new fanfic!

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Hello everyone, its been a LONG time. I'm so surprised to see continued support even after I left this story. Thank you so much for this. I've started a new fanfic - Born to Die. This is not Y/N fanfiction, here's a synopsis:

Abigail Lily Potter - Harry Potter's long-forgotten older sister. Saved from a broken childhood at the 4 Privet Drive by her Uncle Moony, yet separated from her younger brother. After years of growing up separated from society under the care of her uncle, she returns to Hogwarts when Lupin is offered the DaDA position. How will the siblings' union change the trajectory of this story? 

I apologise to anyone who hoped this would be an update on Riddle Me. I may choose to renew this soon SO stay tuned for the news if this happens, but feel free to check out Born to Die! Hope you guys enjoy it, the first chapter is posted, the second one is in progress and will be uploaded tomorrow! 

Thank you so much once again, happy reading :)


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2024 ⏰

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