Part 52 (Epilogue!)

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2 Years Later

Dani's 29th birthday.

Time had passed- and so much had happened.

But tonight, I was throwing a party for Dani at our home.

Everyone was going to be coming- but it wasn't just Dani and I anymore at our home, along with our cats- Miles and Midnight.

We now had Cameron living with us.

Cameron needed a home that was much more stable than going back and forth between my mom and my dad and Taraji- who were now married.

All I knew about my mom was that she got married to some man named Richard- and she wasn't even religious anymore. Last I knew, she moved down to Florida with Richard, and was living a lavish life there with him.

Taraji and my dad are both busy- they are Doctors. Of course they loved for and cared for Cameron- but they felt as though he needed more attention.

So that's where Dani and I stepped in.

And now he was our son.

Dani and I had been discussing kids for a while- and when Cameron stared living with us, it just became meant to be that we had to adopt him. He was now nine years old, in third grade, and was doing phenomenally.

Dani and I still were planning on either adopting another child or having one ourselves, but for now, we loved having Cameron.

Dani was the best mom in the world to him as well.

Dani moved on from Johnson & Johnson to another company- a Pharmaceutical company, where she was high up in Finance, and I wound up getting certified to do Ultrasounds- my favorite part was telling people the gender of their babes and seeing their expressions full of joy.

On Valentines Day, Dani's birthday, I told her to go hangout with Colby and Colby's fiancé, Maya, so I could get ready for the dinner party I would be throwing.

Nia, Isabella, Cameron, and I got ready for Dani's party. Nia helped me cook a bunch of food, and we let Cameron and Isabella decorate a cake and help us bake cookies.

Nia was now married and expecting her second child. She wound up marrying a man named Trey a year ago after breaking up with her boyfriend who she brought to my wedding, Tarek, and he treated her like an absolute queen. She was now 4 months pregnant- and I had just done her ultrasound and told her she was expecting another little girl.

A few hours passed, and Dani came back with Colby and Maya.

Any bit of awkwardness that was left from Colby and I dating previously was gone now- especially considering I was very good friends with her fiancé, Maya. Maya loved to hear stories of when Colby and I hated and how she was when she was younger.

Colby's health was near perfect- she still walked with her cane and a bit of a limp, but otherwise it was a miracle she had recovered the way she did.

"Everything smells so good in here!" Dani said, coming into the kitchen. She leaned in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"We had to go all out for your birthday, mom!" Cameron said, smiling up at Dani. I swear, she was his favorite person in the world.

The door then opened and I heard a baby crying- that had to be Charlotte, Damien, Callianne, and their newborn son- Brayden.

"We will be bringing out the food in a few moments!" Nia called out.

"Let me help you, Nia, you shouldn't be carrying too much." Dani said, grabbing a large plate of nachos that Nia and I made.

"Dani, only you would be helping out at your own party." Nia laughed.

All of the food was brought out, and the guests poured in. My dad and Taraji arrived, as well as Jay and Dawn, Dani's parents. Natalie and Enrique, who were now married, arrived with Emily- and then Dani's siblings showed up as well.

The only one missing was Grandma Elle- who had very unfortunately passed from a stroke a year prior. That was a tough one for Dani to get through- but it comforted her knowing that her grandma was now with her brother and Callie.

"Thank you so much for coming, everyone!" I said, "Now dig in to the food, I hope you enjoy!

"You all better, we worked hard on this grub!" Nia said, and everyone laughed.

Taraji and my father came up to Dani both gave her big hugs for her birthday.

I was beyond thankful for Taraji- I never thought I would acquire a mother in my twenties- but with her, I did. She was the mother I never had- and even though her and my father had a questionable start- I couldn't be more grateful.

While I knew I would most likely never speak to my mother again- I talked to my father weekly. He finally became the father I always needed. He was an amazing grandfather to Cameron, and he seemed genuinely happy. That was all I could ask for.

"Colin, bud, so good to see you." Jay, Dani's dad came up to mind and gave him and hug and slap on the back.

My dad and Dani's had formed somewhat of an bromance- which we found to be hilarious, yet amazing at the same time.

I looked around the room at everyone- my family, my friends, my son- and I was grateful. I started off as a girl who was lost. I was lost in life- working as a server when I didn't want to, and had no idea where my life was headed.

I gave Dani a kiss. "I love you, birthday girl." I smiled at her.

She pulled back and smiled at back, "I love you too, Jane."

I knew even more great things were to come- I had all I could ever ask for.

And I was grateful.

(There will be a part 2 to the Epilogue coming later this week ❤️)

Thanks so much for reading!

If you have a moment, I would love it if you could check out my new story, "The Other Side"
It is a gxg romance story! I hope you enjoy :)

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