IX- Letters and Revenge

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Shoutout to @Flew_From_Death and  @MyraElizabethDiaz  for voting for the previous chapters

"Oyee, Black is it ?" a hazel eyed boy ran up to Alex as he was on his way to the Gryffindor common room

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"Oyee, Black is it ?" a hazel eyed boy ran up to Alex as he was on his way to the Gryffindor common room. Eyeing the yellow and black tie adorning the boy, Al decided to wait up for the Hufflepuff. "Whatcha want Huffie ?" Al asked as his mind was still on the letter he had to write to his mum.

"I'm Adler, Cassius Adler. Want help getting revenge over the twins ?" I've been in this school for almost two years, it's safe to say I know some secret passages to places." Cassius said finally catching up to Alex.

"Can I get back to you by tomorrow ? I've just got some stuff to do today and I'm sure my mind's not in the right headspace because I just heard a Hufflepuff asking for revenge."  Alex said sighing and rubbing his forehead. Cassius grinned. "Not all of us live up to our houses reputation Alex, and surely not me. You can tell me by tomorrow, just know it's a package deal, if you say yes to me, you also say yes to the Ravenclaw beauty, Estelle."

Alex nodded and went to his own common room. It was only the first day, still he had so much work to do, and he wasn't even talking about the homework. Al sat on the corner table of the common room, his desk was covered with parchment and books, none of them even related to his homework. 

I honestly can't read anymore, I can't understand a single thing. Maybe taking a 5th years book, wasn't the smartest thing. Al thought as he went to give the books back to Oliver Wood. Let's just write to mum and ask the Huffie for help. He seemed cool, thought Al as he ran up the stairs to his dorm. 

(Alex wrote the given letters in his dorm')

Dear Mum,

School is awesome, I already feel as if I know everything. I need to confirm some things with you about grandma and grandpa though. I'll be coming home for Christmas, do you think they'll be up for a visit ? How are you, hope you don't miss your favorite and only son. 


Alex Black

Letter 2

Dear Moony,

Hogwarts is honestly so amazing, nothing you said matches up to it. Classes are going good and I got sorted into Gryffindor, just like you and father. I also made some friends, the 'boy who lived' Harry Potter is my dorm mate, everyone treats him like a celebrity, but honestly, I feel like the kid just needs some friends. On other news, someone has already started an "I love Alex Black" club so I don't know how to think about that. How's your furry little problem ? Enclosed is some chocolate, I hope you come visit mum and me for Christmas. Stay fit and well uncle Moony, until next time.


Alex Black

"Hey Alex, noticed you sitting next to the know it all during potions, bad luck mate. If you would've came earlier you could've sat next to Neville, he's a little rusty but atleast he doesn't criticize your every move." ranted Ron as he came into the dorm behind a silent Harry.

I know it's a short chapter and I'm really sorry, but I've got a huge exam tomorrow and I have also caught the flu, or maybe Covid, who knows

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I know it's a short chapter and I'm really sorry, but I've got a huge exam tomorrow and I have also caught the flu, or maybe Covid, who knows. Hope you guys are well, there's an awesome revelation coming up so stay tuned.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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