Part 33

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I heard from Colby the next morning.

I went home to change, and then I was going to go back to Nia's. I was supposed to work that night, but I called out.

When I was in my room changing and my phone started vibrating, I immediately grabbed it to see if it was Nia.

No. It was Colby.

I knew what this was going to be about. I just knew. But even if she didn't say it- I was going to.

I was done.

Yesterday was the last straw. A child went missing, my best friends child, I needed her help- and she couldn't even text me back. And I knew damn well that she had her phone on her.

I answered, and said in a cold tone, "Hello?"

"Uh, hey." Colby's voice came over. She sounded apathetic. "Can we talk?"

I knew what this talk was going to be.

"No. Not now. I have more important things to worry about right now." I said. I knew it sounded mean, but I couldn't help it. I was pissed.

"Oh. Okay." Colby sounded annoyed, "Well, can I see you later?"

"If I'm still at Nia's come there and we can talk. But only if I have time."

"Okay. Text me." Colby said.

"Will you answer?" I said back.

Colby sighed. "Yes."

Just by her tone, I knew she was done too. I could feel tears coming to my eyes and also feel myself start to break down.
But I blinked the tears back. I had to be there for Nia. I couldn't be a mess right now.

On my way to Nia's, I got a call from her. I picked up immediately.
"Any word?" I said.
Nia's voice came through, absolutely exhausted, but relieved. The most relieved a person could sound.
"The cops found Isabella." she said.
"Thank god." I said, "Oh my god. Where is she? Is she okay?"
"She's very shaken up. I don't have many details right now. But she was found in a motel about two hours away. The cops took her to a hospital near here just to make sure she is okay. My mom and I are on our way."
"I am so relieved." I said, "Oh my god I am so relieved. Please let me know if you need anything from me, okay?"
I turned my car back around.

I was beyond relieved that Isabella was found. I wanted to know the details, and after this I sincerely hoped that Nia would have full custody of Isabella.

Right when I pulled up to my house, I texted Colby. I wanted to get this over with.

I said: Can you come to my house now? No one is home.

She responded: Not now. I'm sorry. How does around 4 sound? We can meet at the park or something.

I just said back: Sure.

So this was it. The day that I was assuming Colby and I were going to break up.

If she by some chance tried to win me back, it was not happening.

While the past 8 months had its great moments- and I still couldn't believe that Colby and I finally got together, I realized that not much had truly changed since the first go around with her.

I constantly wondered where I stood with her. If I could trust her. Rely on her. If she loved me, or if she did not. I was tired of it. I was done. I would rather be single than be with someone who I had to question all the time. And overnight, we would go from two people supposedly in love to just being broken.

I felt sick all day- that feeling when you are jus dreading something, and want to get it over with

At around 1:30, my phone started vibrating. I looked at it.

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