Part 20

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It was weird working with my girlfriend.

Not in a bad way. But it was a much different vibe when we were at work than when we were just hanging out with each other outside of work. We had to act professional- which was extremely hard to do.

Everyone pretty much knew that Colby and I were together. We never really confirmed it, but it was known. The only co worker that I actually confirmed my status to was Courtney.

It had been a month since New Years Eve- so a month being official with Colby. Things were going well- in a really good direction. I was glad about it. I still had moments where I thought it was too good to be true, that she still wanted to be with me. But Colby showed me every day that she wanted to be with me.

She met Charlotte and Damien as well. She had come over my house a few times and hung out, and the conversation between her and Charlotte seemed to flow very naturally.

The first night of February, Dani, Colby, and I were going to hangout at Dani's apartment. I got off work earlier than Colby- I was first cut and she was closing- so I drove over to Dani's.

Dani greeted me at the door with a hug. "Hey!" she said, "I'm so glad you were able to come tonight. Colby too of course."
"So am I! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever." I said.
"It's only been a week!" Dani laughed, "But I guess that does feel like forever when you're as good of friends as we've become, right?"
"Absolutely." I nodded, and followed Dani into her apartment.
"Come into my bedroom." she said, "I want to show you, I rearranged it. I think I did a pretty good job."

I followed Dani into her bedroom. She had completely rearranged it, and it looked like she put up some new artwork on the walls. It looked really nice. How she arranged it made it look even bigger.
"It looks great." I said, "And I can't help but to notice the degree hanging over your desk. Why didn't you hang this up before?"
Dani shrugged, "I'm not sure. I just had my diploma in my closet, and didn't do anything with it. I figured I should hang it up."
I looked at the diploma. It said her full name on it, Daniella Marie Everly, and then it said, "Bachelor's of Science in Finance." It was from Drexel University.
"You'll have one hanging up one day." she said, standing next to me.
"Sometimes I really doubt that I will." I said.
"College is tough. I had to take off some time after Mike died. It was so difficult to get back into, I thought I wasn't going to finish. Honestly, I wish my degree was in something else. But I just chose what I was good at- math." Dani said.
"I cannot relate to the math part." I said, "I suck at math. Why I was a Psychology major."
"What did you want to do with the degree?" Dani looked at me.
"Help people who were struggling with addiction." I said, "I'm not sure in what capacity- but after seeing Callie, I knew that was my goal."
"You're going to get there, Jane." Dani said, looking into my eyes, "And if I can help, please let me know."

Dani had baked up a pizza for us- she had been experimenting with all different kinds of pizzas since she bought her pizza stone. Tonight she made Margherita, and it was really fresh and delicious.
We sat on her couch and ate.
"If you don't mind me asking- how did you get back into college after leaving? Like what made you motivated to go back?" I asked Dani.
"Honestly, my parents made me go back. I knew I was going to- but I was really depressed still. They basically gave me no option. They're hard asses, my parents. But I'm honestly grateful that they made me go back. I needed that push from them." Dani said.
"Mine were just flat out angry at me. Made me feel god awful about it." I said.
"So, what even happened? Why did you originally leave? I know that you didn't go back this fall because of Callie. But you had left once before, right?"
I nodded, "Yes. I started off at Rowan University, in New Jersey. But I wound up leaving right before my first year was over- honestly, I got extremely depressed after me and my girlfriend, Lauren broke up."
Lauren Sanders.
I hate that name now.
"Ah, Lauren. That's right. You know- for as much as I've learned about you, I still don't know much about her." Dani looked at me, curious.
"Where do I even start?" I said, my heart pounding. I didn't really like talking about Lauren. But she was part of my past. I was now with Colby. And happy with her.
"Where did you two meet?" Dani asked me.
"In school. We had an art class together junior year. She was actually good at art- I wasn't. The thing is, she was kind of known around school for being gay. So naturally, I was curious- as someone who was closeted. I also did think she was really cute." I started.
"Did you start to secretly date her?" Dani asked me.
"I did. Turns out, she could tell I was into her. I guess I didn't do the best job hiding my glances her way. One day after school we were both working on an art project, and we started talking. She wound up kissing me." I said, "And it all kind of took off from there. When I tell you I was pretty much obsessed with her, I mean it. She could've done anything to me and I would've let her. And I honestly did. She didn't treat me very well- and I know that I probably didn't treat her the greatest at times as well. But I was completely in love with her. We dated until the end of my freshman year of college. I found out that she had a secret girlfriend at the art school she was at. And I was done. Absolutely crushed, but done." I explained.
"I'm so sorry. Being cheated on is soul crushing. She's a fucking idiot." Dani said, looking down.
"Have you been cheated on?" I asked Dani.
She nodded, "Yes. By my last girlfriend, Divya. We dated my last year and a half of college, after I went back. She was my second girlfriend that I would say was serious. My first girlfriend I had my freshman year of college, her name was Savannah. I had things with girls in high school, but nothing serious."
"Well, Divya is a fucking idiot too." I said.
"She cheated on me with her ex-boyfriend, who she is now engaged too." Dani said, not looking at anything in particular, "It was the last winter break of college. I really thought we were going to be together after. But I just got this feeling, you know? That something wasn't right. My gut was telling me. She lived an hour and a half away from me, but I surprised her. And she seemed mad that I was there- little did I know, she was hanging with her ex the whole break. When I flat out asked her if she was cheating on me, hoping I was the crazy one, she admitted to it."
"I'm so sorry, Dani." I said, "It's the worst feeling. All I could do was wonder what was wrong with me when it happened."
"You know- I was like that at first. But I realized- there was nothing wrong with me. I was a damn good girlfriend to Divya. It was all her. Not me." Dani said.
"I admire you a lot, you know that?"
Dani smiled, "I admire you too. Very much."

I bit into a slice of pizza, "Well, here's to hoping we will never get cheated on again." I chuckled.
"I don't think you have to worry about that with Colby." Dani said, "You two are solid."
"And you and Bianca are..."
Dani laughed, "Not officially anything. Fucking. But not anything. And we never will be. Purely pleasure."
It was always odd for me to hear Dani talking about how her and Bianca had purely a sexual relationship. Even after overhearing it.
"Well, I know you'll find someone. Someone who really loves you. And won't hurt you." I said to Dani.
"Yeah." she smiled at me, "I hope. Sounds nice."
"I don't want to hear that you hope. You will." I insisted.
"Well, when you find this girl, let me know." Dani smiled and shook her head.

Dani deserved someone. She truly did. Someone who could love her the way that she deserved.
Like the way Colby was treating me. I still wasn't sure if Colby loved me or not- we hadn't gotten to saying that.
But I was sure of it- I loved her.
And I hoped she felt the same.

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