IV- Remus Lupin

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Tired from last night, Remus was surprised to find a black colored owl sitting patiently on his windowsill

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Tired from last night, Remus was surprised to find a black colored owl sitting patiently on his windowsill. Not many people wrote to him, the last he had had was from Dumbledore wanting him to teach at Hogwarts. He had of course declined, how could he a werewolf, possibly teach at a place like Hogwarts ?

Going to the owl, Remus easily untied the letter attached to it and sent it away. His mouth widened in shock as he read the letter, he couldn't believe it ! It surely had to be a joke, there's no way Sirius did not tell little Al or even Ellla about magic. He remembered the day Sirius had burst onto his house, eyes shining and a smiling widely. Little Al had shown his 1st display of magic. 

Remus was happy for Al, the boy he considered as his own son even though he had not seen him. Sirius had yet to tell Ella about the existence of magic, his friends and all of the magic world. Remus hadn't met anyone in Sirius's family, but knew them well through the way Sirius talked about them. Remus's eyes glistened with tears as he read the letter, the boy had invited him to dinner, he wanted to talk about his father, he wanted to tell Remus something and wanted to know more about the world of magic.

Remus quickly wrote a letter back, overjoyed on hearing from him. He replied in the affirmative, excited to meet his nephew by all other than blood. It was no doubt that talking about Sirius was going to be hard, because he had betrayed James and Lily, and at a further point in the day Remus also regretted his decision of saying yes to the invite, not wanting to meet the son of a traitor, more importantly not wanting to tell Al, that Sirius, his father was a traitor.

As the day passed on Al grew more and more impatient, he had already read all his books, except the potions textbook, he did not want to study something like Chemistry when he had the option to learn a new language or perform a spell.

As the day passed on Al grew more and more impatient, he had already read all his books, except the potions textbook, he did not want to study something like Chemistry when he had the option to learn a new language or perform a spell

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 I know it's small, but I have 3 exams the next week, and I really need to study. Thanks and hope you liked it.

Signing off,

The Scorpion Prankster 

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