XXV - sunshine and crushes

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Alex sighed as he let the Snow White owl inside his room, giving it some Knuts and carefully untying the letter attached

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Alex sighed as he let the Snow White owl inside his room, giving it some Knuts and carefully untying the letter attached. He smiled as he saw Hermione's name once again and pulled out the chair as he started reading the letter.

Dear A.M.W,

I know you said you'd be at Hogwarts this year and I know that you are either in my year or older because they disabled the pen pal method now. The question is, who are you ?

There was no one older than the first years who were sorted today evening, which means that you either had a private sorting or were already sorted into your house. I swear I will figure out who you are one day. Not much happened today, except the whole Goblet Of Fire introduction during the feast. The train ride over here was interesting, a boy I've never seen in school, stood up for me against Malfoy.

It was pretty amazing, I wish you could have seen it. As for the Goblet Of Fire, I sincerely hope that Harry keeps out of trouble this year.


Hermione Granger

After completing reading the letter, Alex smirked. The cute girl he had seen had been Granger, but he knew he couldn't let her get too close to himself, so he decided not to write a reply. The closer one got, the more they had the power to hurt him. His mind shifted back to his schedule and how soon everyone would know that he belonged to a different house because of his black and silver tie and him not being in any dorm. "Well, I might as well have fun while this all lasts." thought Alex as he pulled out a muggle named Romeo and Juliet and began reading.

The next morning Alex woke up in an uncomfortable position, he was scrunched up into a ball on the comfy chair next to the library and his book was on the floor beside him. He squinted his eyes open to see Merlin and Arthur arguing about how to wake him up. As soon as Arthur suggested to throw a bucket of cold water over his head, Alex got up faster than the speed of light and got dressed.

"So, I have question which I've been mulling over in my mind for quite some time now. How come I can see you guys now at Hogwarts, but couldn't when I was at my gran- excuse me sir's house. When I actually needed some company ?" Alex asked as his mind took him back to those bad memories. "Might be because you hadn't grown into your powers yet, or the place where you were staying had put bonds over your full use of magic, we had to get through those bonds when we got here too, but its considerably easier at Hogwarts" Merlin replied.

Alex made his way down to the great hall, Merlin and Arthur at his side but were only seen by him and no one else. He decided to sit with he Gryffindors, since in Ravenclaw all the girls were looking at him weirdly and Hufflepuff was just too friendly for him.

As his eyes glazed over the dining hall, he saw a girl sitting on the Slytherin table, looking like a real life princess. She had blonde hair and was wearing it loose. The green and silver tie, complemented her dark robes and was tied neatly, unlike his which was hanging loosely around his neck. She seemed to be a ray of sunshine at the Slytherin table laughing and smiling as she talked avidly to the dark skinned boy sitting beside her. He tightened his grip on his glass as he saw her laughing at the boys jokes, he wanted to be the one to make her laugh.

"Calm down Wyllt, he's just her best friend." ghost Arthur whispered in his ear and turned to sit beside him. "Someone has a crush. C-R-U-S-H" laughed Arthur. "I'm so happy you're finally behaving like a normal teenager, now go up and talk to her." Arthur continued. Alex thought over what Arthur just said, his gaze still fixed on her. He didn't want to act like a normal teenager, he wasn't a normal teenager, but maybe.

He was pulled out his thoughts when he heard chatter around him. Running a hand through his hair, he looked beside him to see none other than Hermione Granger talking to famous Potter and the red head, he saw on the train. He quickly got up and walked out of the great hall, it had been a blessing he noticed her when he did, or she would've figured it out all too soon. He looked down at his schedule to see his first class was Potions with the Gryffindors and Slytherins. At least I'll get to see the cute girl, he thought as he made his way to the dungeons.

Hope you guys liked the chapter

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Hope you guys liked the chapter. Thanks so much for the constant support and reading these and commenting on this stuff, honestly feels unreal crossing 3k !

Thanks a lot.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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