Meeting Greg

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After a short-lasting slumber, Draco jerked me awake and the two of us walked along with the Muggle Station. My parents held their heads up so high that I wouldn't be surprised if their heads floated off their necks. Regardless of my parent's subtle attempts to belittle the Muggles walking along with the platform, all the looks we got weren't of fear or dread- but of judgment. Father tried to curse the curly-haired woman eyeing our family through her puffy eyes. Mother had to bring him to his senses as the lady giggled at the absurdity of a grown man pulling out a wand. Draco and I didn't exactly know what to do as your parents muttered under their breath. Draco suddenly whispered into my ear, 'You know the Dark Lord's sons' coming to our school?'

'Yeah! Vol-' Draco whacked my arm before I finished giving me a warning look. 'Ugh. The Dark Lord's son is. His name was Mattheo. We should make him our friend! He'll be lonely.' I said, imagining a boy with pasty skin and red eyes lurking by himself in the corner of the courtyard. 'Or maybe not...'

'"Maybe not?"' Draco said incredulously, 'We have to, Father told me we have to. He is the Dark Lord's son! We have to be friends with him.' his voice was confident, but his eyes showed otherwise as he glanced down at his polished shoes with nervousness. Before I could continue, however, Mother had seized me by my arm as we calmly and quickly walked through the wall leading to platform 9 and 3/4. I imagined the Weasley's trolleys rattling ominously with one too many things piled on top of one another. But, I didn't require such things. It is widely believed since we're one of the richest wizarding families we would have heaps and heaps of things. But the truth was the latter. Well for me at least. I did get heaps of gifts, but I only keep close what's necessary and stuff the rest in the weirdly clean attic. Auntie Bella's things I have to keep in my bedroom on display - she insists I do so, or she would hex me. I know she wouldn't but she is known for being rather- well... bonkers. Anyway, I only needed one trunk and a decent-sized tote bag. In the trunk, I carried things like clothes, and extra quills, and ink. The tote bag I used for things I needed to carry around with me around the grounds. It's packed in my trunk right now.

'Y/N.' Mother's gentle, yet stern voice said, 'As you already know the Dark Lord's son will be arriving at Hogwarts today. I need you to promise me to befriend him. Things have been rocky with the Dark Lord and your father. If any problems are introduced from his son, the Dark Lord will come for your father and me first, and you don't want that, do you?'

'No, Mother. Unless he looks like a snake. I can't be seen hanging out with a snake.' I said, 'I'm kidding!' My mother's sulky face broke into a soft smile and she said sweetly, 'Very funny, sweetheart. Now, the train will be leaving anytime now. I love you darling, goodbye.' She hugged me tightly and let me board the train.

time skip- 3 hours later

Blaise, Pansy, Draco, and I were sitting in a compartment together. Blaise and I were munching on Chocolate Frogs while talking about Quidditch. Draco and Pansy were talking about who knows what, and I don't think I want to find out they've been getting all weird recently. The chugging of the train, mixed with the loud chatter from other compartments and the trolley lady croaking, 'Anything from the trolley dears?' every once in a while, made me feel at home in a way.

The compartment door slid open slowly, and behind it stood possibly the most attractive guy I've ever seen in my short life. Clearly Pansy thought so too, her jaw hung wide open and she was clutching the side of her navy dress so tightly her knuckles had gone a pearly shade of white. The boy had light skin and a dark majestic shade of brown for eyes. He had dark brown, slightly unkempt hair. I also noticed a slit that ran through his left eyebrow. Pansy was the first to speak, 'Hi, I'm Pansy. Pansy Parkinson. You are?' she asked, her grip loosening slightly.

'Uhm, Greg Tucker.' The boy seemed unsure of his own name. 'Can I sit here? The other group was a pain to sit with.' With a slight nod of approval from Draco, he heaved his trunk into the space above. 'So, hi.' he said awkwardly as he placed himself next to Blaise, who moved over next to Pansy for some reason. So I was left with Greg sitting next to me.

'Hi, I'm Draco, this is Blaise, and my sister, Y/N' Draco said, his eyes scanning every inch of him as if trying to remember something. 'So what was your name again?'

'Greg Turner.'

'You said it was Tucker.' I said suspiciously. He grinned sheepishly at the sight of the narrowing eyes around him.

'Uh- Uhm. Who're your parents?'

'Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy.' Draco and I said in unison. Greg's face lightened a bit, and what he said next was shocking, though I was kind of expecting it.

'I'm not really Greg Tucker.'

'No shit.' Draco scoffed.

'I'm Mattheo. Mattheo Riddle.' he said softly, looking down at his shoes. Draco's air of entitlement had evaporated as he cowered in his seat. 'The Dark Lord's son.' he continued.

Safe to say, he was nothing like I had expected. The boy I imagined to be snakelike, cruel, entitled, and serious... was really an awkward, sheepish, and hellishly attractive boy.

I would've flirted with him if he wasn't the son of a bloodthirsty, and cruel wizard who had the power to demolish my parents' lives or worse, take it away. Blaise looked astonished, and Pansy looked distraught.

'W-what-' she stuttered.

Seeing the frightened looks of the four people around him he quickly said, 'Oh no, please don't be scared of me! I won't do anything. I know I'm His son, but I'm not like him, I promise! I won't curse you or anything.' My sometimes useful ability to read people's demeanor was particularly useful at the moment, I wasn't too worried. But it wasn't the same for the rest. Draco tried to keep himself together and asked, 'Why'd you lie about your name?'

'I didn't want to attract attention, I didn't want people to be scared of me.' he looked around hoping for a normal expression and his eyes fell on me. 'You believe me right?' he asked hopefully, 'You know I'm not going to hurt anyone.'

Truthfully, I was slightly scared, but seeing his hopeful eyes and pleading expression it was quite clear that he meant no harm. So, I nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.

'Who's your mum?' Blaise asked loudly. Pansy couldn't help but break into a fit of giggles at how easily he asked the question, and seeing the opportunity to show he was ordinary, Mattheo laughed too.


A/N: This chapter was a bit long, sorry. I hope you guys liked it. I'm sorry I wasn't able to update, I have exams soon. Have a great day <33

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