VI -Chaos On the Train

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Al smirked as he got on the train

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Al smirked as he got on the train. In his pocket was a single Dung-bomb, he had 2 choices. Either he could throw it into a train compartment and run away from there, or he could just prank some unsuspecting older years trunks and put his dung-bomb there. The second plan seems good, besides it will have a lasting effect he smiled as he followed two red-heads to their cabin, tuning into the conversation at random times only hear things about a Tarantula named Lee.

Al's grin grew even wider when he saw the two similar looking boys leave the train compartment muttering something about Harry Potter and ickle Ronnickins. Seeing that the boy with the tarantula- Lee was busy trying to coax his pet out of the cage, Al quickly and quietly slipped inside the compartment and somehow opened one of their trunks and put the dung-bomb inside it. As soon as Al was about to get up from under the seat, the twins came back grinning widely as Lee finally had the tarantula out of the cage.

That's how Alex spent his first ride to Hogwarts. In a cramped space between two trunks trying not to get seen or heard as his stomach grumbled. Finally as they were about to reach Hogwarts the occupants decided that it was time to change into their robes. As soon as the twins and Lee went out to change, Al quickly got up from his place, stretched a little and found an almost empty compartment with a soft spoken girl in it. Thankfully the girl didn't ask any questions or engage in any conversation, just giving a curteous nod of her head to acknowledge his being.

Alex quickly changed into his robes and stepped out of the train, only to find a large man yelling "First yrs over here !!" Al quickly followed him and sat in a boat all by himself, only to find a young girl with bushy hair, trying to step in. Being the gentleman his mum trained him to be, Alex quickly got up and helped the girl in. Doing the same for the other two similar looking girls to follow.

Through the moonlit night sky, Alex Black saw his first glimpse of Hogwarts. Ancient looking but well kept. It seemed something was calling to him from inside the walls and he couldn't wait to find out. The bushy haired girl kept on rambling on how much she had studied and read about Hogwarts and Alex couldn't help but mentally sigh.

As  the whole group of first years assembled in the great hall, he saw a blond haired boy trying to make friends with the famous Harry Potter by making fun of the people standing near them. Little whispers here and there could be heard but they all came to a still when they saw a tall, well poised woman appear in front of them, telling them all about the sorting. Alex hoped to be in Gryffindor, even though he hated the fact his father was in it. He hated that he had to call Sirius his father. The man that let anger get the better of him. The man that left his wife and son alone. Alex couldn't stand his father but he still wanted a glimpse of what his life was like.

He didn't have to wait long as his name was called,

"Black, Alex"

Everyone in the great hall whispered. A Black ? in Hogwarts ? Who was he ??

Alex feeling hundreds of eyes on him, walked up and sat on the stool, the hat placed above his head.

"A Black, ehh ? Haven't seen one like you in a very long time....You would do good in Slytherin Black, your ambitious and determined nature makes sure of that. Moreover , the house would love to have a pureblood like you.... But then again you value bravery don't you ? Just like that father of yours...Better be....GRYFFINDOR !"

The Gryffindor table burst into applause as Alex slowly walked towards them, taking his seat near a timid looking boy and a red head who was wearing the prefect badge. Alex zoned out a bit after that. What did the sorting hat mean ? A pureblood like him ? Surely his mum was a muggle  ?

Snapping out of his daze he turned to see what the commotion was all about and of course it Harry Potters turn, the boy who lived. It took some time like Al's had but soon the hat yelled Gryffindor. Al heard the two similar twins yelling "WE GOT POTTER ! WE GOT POTTER !" while the rest of the table burst into applause.

Al could only grin widely thinking about the prank he had pulled on them. Soon Alex was pulled from his little world when the prefect and the bushy haired girl started talking about subjects they were interested in and their life goals. At this moment Al took a moment to study the boy who lived from afar. The boy was eating like he had never been given enough food and his scar was hid from public display by his hair. His eyes lingered on the boy for a bit but then went back to the conversation with the prefect.

As soon as Al reached his dormitory he plopped on the bed sighing. He needed to explore the castle and see what was it that was calling out to him. He found out that he was sharing a room with Harry Potter and another red head called Ron Weasley. He was starting to talk to them when he decided that he would introduce himself later and went to sleep in a bed by the window, with the sole purpose of annoying the red head who wanted that bed.

 He was starting to talk to them when he decided that he would introduce himself later and went to sleep in a bed by the window, with the sole purpose of annoying the red head who wanted that bed

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Aight Guys, that's it. Hope you liked the chapter, it's almost a thousand words. Comment and star please, helps to boost my confidence lol.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster 

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