XIII - An Unbreakable Bond

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Alex could feel his world come crashing down as he heard those words "Your mother is in a coma, with a negligible chance of waking up

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Alex could feel his world come crashing down as he heard those words "Your mother is in a coma, with a negligible chance of waking up." It felt like someone had sucked all the happiness and color from his life as he saw himself the sole reason for his mothers situation. It had been his fault. It was his fault that his mother had to go and buy things for his birthday party.

The witch who stood at the door was long gone, saying that Alex would now be in the custody of his grandparents. The same grandparents who hated the fact that he was a murderer's son. The same grandparents who had shunned his mother out of their house after learning that she was a squib, altered her memories and given her to a muggle couple. His grandparents who were pureblood supremists and even though they supported the light side, everything about them was dark.

With tears running down his face and throat dry, Al quickly penned a letter to Remus saying that he would not be able to make it to the party that night because of family complications. He knew he should have told Remus about what happened, but he couldn't bring himself to write it. He also told Remus to inform the news to the twins, Estelle and Cassius. 

Quickly packing a small bag with some clothes, food and essentials in it, Alex set out and made his way to St. Mungos, desperate to see his mother. His precious mother whom he didn't say "Love you" too the last time they had met. Running out of his house, Alex fell down and scraped his knee, the stinging pain however much less than the pain of his broken heart. It was a wonder how he got on the Knight Bus, considering he couldn't even see anything due to his blurry vision. "St. Mungos. Now." Alex spoke in a low and dangerous voice. Anyone near him could his powerful magic and anger which he could not keep under control with his emotions.

As the bus made its way to the hospital, Alex tried to calm his nerves. He knew he had pissed of some people during his time at Hogwarts, but not so much that they would use the Cruciatus Curse on his mother. There was only one explanation for this, The Dark Lord was on his way back. The bus stopped and Alex quickly got down, giving the driver the money, telling him to keep the change. With shaky legs, Al made his way to his mothers room. His mum, laying on a bad, the necklace clutched in her hands as her eyes were closed. "She looks so peaceful" thought Alex who came close and sat on a seat near the bed. 

"Hey mum, I know you can't hear me, but you better wake up. Trust me, you are scaring me so much right now. If this was your way of get me to stop doing pranks, you win mum. But please just wake up. Wake up for your boy..." Alex pleaded to his mum, tears coming out of his eyes once again.

The nurse came in to find a boy of around 11 years, sitting with his head down and crying his heart out. She felt sad. No one deserved this, especially not children as she thought of another young boy who came to visit his parents every Sunday. 

Alex carefully took the necklace clutched in his mothers hands and wore it back. He had made a decision, he did not care if it was a good one or not. He had to be tough. He had to transform himself. He knew his mother would not like the person he became after the transformation, but he did not care. Clutching the necklace in his hand, and getting his small bag of clothes, he made his way out of the room, not once looking back.

His grandfather smirked as he looked at the young boy "I was wondering when you would come here boy. Finally got bored of the poor squib eh ?" he laughed directing the question at Alex. Al knew that if he wanted his help, he would have to play along. "You know me sir, the squib was much too good for my liking" he smiled.

"What did you come here for boy ? I won't give you money. I don't care if you are my grandkid or not." his grandfather said, agitated at the thought of parting with his money. "No sir, I don't want your money." said Alex as he pulled out an old letter from his grandfather. "This letter. You said you could train me. Train me to be the most powerful wizard." 

His grandfather grinned showing his ugly brown teeth. "Honey, look. The boy has finally come to his senses." he called out to his wife. "I knew you could not be with that squib any much longer boy. However, training for me will require sacrifices. Lots of them. You'll have to forget about the outside world for 3 years. No contact with anyone."  he continued getting serious.

"Yes sir. It doesn't matter. I need to be powerful. As for the squib, she won't bother us. I've taken care of that" Alex said in a low voice. Even his grandfather could feel the magic. "Alright boy. Just remember the deal. After I train you, you must marry whoever I choose for you. I don't want you to make a mistake like that squib did" his grandfather said. 

Al knew he made a mistake when he replied "Yes sir." and continued the unbreakable bond his grandfather had forged between them. Al gritted his teeth feeling the pain surging through his body. After they were done, his grandfather smirked maliciously as he opened the doors to a small dark room. "Welcome, to the next 3 years of years of your life boy. Hell"

Alex still had the necklace. "Dad ?" he tried but no one came. It was then he realized that his grandfather had put charms on the house, he could not do anything related to magic as long as they were there. He sighed as he pushed his face deeper into the pillow and let out a scream. A scream of frustration, anger, sadness and tiredness. He tossed and turned finally succumbing to sleep, worried about the next day.

 He tossed and turned finally succumbing to sleep, worried about the next day

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This was such a long chapter, but hopefully it cleared up things. Vote and comment please.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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