Part 29

308 29 18

"Are we going to talk about last night?" 

At 10 AM I woke up to a text saying that from Colby. 

After our fight, Nia and I took a Lyft back to my house, and Dani drove her, Chloe, and Colby home. I could not even take the thought of being in the same car as Colby, even for 20 minutes. 

I knew I wasn't going to get a text from Colby that night. I did get one from Dani, asking if Nia and I got home okay. I told her yes- and thank you for helping me. 

Nia and I rehashed the night for a bit when we got back to my house, but eventually I fell asleep. I did not realize how absolutely exhausted I was.

Nia was still asleep when I read the text from Colby. 

I texted her back a few minutes later saying: Yes, of course. When? 

I was still really angry. Angry that Colby gave me no answers as to why she didn't contact me at all, but talked to her mom. Angry that she didn't seem to understand. Just pure angry at her. 

I wanted to have a calm conversation though and actually work through it- not just at each other. 

Colby texted me back: Let's take a walk in the park. At 1? 

I texted back: That works. I'll meet you there. 

It felt so weird texting Colby, and not all sweet and loving how we usually do. 

Nia left my house at 11 to go pick up Isabella from her father's house, and I went downstairs to grab some cereal for breakfast. I wanted something quick and easy. 

Charlotte was in the kitchen. It looked like she was meal prepping her lunches for the week. 

"Hey! How was last night?" she asked me, perking up when she saw me. 

"Good, until a certain point." I said. 

"Oh no." Charlotte's face dropped, "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Not really. Not now, at least. I just want to grab some cereal, I am meeting Colby at the park at 1." 

"Does it have to do with Colby, why you didn't have a good night?" 

I simply nodded. 

I threw on a light hoodie and black jean shorts to go for a walk. The curls in my hair had fallen a bit since last night, so it looked like beachy waves. My hair had gotten really long- I needed a trim.

I was nervous on my way to the park. And it felt so weird being nervous to see my girlfriend. 

Thoughts kept running through my mind- but the main one was, "Is this the end?" 

I sure as hell didn't want it to be the end. 

I spotted Colby's car already there as I pulled into the parking lot. She must've saw me pull in, because she got out of her car. I noticed she was holding a full cup of iced coffee from Starbucks. 

I walked over to her, and we made eye contact. 

She handed me the Starbucks cup when I stood in front of her. 

"Vanilla Cold Brew." she said, "It's kind of a peace offering." 

I couldn't help but slightly smile. "Thanks. I appreciate it." I said. 

"Let's walk." Colby said, and we started walking for a bit, not saying anything at first, which was driving me nuts. 

Eventually, Colby spoke, "I'm sorry." she said, "I'm really sorry, Jane." 

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