The Argument

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I stalked into the cold common room, head hanging low as I walked past a handful of people. No one paid any attention, since I wasn't of that much importance. I jogged up the spiral staircase, up into the dorm room in hopes to find Pansy there. As I gingerly pushed open the door, through the sliver of space between the door frame and the door I could see her lying in her bed staring up at the blank ceiling. She lazily glanced towards the door where I stood and turned over so she was facing away from me. I stepped over the threshold and into the dorm room, warmth swallowed me as soon as I went inside. My bed was right next to hers so she couldn't avoid me forever, I thought. I placed myself softly on the edge of my bed, the hard glitter on my dress was making my arm itchy. 'Hey, Pansy-'

'Save it. You've done nothing but lie and hide things from me.' she grumbled from underneath the emerald green blanket. 'You've become a completely different person, ever since Mattheo came to school.' she spat out his name with such bitterness, it was as if the word tasted foul. 

'It's not like that.'

'Then what is it like?' she said a little louder than before. Her temper was rising and so was her voice. She sat up straight and looked me dead in the eye. 'Is it that Mattheo gives you the attention you've been craving all your life because your parents don't love you as much as Draco?!' she yelled.

'Pansy!' I said outraged and hurt. 'You have no right to say that! Just because for once I found a good friend who isn't you doesn't mean I'm replacing you. You can't just act like a bitch just because I didn't tell you what I was doing. I don't have to tell you anything! You're not my mother!' I said equally as loud as her. The anger in me was bubbling dangerously, and if I didn't douse the flames I would erupt.

'No, I'm not. It's not just about the petty mission you went on with loverboy, you've been a completely different person ever since he came into the picture. You've been secretive, distant, and spending almost all your time thinking about him or with him. Always Mattheo this, Mattheo that. It's like Draco, Blaise and I don't even EXIST.'  she was standing now. I stood up too. 

'Why can't you just be happy for me?' I said desperately.

'Because you aren't the person I have always known, I can't and won't be happy for this new person you've become.' 

'I'm still the same! Just because I have a new friend doesn't mean I've become a new person, and if you can't see that maybe we shouldn't be friends.' there was a loud period of silence before Pansy scoffed and continued, 'You know, it's sad you think he actually likes you. He's using you, just like his father used the people he claimed to be friends or family. Your just a stepping stone to him.' she didn't say anything more and laid on her bed, facing away from me and wrapping herself blankets. I stood there dumbfounded for a few seconds as my brain failed to register what had just happened.

I sat down on the bed; my legs were shaking, and my hands were aching. Maybe Pansy was right... Maybe I had grown so distant from them I had become a different person. I slowly began changing as quickly as possible. I fell face first onto my bed, burying my face into the pillow, thinking about all the horrible things we'd said to each other.

Had I really changed? Was I the problem?

This was a short chapter because I've haven't been in the right mindset lately. I hope you guys understand and I'll try to post daily, but we'll see!

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