Part 44

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Dani and I wound up getting to U Penn hospital after 3 am.

Colby had texted Dani the room she was in- and I could tell that Dani was freaking out. I was freaking out.

"Okay. So at least she's alive. Whatever happened, she's still here." Dani said as we pulled up.
We were now a long way from the mountains- right in the middle of Philly.
"Thank god for that." I said.

We entered the large hospital, which was still bustling even in the middle of the night, and took the elevator up to the 6th floor.

The ICU.

Fuck. Colby was in the ICU. Whatever happened must've been bad.

We were looking for her room when I saw a very familiar face in the hall- Colby's mom, Claire.
I hadn't interacted with Colby's mom when we dated that much. Anytime we did, she was really nice- but she worked a ton so she wasn't home much.

When Dani and I walked closer, we could see that Claire was crying.
She looked up when she heard footsteps, and then her eyes widened and she walked toward us. She looked exhausted.
"Dani, Jane." she said, and she wrapped each of us in a hug, surprisingly. "Colby will be glad you're here. Dani, I know things with Colby have been...rocky lately. But she kept asking to see you when she became aware of what was going on."
"What happened?" Dani asked.
Claire took a deep breath, "A hit and run."
Oh my god.
"Colby and Diana, her girlfriend, were taking a walk outside. They were hanging out for Valentines Day. A car hit them as they were walking the street." Claire teared up again, "Colby is badly's very serious. She...she can't move her legs. She injured her spine. The Doctor's don't know...if she will walk..."

I almost lost my breath hearing this. Colby might be paralyzed?
Oh my god.

I looked over and saw Dani, who I could tell was holding back tears. She was swallowing, and I could see her eyes were shiny. But I knew her- she was trying to stay strong for Claire.

"Does Colby know this...that she might not walk again?" Dani asked.
"No." Claire shook her head.
" is Diana?"
"Not good. She had bleeding in her brain and swelling. She' a medically induced coma." Claire said, "Diana's parents live in California. They're flying in."
"Oh my god." I couldn't help but say.
"Colby also doesn't know what's going on with Diana." Claire said, "But please- go see her. It'll lift her spirits, even if just a drop."
"Which room?" Dani asked.
Claire pointed to room 608, down the hall.
Dani and I rushed over.

Colby was lying in the bed. In a gown, with many monitors hooked up to her. She was extremely bruised and had a gash on her forehead.
It was awful. Absolutely fucking awful seeing her like this. I almost started crying myself- but I had to hold it back.
Dani immediately rushed over to Colby's bedside.
I walked over to, standing behind Dani. I didn't know how Colby was going to react to me.

Colby looked up at us. "You guys actually came." she said. Her voice was extremely weak.
"Of course we did." Dani said.
"I know...we haven't talked, D. But I needed you here. You're my best friend." Colby said.
Dani simply nodded, and held onto Colby's hand on the side of the bed.
Colby then looked at me, "I'm happy you're here too, Jane. I'm really sorry about Halloween."
"Don't even worry about that." I said to Colby.
"I can't believe this happened." Colby said, tearing up, "I don't even know how Diana is...I can't move my fucking legs and everything hurts."
"I'm so sorry, Colby. I'm so fucking sorry this happened." Dani said.

A moment later, Claire walked in. And two medical professionals were behind her.
"Hi, I'm Dr. Chen." a younger looking male doctor said, standing at the foot of Colby's bed. "This is my colleague with me, Dr. Rogers." he pointed gestured to a woman next to him, who also looked equally as young. She said hello, politely.
"Hi." Colby said.
"Colby...I want to talk to you about what is going on. Besides the external injuries...the cuts and bruises, there is a severe injury to your spinal cord from the accident. I just want to say, you are extremely lucky to be alive, aware, and speaking right now." Dr. Chen started, "Now, we know the only effect right now is the paralysis in your legs. Have you regained any movement since your nurse last came in?"
Dr. Chen spoke matter of fact, but still with a warmth to him.
"No movement." Colby said, "Is this...going to be a thing?"
"It could very well be temporary paralysis." Dr. Chen said, "But Colby- I want to be very honest with you. With how your spinal cord injury is, it could be something that is going to last longer than we hope."
Colby's face turned frightened, "Could it last...forever? Could I be like this for the rest of my life?"
"That's a possibility." Dr. Chen said.

And then Colby broke down. Started sobbing. Her mom rushed toward her, and Dani squeezed her hand.
I put my hand on Dani's shoulder.

Dr. Rogers then spoke, "I am a Neurosurgeon. Colby, I am going to work with Dr. Chen here to make sure you regain even some movement if not all, even if it requires surgery."
Colby was still crying, silently. Tears were rolling down her face.
Her mom was crying more as well.

"We are going to help you, Colby. We're not going to give up." Dr. Chen said.

After the two doctors left, we were quiet for a moment.
Then Colby asked her mom, "How is Diana? Last I asked you didn't know."
"She's in a medically induced coma, honey. She has bleeding and swelling in her brain." Claire sounded defeated.
"Fucking great." Colby said, crying again, "Do the Doctor's think she's going to die?"
"They don't know. But they're doing everything they can." Claire said.

Dani and I stayed for a while longer. Until 5:30 am. Until Colby wound up falling asleep. And we decided to let her sleep.

I couldn't believe this night was real. It felt like a nightmare, seeing Colby like this. That this happened to her.

Fuck. What the fuck.

Dani and I stopped at Wawa and got coffee for our drive back to her apartment.
She was quiet in the car.
We both were. We were exhausted. And sad. And stressed.
We decided to go back to her apartment and we laid down in her bed right when we got back.

"This is awful." Dani said, her voice cracking,
"I know. It feels unreal." I said, "I just...really hope that everything will be okay."
"Same here. I don't know what to do if she can't walk again."
"We have to have faith." I said, and kissed Dani on the cheek.
"I love you, Jane." Dani said, "Thank you so much for the birthday gift. For everything. Right now I know we are feeling...beyond sad. But you truly make me so fucking happy."
"I love you. So much." I said.

In this case all I could do was hope. Hope for the absolute best outcome in the situation.

Because Colby did not deserve this.

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