering this was the place he was going to live in for 2 months

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Alexander rented a room in The Leaky Cauldron and put all of his belongings away, considering this was the place he was going to live in for 2 months. Then, hurrying up, he took a quick shower and bought a nice bouquet of flowers, going to meet his mother for the first time in 3 years. 

He entered St. Mungos and nostalgia flew around him. He remembered that day clear as yesterday. He made his way to the reception. "Hello, I'm Alexander Wyllt, I'm looking for a woman named Ella Black. Which room is she in?" he asked the witch standing there.

"Good evening Mr. Wyllt, Ella Black has been in a coma for almost 3 years, she woke up a few days ago and is not in the best conditions. I'm sorry, but if you aren't related to her, I can't let you in." Alex gripped the flowers in his hands tightly as he tried to contain his anger. He wanted to meet his mother for gods sake. His own bloody mother ! He easily broke through the receptionist's mind shields and saw what she was thinking. He sighed. Such dirty thoughts for an adult woman.

He knew he had to charm her, so he leant in and whispered in her ear "Oh Ms. Rewalda, you are such a dirty woman, aren't you ?" he smirked as she blushed and looked up to face him. Her blush darkened and neck became red at the closeness between the two of them. Alex leaned in once again as he whispered "Imperio."

"So Ms. Rewalda, what was Ella Black's room number again ? Also could you please escort me to her room ?" Alexander smirked as he followed Ms. Rewalda in her dazed state. After reaching the room, he hit the receptionist with a spell to make her unconscious and slowly walked into the room. It seemed as if nothing had changed, his mother was still there with her eyes closed. He pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers and sighed, setting the flowers on her bedside table. 

Alexander's eyes travelled across the room and landed on the sofa-bed on the side. It seemed as if someone had been living near his mother, Lupin. He knew it was Remus Lupin, who else could it be ? His heart settled happily at the fact that his mother hadn't been alone for the past 3 years. He sat on the chair near the bed and held Ella's hand in his. "Hey mum, it's me, Alexander. I'm strong now mum. I hope you wake up soon, because I miss you like hell. Please mum, wake up for your son." he finished.

Looking at the peaceful expression on his mothers face Alex lost himself in his thoughts. He hadn't seen her so peaceful except in the photos when she was with Sirius. Being a single mum had really taken a toll on her. Alex sat there for a while, enjoying the silence and his mums company, suddenly he heard the door open again to see a flustered looking Remus who hadn't noticed him yet. 

"Hey Ella, do you know where Mary is ? She was on the reception when I went but she's not there anymore.... Remus trailed off as he saw a mass of jet black hair sitting near her. He almost shouted "Sirius ? What are you doing here ? You are not supposed to be out of the house yet !" at this Alex turned around his head as his eyes twinkled with amusement. 

"Oh Uncle Remus, come on ! That's your reaction after meeting me for the first time in 3 years ? I had hoped for a better one. I know you...." Remus couldn't believe his eyes ! It was Alex. The same Alex who had asked him if green beans were quite alright for him. His nephew from all other than blood was back. 

"Alex ? what are you doing here ?? Where were you ? I spent an year looking for you ! Even Dumbledore couldn't find you !" he yelled pulling his nephew into a hug, but letting him go after he didn't reciprocate. "I told you I had family problems Remus. You could have looked harder. Maybe visited the ministry and find out that I was with my grandparents." Alex replied, hatred evident in his eyes. " I don't want to hear anything from you Remus. 3 years and you never came. Never visited. I waited for you Remus Lupin, but you and everyone else forgot me. Every fricking person."

Struggling to contain his emotions, Alex got up and looked outside the window, night had already fallen. He calmed down looking at the peaceful sky and turned around to see Remus staring at the floor. "You've grown quite a bit Al. What happened to your cheek ? How did you cut it ?"

"Don't call me Al. I'm Alexander Myrddin Wyllt. It's Mr. Wyllt to you. As for my cheek, that's only for me to know. You would know if you had struggled a bit and found out where I was. This is my mother Remus." he gestured to the sleeping figure of his mother. "She likes you and so you can stay with her. But don't you dare try and talk to me. Goodbye." he was walking out of the room when Remus pulled him by his wrist. Feeling the meagre pressure, Alex flicked his left hand, a small gesture due to which Remus landed with a thud on the couch. "Never. Touch. Me." he gritted out and made his way out of the hospital and to the leaky cauldron.

Changing into his night clothes, Alexander sighed and whimpered, touching the cut that ran across his stomach. He remembered that day clearly. He was 13 and it was a sunny day, he was doing martial arts with his grandfather when a woman came to stop them. "I'm from the ministry sir, and wanted to see how Alexander was doing". He stuttered a bit but said that he was fine, leading the woman to ask more questions angering his grandfather. He was in the punishment room the second she was gone. "You stuttered boy. Such a big idiot you are. You won't stutter after this", his grandfather smirked and ran a knife across his stomach, making a deep cut. Spitting at him he said "A stuttering idiot with a bastard father."

Alex shuddered at the memory and went down to get some dinner. It had been a long day and he just wanted to sleep and forget it all.

 It had been a long day and he just wanted to sleep and forget it all

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Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now