Part 27

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"So there's been no word at all on if you're going to be able to see Natalie and the baby?"

Nia and I were out to lunch. It was now early May, and it was quite warm out. It was also my birthday month- May 18th, to be exact.

"Nope. I mean, I know they're okay. Charlotte has spoken to my mom once since the baby was born. She's healthy. Natalie is fine. But that's really all I know." I said.
"It's completely nuts that she got so...brainwashed by them." Nia shook her head.
"I mean, not brainwashed enough to get pregnant." I said.
"You still lived at home when she had told your parents, right?"
"Yes. I moved out shortly after. But I wasn't actually home when she told them. All I know is, my mom was much more upset that I'm gay."
"You can't pick and choose which so-called sin is okay and what is not." Nia rolled her eyes.
"Right." I said, "But enough about me. How is Isabella doing? Her birthday is coming up next month- I can't believe she will be six years old."
"Stop, don't remind me." Nia pouted, "She's great. Her father on the other hand..." Nia rolled her eyes.
"Have things gotten worse with Joey?"
Nia nodded, "They have. Speaking of brainwashing, it's like his girlfriend has just taken over. I'm pretty sure she's on something too. I absolutely hate that Isabella is around her- and him. She doesn't even want to go to his house. Granted, she is there every other weekend which isn't a lot, but she wants to stay with me."
"I'm sorry this is happening." I said, "She shouldn't have to not want to see her dad. And you shouldn't have to deal with Joey's dumbass.
"That's what I get for having him be my baby daddy." Nia grimaced, "What was I thinking?"
"I have thought that multiple times about Lauren."
"I still can't believe you saw her." Nia shook her head.
"And what about you? Are you feeling ready at all to date?" I asked Nia. Since Joey, she has not dated anyone. She was extremely focused on becoming a Nurse, and Isabella.
"Honestly- I kind of want to get myself out there again. I'm 23 years old. Isabella is in elementary school. Why not try?" Nia said.
"Any man would be lucky to date you." I smiled at Nia.
"And Colby better know how damn lucky she is to be dating you." Nia said.
"I hope!" I laughed.

The next day I had plans to get dinner with Dani and Colby. We went to a Mexican restaurant called Central Taco, which had a rooftop bar and seating, so we ate there.
"Man, are these good." Colby said, biting into her Carnitas Taco.
"Tell me about it." Dani said. She got mahi mahi tacos, and I got vegetarian.
"So, Jane, what are we doing for your birthday?" Dani asked me.
"I haven't put any thought into it. I'm turning 23, who cares." I said.
"Hey, I won't have any of that." Dani said, "We are doing something."
"Honestly, I wouldn't mind coming here." I said, "I would want Nia to come, obviously. She would love it here. A night on the rooftop bar up here with endless margaritas sounds wonderful."
"Endless margaritas, that's heavenly." Colby said.
"I'm so down." Dani said, "I'll make a reservation for us. So it'll be me, you, Colby, Nia, and...would you mind if Chloe came?"
"Not at all." I said, "She's more than welcome."
Colby looked at Dani, "Things are still going well with her?"
Dani nodded, "Very much so. I am happy with her. I feel like she brings out my silly side, considering she's really outgoing and goofy."
"She's definitely goofy." Colby mumbled muttered.
"And I know it's pretty fast. We've been together for two months, but she might move into my apartment this summer."
"What?" I said.
" in next month?" Colby said at the same time.
Dani slightly blushed, "Like I said, I know it's soon."
"Yeah, it is soon." Colby said, "Are you sure about this? You guys hardly know each other."
Dani furrowed her brow, "I feel like I know her pretty well. I love her."
"Whatever you say, dude." Colby said.
Dani looked disappointed. And I didn't like seeing her look upset.
"Regardless of if any of us think it's too soon...we are here to support you." I said.
Dani smiled at me softly, "Thank you."
"And we are also here to support you if it crashes and burns." Colby said.
"Colby, stop." I narrowed my eyes at her.
"I was just kidding. I agree. We are here to support you." Colby said, "Who knows. This could work out great and you'll be together forever."
Dani just nodded. I could tell she was over the conversation.

Colby and I left the restaurant together. She was going to drop me off at my house.
"I feel bad. I think I upset Dani." Colby said, biting her lip nervously.
"Honestly...she did seem a bit annoyed." I said.
"I just...I have to be honest. Moving in after two months seems really unlike Dani. I feel like Chloe is not actually that good for her." Colby shook her head.
"What makes you say that?"
"She's extremely clingy. She texts Dani constantly. And I Dani will answer. And what really bothers me is that she doesn't really let Dani be herself. You know her...she loves makeup. And yeah, sometimes she looks more masculine, but she also enjoys looking feminine. She literally told Dani she isn't attracted to femmes." Colby said.
"Did she really say that?" I asked Colby.
"Yeah. I could tell D was annoyed, but she is so blinded by Chloe. I think it's lust. Definitely not love."
"I'm inclined to agree."
"And think about it- Dani is smart. She's a planner. She thinks everything through. It's not like her to just move in with someone after two months." Colby added in.
"You're right. But as we both said...we are going to support her no matter what."
"Of course. We are going to be there to inevitably pick up the pieces. Just watch."

I was home for about twenty minutes when I saw that Dani was calling me. I wondered why, considering I just saw her.
I was on my bed, petting Calvin when I picked up. "Hey, what's going on?"
"Is this a bad time? Are you with Colby still?" Dani's voice came through. She sounded choked up, like she had been crying.
"No, I'm not with Colby. What's wrong?" I asked her.
"God, I feel like such a pussy that I'm crying. But I don't know. I was just kind of upset today by Colby. I understand it's moving fast with Chloe. But I don't like feeling alone in things. And her response didn't make me feel supported or anything." Dani said, "I know, I sound ridiculous."
" are not alone in this. You are completely supported by me, and Colby as well of course. She didn't make that come across the best, but I promise- no matter what you have us." I reassured her.
"And don't get me wrong- I'm going to think about it." Dani said, "I am not just going to move in with her if I don't feel it's right."
"I know. You're one of the smartest people I know." I said.
"Thank you." Dani said, "You always know how to make me feel better, you know that?
"And you do the same for me." I said.

Of course I agreed with Colby. I thought Dani was moving way too fast. But ultimately, I had no say. But if I could do anything to help it- I would.

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