Barty Crouch Jr.

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We followed behind Moody, not too close yet not too far. Every time he looked back we ducked behind the closest statue. He swiftly turned a corner. A little too swiftly for a man with a severe limp.

'Right you little wretches.' he barked all of a sudden. Our hearts stopped for a second. Moody walked back into view and right towards us, the rough stench of liquor crawling up my nose. 'You think I didn't notice you following me around. You pesky rats.' He reached for his wand and whooshed it through the air. But he was too late, 'Protego!' I cried, lashing my wand through the air. Moody went flying through the air, his wand landing at our feet as he fell far away from us. I instinctively picked it up and stashed it in my robe pocket. Moody grumbled and mumbled as he rolled back up onto his feet. A couple first years squealed at the sight and ran off. 


'Malfoys?' a sneer, cold voice pierced right through Moody's sentence. 'Professor Moody?' Snape said confused, but his  tone of cruel delight was rather prominent. 'Why are you down there?'

'Well, your students have used a spell on me.' he said outraged.

Snape raised his thin eyebrows slightly and looked at us, 'Well?'

'Professor Moody tried to cast a spell on us!' Draco piped in defensively.

'Is that true, Alastor?'

Moody grunted sheepishly, the same way he did when McGonagall questioned him about turning Draco into a ferret. 'Well- - I-'

'Well, then I see no problem. They merely used it for self-defense, we'll be off now.' Snape grabbed us both by our collar yanked us along with him. He stopped abruptly, 'And I will personally make sure Dumbledore hears about this.' he continued trotting down the hallway, his cold hands clutching our collars and his robe billowing behind him.

'Hey!' Moody called.

'I don't want to hear it.' Snape said. He turned a corner and let us go, 'What do you think you two were doing casting spells on teachers?' he hissed. 

'It was self-defense.' I shrugged indifferently, my normal self would've been terrified, but right now I had nothing but hate coursing through my veins. 'I need to...uhm-' I was looking for an excuse to get out of here, it wasn't over with Moody. 'Need to go to the bathroom.'

Draco looked at me in the most perplexed manner, as Snape asked in amusement, 'Couldn't find a better excuse could you? Hold it. We are not done here.'

'With what? My finger?' I said incredulously. Most men found periods disgusting so I used it whenever I could against teachers to get out of trouble. Snape looked at me confused, and as realization dawned on him he snarled, 'Fine. Get out. But I will be seeing you next week on Sunday detention.'

I looked at Draco apologetically and ran out of the nook. I ran back to the place I last saw Moody and when I didn't find him there I ran to his office and low and behold there he stood except it wasn't him.  It was an erratic man licking his lips furiously, his mousy brown hair toussled. Moody's electric blue eye lay at his feet swivelling about.  'YOU!' He shouted. He sprinted towards me, 'Where's my wand! Where is my wand! You- You putrid, stinking rat!' he roared as he clutched my shoulders, shaking me furiously. 

'GET OFF!' I screamed. I shoved him off of me and it wasn't that hard, he was a weak, limp man. 'I have it!' I said loudly. He attempted to run at me his fist swinging in the air. 'STOP!' I yelled. I took his wand out; it was stumpy and rough. 'YOU MOVE ONCE MORE AND I'LL SNAP IT IN HALF!' I threatened him, I was holding his wand with my two hands, my thumbs next to each other so I could snap it with ease. He stopped in his tracks and I was finally able to see his face properly. It was impossible. 

There is no way, he's dead, isn't he... 

'Barty Crouch Jr.' a sigh of disbelief escaped my lips. 

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