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As most of Hogwarts went to sleep that night, 4 kids in 4 different towers lay awake for 4 different reasons

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As most of Hogwarts went to sleep that night, 4 kids in 4 different towers lay awake for 4 different reasons.

Alex Black was awake trying to practice his spell to switch the twins identity.

Zeno Greengrass was awake trying not to let her fathers letter get to her. She didn't want to join the dark side, no matter what her family said. 

Cassius Adler was awake because he was hungry, not his fault that the Hufflepuff dorm room was always filled with the aroma of cookies.

Estelle Rossi, perhaps had the most convincing reason of them all, she was awake reading about the story of Merlin. She knew something was off with Alex as soon as he stepped into the great hall, and she was determined to find it out.

The next morning, Ron and Harry shook Al violently, trying to wake him up. Alex woke up with a start, and quickly pulled on his uniform, racing after his two dorm mates. He showed up in the Great Hall, with his hair disheveled and his shirt untucked. Smirking at the small gathering of fangirls that had gathered, Al strutted his way upto the only two people he could call his friends. Even though they seemed to be in a deep conversation, Alex did not mind. His hand was in pocket clutching the vial that would help make the twins sound like squeaky birds for the rest of the day.

He had decided that switching souls would be less amusing, and the spell was way too complicated for him. He sneakily made his way near the twins, seeing as they engrossed in conversation with Lee, he poured the potion into the two glasses of orange juice, grinning widely and ran away to his own seat. While sitting, his mind drifted of to the hufflepuff's offer. He thought it was strange, a hufflepuff asking for revenge, but as his eyes glazed over the Great Hall, Alex realized that Cassius was the only person who had offered him friendship, except his dorm mates, even after knowing his last name.

He made his way over to Cassius, telling him he had accepted his offer and asking him where Estelle was. It was, after all the duo who offered to help him. While doing so, he let his eyes wander across the room, settling on the twins who had just finished their orange juices. "Any minute now" Alex whispered under his breath, watching them with utmost attention. Soon a loud squeak was heard and Alex burst out laughing. HIs potion had worked !

Whispers and giggles  ran through the great hall as Alex smirked at Cassius, with his head held up high and screamed "Have fun getting back your voices" and ran out of the hall, grabbing  an apple with him.

Whispers and giggles  ran through the great hall as Alex smirked at Cassius, with his head held up high and screamed "Have fun getting back your voices" and ran out of the hall, grabbing  an apple with him

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