XXIV : what ?

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"Now that you're done gawking, can we get down to talking?" he almost screamed as a voice came from just behind him

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"Now that you're done gawking, can we get down to talking?" he almost screamed as a voice came from just behind him.

Alex looked back to see a raven-haired man with striking golden eyes, sensing the powerful aura of magic around him, Alexander quickly pulled out his wand to protect himself, not losing eye contact with the new person. "Who are you? How did you get in here ??" he almost shouted, the stupefy curse on the tip of his tongue.

"Calm down Alexander, you're so similar to the one I visited before you, I'm starting to rethink my entrance methods." he laughed and continued "to answer your questions, i am merlin, the one who guided you to this room, Arthur must be coming in a few minutes or so." he had just finished when another man with brown hair appeared in front of Alex. "Heyya Alexander, what is upp my dude?" Arthur said with a smile on his face. "Don't mind him, he's been stalking the way how youngsters speak these days" said Merlin, looking at the weird face Alex was making.

"Okay, let's believe you are merlin, even though I'm pretty sure he's supposed to be an old man with a white beard, why have you come here? more importantly how did you come here?" asked Alex, worry evident on his face as he was quite sure Merlin was supposed to be dead.

"Alex, I am Merlin, it would be beneficial for you to not question my methods, and yes nobody except you can see us, it's the power only a true heir of Merlin is blessed with. I am here because I need to guide you. The book told me to protect Arthur, it was my destiny. Every person has a destiny they need to fulfill, some know it, and some create it."

Merlin continued looking at Alex's mouth hanging wide open. "You need to keep practicing your powers to become great and achieve your destiny, the book will eventually tell you what it is. But for now, lay low for Voldemort's on the rise and you exclude a very powerful magical aura." he ended and disappeared into thin air.

"Well Alex to be honest, what Merlin said is more or less true, but one thing you can count on is that you're always going to be powerful with him on your side. Just make some friends dude, alright? The next few years are going to be tough as hell, it would be better with someone by your side." Arthur said as he too disintegrated slowly.

What the f**k just happened? Why is my life like this? What did I do to deserve this? Alex thought as his emotions became harder and harder to control. He closed his eyes as tears slowly began to roll down his cheeks, he felt like the innocent 12-year-old kid who had just got told his mother was in the hospital. Slowly, he started to spiral in a circle of dark thoughts, reliving his worst memories over and over again as he experienced a pain worse than the cruciatus curse. He slowly came out of his thoughts as he saw a very familiar snow-white owl tapping at the window, a letter tied to its leg.

Heyy, I know it has been so long, and I'm super grateful for the support

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Heyy, I know it has been so long, and I'm super grateful for the support. Like seriously thanks a lot guys. I've just been swamped with a lot of stuff but I'll try to update a longer chapter next time.

Also here's the aesthetic for merlin (yay new character)

Also here's the aesthetic for merlin (yay new character)

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should i make one for Arthur and Remus too?

lemme know in the comment thingy, till then have a good day/night.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now