Part 39

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"I think Dani is really upset about Colby but trying to not show it."

It had been a couple of weeks since the confrontation with Colby, it was now the beginning of October.

Things were still going great with Dani, and I honestly felt like my feelings were just growing deeper and deeper every day.

But I knew that she was feeling it- missing Colby. We didn't talk about it much, but I just knew she was upset.

I was hanging out with Nia. It was a Saturday morning, she was off work and we decided to get breakfast and go shopping for some fall clothing.

We both got French toast at the brunch restaurant we were at, Turning Point.

"I honestly think that Colby will come to terms with it and be okay. It might just take her a bit longer. That girl has a lot of pride. She has to let her pride go." Nia said, taking a sip of her coffee.

"You're right." I nodded, "I just don't want Dani to resent me at all or anything. Start to hate me or think it's my fault if Colby doesn't come around."

Nia shook her head, "Jane, that girl could never hate you. I guess I might as well tell you now- I've known she's liked you since New Years eve.
"You have?" I looked at Nia.
"Yup." she nodded, "It was at that party when I first met her and Colby. Dani and I grabbed a drink at the same time and we were talking about how Colby should ask you to be her girlfriend. See, I really liked Dani. So I jokingly said that she should ask you to be her girlfriend. Dani said, 'I wish' and then got this panicked look after she said it. And then she made me swear to not mention to anyone that she liked you."
I looked at Nia in disbelief, "So you knew Dani liked me this whole time?"
"I'm damn good at keeping a secret." Nia smiled proudly.
I chuckled and then said, "This makes me look at everything from such a new perspective. I can't even imagine how Dani felt this whole time...watching me be with Colby and having feelings."
"It probably killed her on the inside- especially seeing how Colby was toward you. She knew she would treat you better."
I smiled slightly to myself, "She does. Very much so."

I was supposed to have work- but unfortunately the grandmother of the family who owns the restaurant passed away- so Fiore would be closed for the weekend.
I decided to hangout with Dani. I was planning on going over her house.
I was in the kitchen with Charlotte when she said, "We are having a pizza and movie night- Damien, Natalie, and I. You are more than welcome to invite Dani."
I paused for a moment to think about it.
There were a couple of factors- I wanted Dani to not feel awkward or uncomfortable. And I tended to avoid Natalie as much as I could.
Also- would she be rude to Dani?

But I felt bad- it seemed as though Charlotte really wanted me to join. And I hadn't been able to spend much time with her since I started school.

"I'll ask Dani if she would be down for that." I nodded.

I went up to my room and called her.

"Would you be down for pizza and movies tonight with my sisters and Damien?"
"Sure." she said, "My question is- are you down for it? You don't sound entirely thrilled."
I sighed, "I don't really want to spend time with Natalie. But Charlotte seems like she really wants us to join."
"So I'll be there." Dani said, "It'll be fine, I promise."

Charlotte was really happy that Dani and I were going to be joining movie night. I was more hesitant about Natalie though. If she even dared to be rude to Dani, I would put her in her place in a second.

Charlotte wanted everyone to be wearing their pajamas and be comfy, so I texted Dani to do so.

She showed up in plaid pajama pants and a hoodie with a bottle of red wine in hand.

I greeted her at the door with a gentle kiss.
"I figured I would bring a beverage." she grinned, stepping into the house.
"Charlotte loves red wine so she will be thrilled." I grinned back.

The five of us gathered in the living room. Natalie was already sitting on the couch eating a slice of pizza. Emily was down for a nap.

She looked at Dani when we walked in. And then she stood up.
Dani walked over and reached out to shake her hand. If she had any nerves or hesitancy, she wasn't showing it.

And to my surprise, Natalie reached out and gripped it.
"Hey, I'm Dani. Nice to meet you." Dani shook her hand.
"Natalie. It's very nice to meet you as well." Natalie said, and gave her a polite smile.

Okay. At least she wasn't rude. That's a start.

"Nat, when is Enrique coming?" Charlotte asked her.

Nat. She was already calling her by her old nickname again. They had grown really close again since Natalie came to live her. Me on the other hand...not so much.

"He should be here soon! He is excited to meet everyone." Natalie smiled. And I realized that was the first time in a while I saw life come into her eyes.

Enrique was great. He was warm, funny, charismatic. And I couldn't help but to feel so angry with my parents for being rude to him- just because he was of a different race.
And the main thing I loved was that be brought out a whole other side to Natalie that I hadn't seen in years. She was carefree, laughing, joking with all of us- drinking wine as well. I found myself laughing along with her at times.
We didn't even really watch a movie, all of us just talked and hung out the whole time.
And it was really nice.
I hadn't had family time like that in god knows how long.

Eventually, Dani and I went up to my room as everyone started to get tired.
"Natalie was way different than I expected." Dani said as we laid on my bed.
"She was acting like her old self. Before my parents took over her brain. But it seems like Enrique brings out the best in her."
"I hope I do that for you." Dani said, looking at me.
"Oh, you do. Very much so." I smiled at her, "I'm not trying to compare. But when I was with Colby- it brought out a very insecure, uncertain side of me and I didn't like that person. You make me feel supported, reassured, and certain."
Dani smiled back, "That's all I want to do. And I'm sorry...that I didn't fully know Colby made you feel that lousy."
"How would you know?" I said, "I'm sure she didn't tell you anything that she did to make me feel that way."
"She didn't.  You're right." Dani looked down. And I could tell what she was thinking.
"You miss her, don't you?" I asked Dani.
She nodded and looked up at me, "Yeah. I do. I miss her friendship."
"You haven't spoken at all?"
"No. Not once since the night she found out. I haven't tried to reach out. I figured I would give her space."
"I think that's best." I said, and then I sat up. Dani followed suit and sat up next to me.

I looked at her, "I hope you don't...resent me."
Dani shook her head, "Of course I don't resent you. Jane- I knew the risk I was getting into dating you when it came to Colby. And believe me- it is well fucking worth it. Please, I get my best friend and my girlfriend all in one? It's great."
I smiled at Dani, "I know how that feels."
"Yes, Colby was- is- I don't know- my best friend. But friends can come and go. I really see a future with you, Jane. And that's worth more than a friendship. I don't know if that sounds mean." Dani said.
I shook my head, "It doesn't. I know we've only been officially dating for a little over a month. But you've been my best friend for almost a year now. And I just know I see a future with you. When I think about all of that- it's with you that I picture it."
Dani smiled and turned toward me, "I love you, Jane."
I smiled at her, feeling genuinely happy, "I love you too. I've never been more sure of anything."
Dani's smile grew, and she looked at me with those gorgeous blue eyes of hers.

This was what I needed. Right here next to me. Dani was everything that I ever wanted in a person. Seeing her smile as wide as she was- made everything seem all worth it. Dating Colby and being unhappy, and not even realizing what was right in front of me the whole time.



And now there was no way I was ever letting her go.

A/N- Hey guys! Thank you so much for reading :) while this story is not done yet- there's still a bit more to go- I did just want to say that after this story, I have one coming out called "Until You Say I Do"
It's gxg and it is going to be filled with drama and romance.

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