XXVI - First Day, New Wizards etc

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Alex stopped midway to the potions classroom,  checking his planner once again to see that it was rescheduled to Herbology, with the Gryffindors and Slytherins

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Alex stopped midway to the potions classroom, checking his planner once again to see that it was rescheduled to Herbology, with the Gryffindors and Slytherins. Grinning at the thought of seeing his sunshine again, Alex made his way to the greenhouse, and stood alone at the far end of the table, but he could still hear the conversation between the duo from breakfast.

"You really think you wouldn't get detention, if you roamed the hallways on a flying carpet past the curfew" the dark skinned boy asked the girl beside him, almost on the verge of laughing. "Well Blaise, the rules are for walking in the halls after curfew, nothing about flying in them" she said with a smile on her face. "It's hard to believe you're the princess of the family Zen, your rule breaking almost rivals the Weasley twins." The girl replied with a hmph as she did what Professor Sprout instructed.

"I really need to stop thinking about her and start focusing" Alex thought as he looked down at his plant and squeezed it catching the pus. Although Alex was usually focused on his surroundings, he failed to see a girl staring at him, especially his tie as he completed his tasks and gave the bottle of pus to Professor Sprout.

Soon the bell rang and Alexander made his way into the building once again, he had Transfiguration with the Hufflepuffs. He sat on the last bench in the corner, observing the yellow robed students sit in their specific friend groups. While everyone was settling down, he watched as a cat made its way to the front of the class and transformed into Professor McGonagall. The lesson was fairly easy for him, having already learnt transfiguration of animals at a young age, Alex easily transformed the bird in front of him to a python. He sat back and relaxed watching other students struggle. He could feel girls staring at him, as he sat back and ran a hand through his jet black hair.

After Transfiguration, Alex made his way to lunch, only to see Hermione gobble down food faster than a man on the run. He went to sit on the Ravenclaw table this time, only to be surrounded by girls who wanted him and boys who wanted to be him. It was clear that he was already very popular as he placed some food on a plate and made his way to his own chambers. Alex sat on the sofa chair eating food and reading a book on dragons. The one Remus had gifted him, the one from Charlie Weasley. It was one of his most prized possessions.

The next few days passed easily, filled with lessons and letters from Hermione. He tried to approach the Slytherin princess one time, but she always seemed to be surrounded by her group of friends, which made talking to her, very daunting. He exchanged letters with Hermione, their talks ranging from S.P.E.W to his father Sirius Black who was writing letters to Harry. The last part bothered Alex, he knew he did not have a great relationship with his father but he would have preferred if the man who made him tried to contact him in any way. However it seemed that the man had simply forgotten about the fact that he had a son.

The next evening he witnessed the arrival of Durmstrang and Beauxbaton's students. He watched as the students put on elaborate shows and was very glad to see that Fleur had made it here. During his time at his grandfather's he was taught how to establish relationships with higher people and the Delacour family was one of the few, he was allowed to talk to, given the high status of Fleur's father in the French Ministry. He allowed a small smile to slide onto his face as he made his way to the Ravenclaw table.

"Ms. Delacour ? I believe congratulations are in order ? he asked referring to her father's recent promotion.

Oh mon dieu Alexandre ! Je ne savais pas que tu étudiais à Poudlard ? Comment vas-tu ?? Fleur asked, her accent getting heavier due to her excitement.

(Oh my God Alexander ! I had no idea you studied at Hogwarts. How are you ?)

Aussie bien que je peux être Mme Delacour. Je préférerais vous rattraper, que diriez-vous de mes appartements après le dîner ? Alex replied

(As fine as i can be Ms. Delacour. I would prefer to catch up with you though, how about my chambers after dinner ?)

Fleur nodded and Rex bid her goodbye. He could feel eyes staring at him, but at this point he had learnt just to ignore them.

When both of them were done with dinner, Alex escorted the very pretty Veela to his chambers, just to talk, to the girl he considered a friend growing up. They talked till 12 in the night, catching up each other on their lives, Alex showed her his special powers while Fleur turned on her Veela charm for a while.

He finally laughed after years, he missed having friends.

Heyyy, How have you guys been ? Hope everything is alright

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Heyyy, How have you guys been ? Hope everything is alright. Sending good wishes

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2022 ⏰

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