V- Dinner and September 1

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Remus stood outside a dainty house as he knocked on the door, a small bar of chocolate in his hands

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Remus stood outside a dainty house as he knocked on the door, a small bar of chocolate in his hands. It was weird how nervous he was. 

Inside the house Ella was running wild, trying to make the house as neat as possible. When she was with Sirius, he had told her her his parents were very uptight people, so she assumed that his friend- Remus would be rich and snobby too. She finally opened the door, to find an awkward Remus standing there, with scars on his face and a bar of chocolate in his hand.

"Hi, I'm Remus" he stuttered out, and with that one line Ella knew, that Remus would be the most kind hearted person she could ever meet. She invited Remus inside. He stood in shock when he saw Al in the doorway, it was like looking at an 11 year old Sirius Black, the only thing different about him, was the shape of his nose, which he got from his mother. 

"Uhh, Mr. Lupin, are you alright ?" asked a genuinely concerned Al as he stood in the middle of the hallway with a plate of green beans in his hands. "If it's about the beans, I'm sure mum can whip something else up" he told Remus. "No, no Green beans are quite alright Alex, it's just that I was shocked, you've grown up quite a bit" as he followed Alex into the dining room.

An awkward silence ensued the room as the three of them sat at the table, eating supper. Alex tried to strike up conversation, "So, Mr. Lupin how did you know my father ? were you two good friends or just acquaintances...?" he was cut off as Remus laughed .

"You can call me Remus Al. As for Sirius and me, we were more than just friends, we were brothers, he did more for me than you could ever imagine but..." he stopped abruptly, not wanting to tell Al, that his father was a traitor. Al seemingly noticed this abrupt stop and knew in the back of his mind that it was because he thought that Sirius was a traitor.

"Uhh Mr. Lup....Remus there's something we need to tell you. When I went to Gringotts, to get wizard money for my books and wand, there was a letter I saw, and a locket. The letter told me to tell you, that it wasn't my father, my father wasn't the traitor Remus, it was Peter Pettigrew. They both switched, because they thought my father was the obvious choice!...."he stopped when he saw Remus getting up from the table in a calming but asserting manner.

"Alex, I came to your house because you are and always will be my nephew from all other than blood. I'll help you any way I can, but do not expect me to believe obvious lies. I'm only going to continue this dinner if you agree not to talk about your fath...Sirius. Otherwise I am going to walk out of that door and never look back again." 

Although Alex said sorry and they continued dinner while Alex told them about the spells he had mastered himself, Remus couldn't help but sense a strong magical aura around the boy. Never had he in his lifetime sensed such a strong aura especially around a child from a half-blood family.  Dinner ended with Remus promising Alex that he would escort him to the train station since his mom couldn't. 

Lastly September 1 came around and Alex and Ella spent the last of their minutes together knowing it would be a long time till they would meet again. Remus came to pick up Al and see him off at the station. The car ride there was filled with games for their uncle-nephew bonding. 

When Alex first looked at the train, his first thought was WOW, and then his second thought was FUCK! I shouldn't mess this up. It was safe to say that Al would mess it up.

 It was safe to say that Al would mess it up

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