Part 5

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"So you're telling me that you met up with Colby and her hot friend yesterday?"
"I never said Dani was hot."
Nia rolled her eyes, "You don't have to, J. I can tell you think she is."
"Colby looked damn good. And I hate that she did."
"Yeah. I hate that she did too. Now we are going to go back down the Colby Jackson road." Nia raised an eyebrow at me.

Nia Grady. My best friend since 8th grade- and still to this day at the age of 22. Nia is one of the most honest- sometimes brutally honest- but also the most loyal person I know.
Nia is a great listener. She always has been. She can read people like a book too.
Nia had a baby- her daughter, Isabella, when she was 18 with her ex boyfriend, Joey. We were seniors in high school, and she gave birth right after we graduated. She said she knew I was the most loyal friend she ever had because there were people she had in her circle that dropped her when she got pregnant- and especially after she had Isabella.
Isabella is my goddaughter. She is the sweetest little girl. And Nia is still my best friend. Is Nia often busy? Sure. Can she sometimes not answer right away? Of course. But the bond we have the friendship we have grown over the years- I wouldn't trade for anything.

I had work that night, but Nia asked me if I wanted to grab lunch. Nia is a nurse- she has her practical nursing degree- and is going for her RN. She works three days a week, and she had off on Thursday. Normally, my anxiety would have prevented me from doing something before working. But Nia always calmed me down.

We had gotten smoothies and wraps at a local place, Greenery.
"If I do go back down the Colby Jackson road, it'll be different this time." I said, taking a sip of my green smoothie.
Nia shook her head slightly. She looked very natural today- she had on no makeup- not that she needed any. Nia has the most gorgeous dark skin. I don't think I've ever seen her get acne. Her hair, which she washes and straightens once a week, was in a low braid with a pink headband in it. She had on a zip up hoodie and yoga pants. "It better be. Not that I wouldn't be there to pick up the pieces again, but I don't want there to be any pieces to pick up."
"There won't be. I won't let her hurt me again." I said .
"I understand. She was kind of like the one who got away in a sense. You never got real answers. And it was two years ago. She could be more mature. I'm against it...but not fully against it." Nia chuckled.
"I'll let you know how it goes after this weekend." I said.
"What's this weekend?"
"I'm going to hangout with Colby. Alone."
"Lets hope the sex is as good as it was. Make it worth your while." Nia laughed.
"I will not fuck her this weekend!"
"Whatever you say." Nia rolled her eyes and smiled.

I hated that I found myself trying to look nicer for work now that I knew Colby was there. She had texted me asking if I was working tonight. I said I was- and she said she would see me there.

As I was about to leave, I saw I had a text from Dani. We had been texting since the day before on and off. She texted me wishing me luck on my second day.
I texted her back saying: Thanks :) I'll keep Colby in line
I found myself wanting to hangout with Dani again as well. Talk to her. Get to know her more.

My training days were going to be for 4 hours at a time until I was on my own. So, once again, I was 4 PM- 8 PM.
I arrived at work- slightly giddy to see Colby- and started setting the tables with Hannah. At one point, Aldo, the manager, needed her help in the back office.
"Will you be okay for a moment finishing up this table?" Hannah asked me.
"I will be." I nodded.
"Okay. I'll be right back."
I set out a few more utensils when I heard a voice say behind me, "How are you liking it here so far?"
I turned around. It was Erin, who was a server with her twin, Vanessa- who wasn't working this particular night.
"I like it so far. I like that it's family owned." I gave her a small smile.
"Much better than a corporate place, huh?" she said.
"Did you work at a corporate place too?" I asked her.
"I did. I worked at Denny's." she said, and then asked me, " know Colby pretty well?"
I paused for a moment and then looked at her, "Yeah...I guess you could say that. I hadn't seen her for a while."
"She probably wouldn't want me to say anything- but I know she's pretty happy that you're working here." Erin grinned at me.
I tried to not smile. "Good to know." I said, not wanting to give away too much emotion.
As Erin started to walk away, I saw Colby looking at us from across the room. I could tell she was trying to decipher what we had been saying. I caught her eye and she raised her eyebrows at me.

Hannah had me doing more this shift- putting orders in the computer, helping bus tables, talk to tables more. While I was very used to doing all of this- it did make me feel a bit on edge. I was really doing this again. Serving.
At one point a table asked if we had ranch dressing. For their salad that usually came with a homemade vinaigrette.
As we walked away I saw an emotion that was not happiness and positivity on Hannah- it was annoyance.
She rolled her eyes, "Did they seriously ask for ranch with their salad? It comes with such a delicious house made dressing."
"I don't get it either." I said.
"If you don't mind- toward the back of the walk in fridge, we keep small containers of ranch and honey mustard dressing. For the people with weird taste. Can you grab it and meet me back at our server station?" she asked me.
"Sure. And just so I won't forget, it's toward the back of the walk in?" I asked her.
"Yep! If you need help finding it just ask someone in the kitchen." Hannah said.

I walked off toward the walk in. I knew it would be pretty cold, so I braced myself as I walked in.
And of course- I was having trouble finding the dressing. The walk in was so packed with food.
I was standing there for a moment, getting goosebumps when I heard the door to the walk in open.
"Need help in here?"
I turned around and looked at her. "I'm trying to find ranch dressing." I said.
Colby made a face, "Hannah is too nice. I'd tell that table we don't have it. But here- it's a bit higher up, probably why you were having trouble finding it."
Colby reached up to a higher up rack on a cart pushed against the wall. She then handed me a small, plastic container of ranch dressing.
"Thanks." I smiled at her, "I would've froze my ass off in here."
"Well, glad I just so happened to need to come in here as well." she grabbed a bag of lemons, "We need more for water."
"What a coincidence." I said, standing next to her. I could once again feel the tension growing between us.
She looked at me, "What was Erin saying about me earlier to you?"
"How did you know she was talking about you?" I asked Colby, looking back at her.
"I could see you both looking at me. You especially." she said, with a slight smile.
I could feel myself blushing, "She told me you were happy I work here."
Colby chuckled, "There goes Erin, blowing my cover."
"Are you happy that I'm working here?" I looked at Colby.
She gazed in my direction. "Yes. I am. It gives me a second chance with you. To make up for everything in the past."

I could feel butterflies forming in my stomach. I never thought I would hear those words come out of Colby's mouth. Did I daydream about it a couple of years ago when I was broken? Sure. But I never thought it would actually come to fruition.
I didn't even know how to react. All I could do was keep looking at her.

"I'm looking forward to this weekend with you." she said, "We can talk things through."
"I'd like that." I said, "Very much."
"I thought about you a lot." Colby said.
She did?
Before I could say anything, I heard a voice yell, "Colby, where are those lemons?"
"Coming!" she yelled back, and then smiled at me before leaving the walk in.

I thought for so long about getting another chance with Colby. Seeing her again. Talking to her again. I never actually thought it would happen. But I sure as hell was going to take this chance while I had it.

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