Part 26

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Even in the month and a half that Dani seemed to fall head over heels for Chloe, she still hung out with Colby and I just as much.

It sucks when you lose a friend to a significant other in a sense. I was nervous that was going to happen with Dani- and Colby was nervous about it too. She didn't tell me she was, but I could tell that she was anxious about it.

But Dani still hung out with us just as much. Sure, she talked about Chloe. And I was happy for her, that she found someone. Her and Chloe seemed to make each other happy.

One Saturday in late April I was about to leave for work when Charlotte said to me, "It seems as though Chloe is smitten with Dani."
I stopped on my way out the door, "Sure seems that way."
"You know, it's kind of weird for me hearing about their sex life. Considering she's your friend and everything." Charlotte chuckled.
I raised my eyebrows, "She goes into detail about it?"
Charlotte nodded, "You know Chloe. She's not shy about her sexuality at all. Apparently Dani is really good at...everything. Especially using her tongue."
I felt my body get hot. "I did not need to know that." I said.
Charlotte looked at me oddly for a moment- like she was studying me. Then she said, "Neither did I. But Chloe wouldn't shut up about it the other night."
"Do you think it'll last?" I asked Charlotte, "I just want Dani to be happy."
Charlotte shrugged, "You know...I'm not sure. They seem really infatuated right now. We will see if that turns into actual love. Or is love already."

When I got to work I was relieved to see Colby. I just wanted to talk to her.
We were all setting out silverware when Colby asked me quietly, "You alright, babe? Seems like something is bothering you."
"I wouldn't say it's bothering me. I just found out information that I did not really need to know." I said, setting out napkins.
"Is this information that I can know, or is it too secret?" Colby said, looking at me.
"Charlotte told me that Chloe tells her details about her sex life with Dani. Like, a lot of details." I said to Colby.
"Oh. What did she say?" Colby asked me.
"That apparently Dani is really good with her tongue." I said.
"I thought we realized that on New Years Eve." Colby laughed, "But yeah, I've been hearing details about the two of them also. Apparently Chloe is really kink-"
"I don't need to know." I stopped Colby.
"When you and Dani hangout, do you talk about sex at all? I mean, it's pretty common for friends to do that." Colby said.
"I know. Nia knows about my sex life with you." I said.
"Hopefully good things." Colby winked at me.
"Duh. But honestly no...I don't really talk about that with Dani ever. I think we would both feel awkward doing so?" I said.
"That's kind of odd. But whatever. I understand if you don't want to hear about their sex life." Colby said.
"I guess I just don't want to picture it."
"That might be tough- they're coming in tonight for dinner." Colby said.
"Maybe we can all go out after." I said.
"That would be fun. I'll ask them if they're down for it." Colby agreed.

Talking to Colby always made me feel better about pretty much everything. She had this great balance of being serious, but also lightening the mood for me.
Chloe and Dani came in together at around 7:30 PM and were seated in Colby's section. I noticed right away they were holding hands. Chloe had on a red dress and Dani was dressed more masculine in a button down. I noticed she hadn't been wearing makeup since she started dating Chloe.

I was really busy with my tables, so I wasn't even able to stop by and say hello. But I saw them from across the restaurant. Of course I waved to them, but I also watched how affectionate they were with each other.

At one point I went up to the host stand to tell Courtney to skip seating me since I was so busy.
"Sure." she nodded, and then she said in a softer voice, "Dani's girlfriend is all over her."
"I know." I said, "She's also my sisters best friend. So it's kind of weird."
Courtney widened her eyes, "That is kind of a weird connection. I mean, I'm happy for Dani though. She deserves it. She's so nice. When she worked here she was one of my favorite servers. Don't tell Colby...but I liked Dani more." Courtney chuckled.
"Why is that?" I laughed.
"Dani is just so...nice. Always really willing to help. She would help me host sometimes even if it got really busy. I love Colby, don't get me wrong. But she has this sarcastic sense of humor that can throw you off sometimes. And she always seems like she wants to just get the fuck out of here." Courtney said.
"That's because she does." I said, and we both laughed.
"Well, hey. You've become my new favorite server." Courtney grinned at me.
"I'm honored." I said.
At that moment Colby walked up to Courtney and I.
"Hey, I heard you say Jane was your favorite server. I'm offended, but I agree." Colby said, jokingly.
"I love you too, Colby." Courtney said back, joking.
She can say to Colby she loves her, but I can't. Hmph.
Colby then turned to me, "Chloe and Dani want to go out after we're done. But like...have you seen Chloe...she's all over Dani. She's wasted already. I'd be surprised if they don't go fuck in the bathroom."
I rolled my eyes, "If we hear moaning, we know why."
"We should fuck in the bathroom here sometime just to say we did it." Colby said to me.
"I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that." Courtney said.
I laughed, and then looked over at Dani and Chloe. She was kissing her on the cheek.

Even though Charlotte was best friends with Chloe, I didn't know her too well. Charlotte met her at college in Pittsburgh, and after she moved to Philly and she works at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia.

She was really nice. I could see why Dani liked her. She was bubbly, friendly, and a great story teller. She was definitely drunk. And she was also very into Dani.
I couldn't tell if Dani was into how affectionate and touchy she was being. She didn't seem bothered, I noticed she wasn't as touchy back.
At one point Chloe got up, "I have to pee." she said, "I want a bathroom buddy."
"I'll go." I said, "I have to pee also."
"Great!" Chloe linked her arm in mine, and we walked off to the bathroom at the bar we were at, called The Library.

Chloe and I both used the restroom, and then we stood at the sinks and washed our hands.
"Thank you so much for basically introducing me to Dani." Chloe said to me.
"Of course." I said back, washing my hands, "You two seem happy."
"We are! We're super happy." Chloe said, "Dani is so great. And she loves you! You're such a good friend to her."
"I try." I gave Chloe a small smile.
"I love her. A lot." Chloe said.
"Have you told her?"
"Oh yeah. We started saying it like two weeks ago." Chloe said.

I could feel anger building up inside me. Not because Dani and Chloe were saying "I love you" to each other after a month.
No, because Colby and I still weren't saying it after knowing each other for two years. And now officially dating for 5 months. I felt it, but I didn't say it in fear of scaring her away. Still.

We got back to the table, and I knew my mood had visibly changed.
Colby didn't seem to really notice at first, but Dani did.
"Are you okay?" she mouthed to me.
I shrugged. That was all I could do. She looked at me, confused.
I wasn't saying too much. Granted, Chloe was carrying the conversation, but after a little bit Colby seemed to notice.
"Hey, Jane. Want to go for a walk real quick? Let these two lovebirds have a moment to themselves?" Colby said to me.
"Okay." I got up.
Dani still looked at me, confused.
Colby was walking ahead of me by a couple of steps. Eventually we reached the entrance of The Library. To avoid a couple of other people smoking at the entrance, Colby and I walked off to the side.
"What's wrong?" she asked me, hands in her pockets.
"It's going to sound stupid." I said.
I was really afraid of sounding stupid. And clingy. And needy. All just for expressing my feelings.
"It won't. I just want to know why you seem so mad. Did Chloe say something that annoyed you?" Colby looked at me, concerned.
"No. I mean, not really. Her and Dani are saying 'I love you' to each other already." I said.
"That's pretty quick." Colby said.
And that comment pissed me off even more. I couldn't hold back.
"Okay. Yes, it is. But why is it that they have no issue expressing their feelings to each other but I literally feel like I'm going to annoy you or make you ghost me or something by telling you the same thing?" I said, upset.
Colby looked at me, wide eyed, "Jane, I would never ghost you. I feel...the same."
"See. You can't even say it."
"Well, you haven't said it either." Colby crossed her arms.
"Fine." I said, looking Colby right in the eyes, "I love you."
"I love you." Colby said right back to me.
"Do you mean that?" I asked her, "I don't want to force you to say it."
"You're not forcing me to say anything." Colby said, and then she lightly pushed me against the side of the building, so I was against the wall, and she kissed me. Passionately.
And I knew through that kiss- that she meant it.

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