VII- Pranks, Breakfast and First Day

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Waking up at 4 in the morning to screams was something Alex had not expected at all

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Waking up at 4 in the morning to screams was something Alex had not expected at all. But as he and his roommates went out to discover the source of noise in the boys dormitory they realized that the noise was coming from the 3rd years boys room.

Al knew that his prank was finally successful and ran into their room followed by Harry and Ron. He burst out laughing as the whole room stinked of dungbombs.  The two similar looking red-heads appeared at both his sides, they didn't seem angry though. 

"It seems, Fred.....we have  found our legacy" George said coming up to one side of the young Black. "Alas ! We won't have to leave Hogwarts in the hands of ickle Ronnikins" Fred said wiping imaginary tears from his eyes and came up onto the other side of Alex.

"But first we have to see if he's any good or if that was just luck" George said putting one hand on Al's shoulder. "PRANK WARS !" Fred and George shouted together and pushed Alex out of the room. 

Alex  finally got ready and walked into the great hall. His stomach grumbling, his hair untamed and his tie nowhere to be found. Even though the boy was only 11 and was looking as if had just rolled out of bed, one could see girls already fawning over him. He sent a smirk in the girls direction and moved on to sit beside his dorm-mates Harry and Ron.

Since they both seemed to be lost in a conversation of there own world, Alex moved his eyes to the professors table, frowning on not seeing McGonagall there. He moved his sight to the Ravenclaw table and sighed as he saw the girls looking back at him. His line of sight disrupted when McGonagall stood in front of him.

"Mr. Black ! What do you think you're doing ? showing upto breakfast in clothes like that ? Gryffindor s the house of noble and chivalrous, I will not let you ruin its reputation." she shrieked. Alex just gave her one of his signature smirks and started speaking "Minnie ! just the person I was looking for ! It seems that someone has stolen my tie ! I also need to talk to you about something the sorting hat said yesterday" he started in a joking matter but ended in a serious voice.

 McGonagall had a clue what he was talking about and knew it was a serious matter as she looked at him sternly and said "You will refer to me as Professor, Mr. Black. You now have detention, come to my office after lunch and I'll give you more details." as she handed him and his dorm mates there time tables for the year.

Al quickly shoved down his breakfast, an apple with a pancake and then he ran to his first class which was supposed to start in 10 minutes. Needless to say Alex would turn up very late, with his hair somehow blue instead of the trademark black.

 Needless to say Alex would turn up very late, with his hair somehow blue instead of the trademark black

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Hey Guys,

Sorry for the late update, life has just been shitty. I'm gonna try and update more. Please comment on here if you like the book. Sorry for the short chapter.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster

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