Search for Mattheo

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After a loud period of silence, Draco finally spoke, 'Okay. Well, we should tell father. No, mother she's more lenient.' he concluded. I scoffed, 'Yeah cause mother would be okay with her daughter breaking into The Dark Lord's son's room.'

'Well what other idea do you have shithead?' he said angrily.

'I don't know but worrying our parents is definitely not an option.'

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Pansy emerging from the staircase, groggy and sleepy-eyed. 'Who do you think it was that broke in?' Draco asked.

'Most likely someone in Slytherin and in our grade.'

'Obviously.' Draco scoffed.

My eyes widened as an unmistakable pang of worry coursed through my veins, I whispered softly, 'What if someone found out about Mattheo's...lineage.' I said, unable to find a better word.

'That's possible...' Draco said in a worrisome tone. 'Let's talk to Mattheo first.'

So we were off, Draco was confidently leading the way with me following close behind, cowering from view. We walked through hallways, down and up to five flights of stairs until we reached the Hospital Wing. However, Mattheo was nowhere to be seen. His bed was empty and the lining of where his body lay was the only thing to prove he was there, like a distant echo. Draco and I eyed each other, thinking the worst. 'Whose there?' Madam Pomfrey's voice echoed from the back corner of the room, hidden away by a curtain. 'Oh, it's you two. I don't suppose you've seen Mattheo anywhere?' she asked. Her face was sullen, and she had dark circles under her eyes. 'Well?'

'We came looking for him actually.' I replied softly, unnerved by the worried look I had never seen on her face before.

'Well,' I could practically see the cogs working in her mind, 'He's not here, Professor Dumbledore has been informed, but we're not sure of his whereabouts. Run along now.' she ushered us away, slamming the large oak wood doors in our faces. Not wanting to waste any more time;  without a word, we both headed towards Dumbledore's office - sprinting back down the hallways and down and up the stairs all the way to Dumbledore's office. The stubby, stone gargoyles stood stiffly in front of the entrance. 'Move it.' Draco ordered pointlessly.

'That's not going to work dimwit. Licorice sticks.' I said confidently.  Draco stared at me with reluctant respect as I answered swiftly, 'Its pretty easy to find out, actually. Potter visits Dumbledore so much, Dumbledore is probably annoyed.' 

Then we were standing in front of Dumbledore's polished door, 'Come in.' a firm yet gentle elderly voice called. 'Ah, Malfoys. I've been expecting you. Come in have a seat.' We did as we were instructed. 'I presume you're here to know the whereabouts of Mattheo Riddle?' He continued before we could answer, 'Well he left a letter for the two of you, that I have not opened. All I know is that he has left the school premises, presumably with the help of an insider or his own father.' While our sweat turned cold, a tranquil smile was plastered on Dumbledore's face as if he was talking about the fine weather on a Sunday morning. I took the letter from Dumbledore's frail hands and opened it with my shaking hands. The handwriting was Mattheo's except it was so messy it was almost unreadable.


I'm being taken by my dad. 3rd game, maze. Harry killed. Grandpa's grave. Help us.

The mix of words confused me to end so I handed it to Draco who looked just as puzzled. Dumbledore took from our hands and read it, his thick white eyebrows furrowing in dismay, 'I believe you two should head out now. I have an important conference with the staff.' We stood up and left in silence. 'What do you think the letter meant?' we asked each other at the same time.

'I don't know.' Draco replied, looking down at his polished shoes.

'I think I might,' I said gingerly. His eyes met mine with confusion and I sighed, then began explaining everything I knew; the mission to protect the Triwizard Champions, the curse Voldemort out on Mattheo to stop him from spreading any more information, and Voldemorts' plan. Draco's face was ghost pale and his eyes were wide open even though he said nothing.

As I rambled on with Draco listening in utter silence, Professor Moody limped past us making eye contact before sheepishly looking away - his mangled face a deep shade of red. '...and then I wonder-' 

That's it.  I thought. Moody had to know something. The two were weirdly close, I would often catch them talking in a serious tone. It was rather unnerving. 

After a while, Draco finally spoke, 'Well? Go on.' he ushered.

'No, no... You go on. I need to talk to Professor Moody.' I said absent-mindedly, my eyes following Moody as he walked down the hallway.

'What? No! Are you stupid? I'm coming with.'

'Fine, I'll tell you his part in the story on the way.'

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