XXII - Hogwarts Express

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Alex woke up with a pounding head ache, letting his magic loose had to have to some repercussions

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Alex woke up with a pounding head ache, letting his magic loose had to have to some repercussions. He sighed as he looked around the mess in his room, waving his hand, making everything go back to its original place. Deciding on getting some coffee, Alex opened the door to make his way downstairs only to see Remus sitting there. "WHAT THE F-" Al shouted pulling Remus out from his deep train of thoughts.

Remus quickly got up running his eyes over the young boy. "Are you okay Alex ?" his eyes screaming with worry and care. Alex though touched by his actions, knew not to get close to anyone after what happened the last time. "Quite alright, Mr. Lupin. You better get back to your work." said Alex composing himself and making his way downstairs not giving a second glance to the father like figure behind him.

"Good Morning, Mr. Black, I take it that you will be leaving today ? considering you've only payed to board here till September 1 ?" asked Tom, the bartender while serving Alex the breakfast. "Goodness Tom, is it that already? what's the time, I'd better get going." replied Alex quickly finishing off a piece of bread, to look at the clock telling him it was 10: 30 in the morning. He thanked Tom for the breakfast and made his way back to his room, to get his trunk and apparate to the train station.

Alex sighed as he reached platform 9 3/4 quarters. He would never be able to get used to apparating no matter how much he tried. As he boarded the express, chatter surrounded him, plenty of girls and some boys looked at him as if he was something in a zoo. He heard a blonde boy talking about his father, wanting to send him to Durmstrang. He went a bit further to find a compartment with only three kids sitting in it, including his father's favorite Mr. Potter.

Sliding the door open, he sat in an open seat beside the window, not paying much attention to the eyes staring at him, he opened the muggle novel, Hermione's favorite and started to read, although most of his attention was on the conversation of the trio. Alex laughed silently, the girl sounded an awful lot like the one in his letters, and he couldn't help but compare them in his mind.

The compartment door slid open and there stood the blonde boy he had seen earlier. After making fun of Weasley and his dress robes, his eyes slid to the new addition in the compartment, as he strut his way towards Alex.  "Well, looks like you're new here, found yourself a mudblood boyfriend Granger ?" he laughed. Al sighed, he didn't want to blow his cover so early, but there was nothing else he could do. Surely not let the sweet girl over there take this humiliation. He stood up, towering over Malfoy as he replied "Get out you slimy git. Unbelievable. Can't even tell the difference between a muggle born and a lord can you ?" he laughed as he pushed Draco out of the compartment and went back to his seat.

Ignoring the three pairs of eyes staring at him, Al performed a simple spell, to make Weasley's dress robes look a little modern, and said "You'll have to get the house elves to wash it red head. Can't get the smell out of them." walking back to his seat and pulling out his novel like nothing happened. He narrowed his eyes at the thick rainfall and prayed to merlin that it would get over before they had to get down from the train.

The rainfall worsened as they made their way to the great hall. He smirked as he saw peeves troubling McGonagall. Atleast something was still the same as before. "Finally joining us this year, are you Mr. Black ?" McGonagall asked, looking at the boy, their last conversation still fresh in her mind. "It's Wyllt now professor." leaving the unanswered question hanging in the air. "Too bad, Mr. Wyllt, kindly make your way to the headmaster's office after dinner, where your re-sorting will be done. For now you can sit at the Hufflepuff table." replied McGonagall, rallying the first years for their own sorting.

" replied McGonagall, rallying the first years for their own sorting

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Alex : Black's sonWhere stories live. Discover now