XV - Training Part 1

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"ALEXANDER MYRDDIN WYLTT, Wake up !" Al's grandfather shouted

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"ALEXANDER MYRDDIN WYLTT, Wake up !" Al's grandfather shouted. Alex groaned as he got up, the hard bed making every bone his body pain. He looked at the small clock on the desk to see it was only 4 a.m. What the hell did he want?

As memories of last night came rushing back to Alex, he sat up and walked to the bathroom to splash some water on his face. By the time he got out of the room his grandfather was on the door, seemingly seething with anger "When I ask you to wake up boy. It means come right out of the door. If you want to behave like a little girl and do your morning routine stuff, you better wake up earlier than me."

Alex struggled to keep up with his grandfather's brisk pace as he continued to drone on "Also, you will no longer go by that murderer's last name. Be proud of who you are. Your name is now legally changed to Alexander Myrddin Wyltt. The name merlin gave us" he boasted proudly. As he turned back to ask Alex something he saw the boy still struggling to walk up the long staircase. "Boy, you better hurry up. You would hate to be punished on your first day, wouldn't you ?" he smirked as Alex seemed to get back to his senses, practically running all the way up there. "Good, now time for some rules. I hope that eidetic memory of yours is able to keep up. One. You will never refer to me as your grandfather. Always Sir, and if someone from the ministry visits, just then you will call me" he hesitated "grandpa. I hate that name. But desperate times call for desperate measures." smirking he continued "Two. Your grandmother wants to have a good relationship with you. God knows why. Still, you will treat her with respect. Always. Three. Never complain or enquire about what I tell you to do. Learn to shut up and follow my instructions. Four. No emotions. The second I see you have emotions, the training is off. I don't care about the bond. Five. Never contact anyone. I know you tried to contact that bastard father of yours last night. Don't do it" he practically growled the last part.

He grinned as Alex whimpered. "Now that we've got that out of the way. Let's start with some physical exercise and then move onto magic. I'll give you your schedule by tonight. What are you staring at me for boy ? Start with push ups !" he yelled as Alex got on his knees to do push ups.

The most he could do one after the other was 5. He was exhausted but his grandfather did not care. "I should've expected less from you, you worthless idiot." he laughed "Do 10 more. Back to back" he shouted once again kicking Al's resting body of the floor. Alex was already in tears. His breath ragged and short, he was pretty sure a bruise was already forming where "sir" had kicked him. "No emotions" his grandfather growled and kicked him once again. Alex started once again as his grandfather continued speaking. "Good, now keep doing the push ups but listen to me. We do physical training from 5 to 8 in the morning. 8 to 9 you can have breakfast and help your grandmother. From 9 we start your magical training. 9 to 2 will be your magical training. You have much to learn considering that Hogwarts is very behind in teaching kids. 2 to 3 you will have lunch and spend time with your grandmother. 3 to 5 will be grooming and etiquette skills. You are a pureblood. You behave like one" he stopped in the middle looking at Alex who was on his 2nd last pushup. "From 5 to 7, your grandmother will be teaching you about our family history. It is the mark of the well educated. 7 to 9 you will be with me, and we will find out what your powers are. Every descendant has a special one. 9 to 10 dinner. and then off to sleep" he finished to see Alex laying on the floor, having finally completed his pushups. 

"Okay. Now, lets test your speed. Come with me" he said and led Alex to the large garden his mansion was built on. This strip of land is 150 meters. Start running." he told Alex and watched him struggle for a bit. "Run boy. You would not want punishment, would you?" his grandfather threatened, watching him flinch away from him and start running. He smirked and turned a gnome into a chair for himself. "Good, now lets keep talking. Last night, a man named Remus Lupin owled you. He said that it was okay to take care of family problems and that he would be at your house today. You will write him an owl, telling him there's no need for you to meet him. Some half-blood named Cassius Adler owled too. I know his father. No respect for the wizarding world traditions. I want you to stay away from him." he growled, watching Alex run through the garden. 

Alex was wheezing, his heart burning and ribs paining. He did not even notice the tears which had begun to flow freely, only focusing on his grandfathers voice and the patch of land ahead of him. Finally, huffing and puffing, Alex completed his run. 

"Don't cry boy. Men don't show emotions. Especially not the ones as powerful as us." Al's grandfather told him as they made their way inside the house. "I got to know it was your 12th birthday yesterday. You made a good decision coming to me boy. Do not expect me to hold you and tell you everything will be fine. Do not expect me to behave like a grandfather. I'm always going to be your master. This watch-" he gestured to a watch on his table "This watch belonged to your bastard father Sirius. The only good thing you got from him, was his pure blood. If you do good at the end of this year, the watch will be your reward."

Al looked at the watch in amazement. It was clear that the watch was goblin made, the precision and cleanness of the cuts confirmed that to Alex. "It is already 7. These two exercises should not take so much time in the future. Considering you are only 12, some other, more strenuous exercises are reserved for the next 2 years. Now do 15 chin-ups on the bar, and then we'll do some meditation, for you do not have patience." he told Alex seeing him fidgeting his fingers.

After being done with physical training, his grandfather allowed Alex to take a shower, considering he smelt and it was the first time he  was meeting his grandmother.


"Good morning Miss. I'm Alexander Bl- Wyltt. Your grandson. Sir said you wanted to see me ?" Alex finished, slightly amazed at the similarities between his grandmother and mother. "Good, he taught you well boy. Now, I don't care what he said. Call me grandma when we both are alone, and show me that bruise. I have some lotion to help." she finished with a kind smile.

" she finished with a kind smile

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Sooo, that happened. Just  for full disclosure though, I do not support anything Al's grandfather said  about men and their emotions. Fully  in support of everyone being able to show their emotions. Picture in the start was the place where they did meditation and stuff. Thanks for reading, Vote and comment !

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