Part 13

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I was becoming friends with Courtney, the main host at Fiore. She was 19, so three years younger than me, but I enjoyed her company. We would talk at work, and she was really down to earth and sweet. It felt nice to be making friends- first Dani, now Courtney. She didn't have work the night of Colby's surprise party, so I decided to invite her. She asked me if she could bring her sister, Serena, and I said the more the merrier.

The morning of Colby's birthday I called her and wished her a happy birthday- she said I was the first person to do so. She had no idea that she was going to be having a surprise party. She thought that later on she was going to go to Dani's, they were going to get ready to go out, and then I would be meeting them at a bar. I hoped she would be happy with the party.

Dani asked me if I wanted to come to her apartment to help get ready for it. Set out the alcohol, food, and the minimal decorations that we got. We also were going to go pick out a cake together. I was excited to see Dani's apartment- it was about 25 minutes away, and she lived by herself.
As I was about to head out, I put some food out for Calvin. Charlotte came into the kitchen as I was doing so.
"Where are you headed to?" she asked me.
"Dani's apartment. We are going to get ready for Colby's party tonight." I said.
"Oh, that's right! Tell Colby I said happy birthday." Charlotte said, "And I'm glad you seem to be getting close with Dani. She seems like a good friend."
"She is." I said, "Maybe she will come around soon and you can meet her."
"That would be nice." Charlotte smiled at me, "I hope you have fun tonight."

Dani's apartment was nice. Even nicer than I thought it was going to be. It was very sleek and modern. It was obvious that she took the time to furnish it well. It was one bedroom, one bathroom, and had a kitchen with white wood cabinets, granite counters, and a living room with gray couches and a large TV.
"Your place is impressive." I said, as we stood in her kitchen.
"Thank you, I really appreciate it." Dani grinned, "It feels nice knowing that I did this for myself."
"Does your family come around?" I asked.
"Sometimes. They live kind of far- in rural parts of Pennsylvania. My older brother has been here a couple of times. My younger sister once or twice."
"I didn't know you had two other siblings." I said.
"We are both one of four." Dani nodded, "My oldest brother, Ryan, is 28. My sister, Samantha, is twenty. She's in college. I'm honestly not super close with either of them. Mike was who I was closest with." Dani stared off at nothing in particular.
"I'm not super close with my younger sister either. She's kind of fallen into my parents religious web." I said.
"Isn't she pregnant?" Dani raised an eyebrow.
"Yep." I nodded, "Ironic, huh?"
Dani laughed, "Absolutely. Want to grab the cake? I'll drive."
"Colby better like all of this." Dani mumbled.

Colby definitely liked the party. Her twin brother and older brother came, as well as people from the restaurant that weren't working or got off work early that night. Some of her other friends that Dani knew of came as well- so there was over twenty people there. Dani and I had set out alcohol, food, and the cake.
Colby had walked into Dani's apartment, and we had it fully dimmed.
I hid behind Dani's couch, next to her. We were crouched down together.
"Dan? You here?" Colby called out.
That's when Sam, Colby's twin, flicked on the lights and we all yelled out, "SURPRISE!"
Much to my surprise, Colby came up and kissed me- in front of everyone. And it made me feel really good. I saw Dani looking at us as we kissed.

Courtney arrived with her sister, Serena, who was 23. Courtney looked very pretty, her hair was up in a ponytail so you could see it's blonde ends. She had on a pink blouse and more makeup than she usually wore at work. Her sister looked like her, except she was very blonde, and taller. And she also looked...oddly familiar. I couldn't quite place it.
Serena looked at me as well like she knew me. Her and Courtney walked over to where I was standing. I was next to Dani. Colby was making her rounds, talking to people.
I gave Courtney a hug and Dani did as well.
"This is my sister, Serena." Courtney said.
"Nice to meet you." Dani said.
"Likewise." Serena said.
And that's when I recognized her. The voice. She had a very raspy voice.
She was someone Callie was friends with. That she used and partied with. I had been around her multiple times when I was at Callie's apartment- and when she would sneak her friends into my parents house.
I feel my body go numb. I didn't want to deal with this. Not right now.

Serena looked at me. "Do you remember me?" she asked.
I nodded, "Yes. I do. How are you?" I tried my best to be courteous.
"Good...I've been sober for 8 months now." Serena said, "I-I'm so sorry about Callie."
I saw Courtney look at Serena, confused. And Dani looked at me, wide eyed.
"Thank you." I said, "I'm really glad you're sober."
"Me too." Serena said, "It's been really amazing. I really wish...Callie was able to experience it too."
I'm not talking about this. I'm not talking about this.
"Hey, Jane, I have some wings in the kitchen I want to set out. Can you help me?" Dani asked.
Thank god.
"Sure." I nodded, "I'll talk to you guys later." I forced a smile at Serena, and then walked off with Dani.
"There's no wings." she mumbled, "I just could tell you really wanted to get out of there."
"Thank you so much." I said, and as we walked I could feel a lump forming in my throat.

Thank god Dani's kitchen was empty. And closed off from the living room, where everyone was. Because I could feel tears brimming my eyes. I stood against the counter. Dani just stood in front of me, letting me have my moment.
"Fuck." I said, wiping my eyes.
"I am so sorry she is here. That this is happening. That you have to think about this right now." Dani said, taking a step closer to me. She reached out and put her hand on my right arm.
"It's okay." I said, "It's okay, I'm alright."
"Are you sure?" Dani looked at me.
"I'm sure. Just stay with me here another minute? Then we can go back out."
"Hopefully they forgot about the fact that I said I had wings." Dani said, and I couldn't help but laugh.
"You're a bad liar."
"The worst." Dani grinned at me.

"Hey, what are you guys doing in here?" Dani and I turned to see Colby standing at the entrance of the kitchen.
I sighed, "I was just upset. But I'm okay now."
"Upset? Why?" Colby walked over, concerned. Dani stepped to the side.
"Courtney's sister...was someone that Callie was friends with. She brought it up. And it just made me upset." I said.
"I am so sorry." Colby leaned over and gave me a hug. It felt good to be in her arms. Comforting.
"It's okay." I said, "Are you having a nice time?"
"I am." Colby looked at me, "It'll be even nicer if you can come over later." she winked at me.
"That's my cue to go." Dani said, "If you need anything, Jane, just let me know."
"Thank you." I smiled at her, gratefully.
I then looked back up at Colby. "I would love to come over later. Make you feel good on your birthday." I stood up on my tip toes and kissed Colby's neck.
"Keep doing that and I am going to have to take you to Dani's bedroom." Colby said.
"You wouldn't!" I laughed.
"I have before." Colby said, and then got a "Oh, fuck. Why did I say that?" look on her face. "I have...months and months ago."
"I believe you." I nodded, "All that matters is now I'm the only girl you're thinking of doing that with."
"Of. Fucking. Course." Colby said in my ear.
Her and I right here. This was all I needed.

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