Pansy Coming Out

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Today's my bday lmao, anyway sorry for being so inactive, I'm trying to get my life back together and that includes continuing this story. Thank you for the support and patience <33


I couldn't go back to sleep, and the others couldn't either. So the room had broken into a rush of whispers and murmurs.

'Pansy we need to talk.' I said as calmly as I could. Pansy let out a long, drawn-out breath of guilt.

'Yes... we do.' she said softly.

'Look, I know you-'

'I'm sorry for not telling you about kissing Hermione.' she said quickly. My heart dropped. She...what? 'It's just...I didn't know if I was gay and I was only able to tell Blaise, and Draco and I didn't know how you would re-'

'Draco knows???' I asked in shock.

'Of course, he does. I'm assuming he's the one who told you?' Pansy said frantically.

I stayed quiet. My brain was working at 100 m/s, I was so confused.

'No... Well, yes. But, they said that you kissed Draco, not Hermione.' Pansy didn't look phased in the slightest.

'Oh, right. Yes, yes. Uhm, no I didn't kiss him, that was a cover-up in case you found out. I didn't kiss Draco I kissed Hermione.' she reiterated. 'Again I'm really sorry. I didn't know how you would react.' I looked at her and smiled softly.

'Pansy, of course, I'm not going to get mad at you just because you're gay and kissed Hermione. I'm not like that.' Pansy let out a breath and broke into a smile.

'Thank god.' Pansy said, breaking the awkward silence that had grown over the course of two minutes. 'Not a very ideal way for you to find out I'm gay is it...' she smiled softly. 

'Yeah I guess, but how did Draco react-'

'"You're fraternising with the enemy!!!!" Y'know the usual Draco way.' she giggled. 'He came around in ten minutes and made fun of me. Also the usual Draco way.' 

'Yeah.' I laughed dryly. I didn't mean it would come out that way, but it did. I was just ... I didn't expect Pansy to be with Hermione. I mean, it's not shocking that she's gay, I've seen how she talked about Glynnis Griffith from the Holyhead Harpies. But Hermione? She seemed straighter than a pole. 

'Did something happen?'

'No, no of course not. So you and're dating?'

'Well...' her face seemed to lose its glow momentarily. 'No, it's not official because she's, well she's scared to come out to everyone, especially Harry and Ron, and just accept the fact she's bi.' 

'Ah. Are you...okay with that?' I asked gingerly, already knowing what the answer would be. 

'Well, not really. But I don't want to force her, I get how hard it can be. It took a lot of courage for me to do this.' I gave Pansy a hug at the end of her sentence and looked deeply into her eyes. 

'I'm so proud of you for telling us, even though Draco makes fun of it just know that me, Blaise, Draco and... Mattheo,' I winced at his name, 'fully accept you no matter what okay? Despite what anyone ever says, we'll always love you for who you are.' I smiled and immediately began freaking out when I saw tears forming in Pansy's eyes. 'Shit, what'd I say? Sorry sorry.'

'No, it's happy tears dumbass.' Pansy rolled her eyes and looked over at the door, 'Mione, come in.'

Hermione peeked from behind the door; her brown hair bushier than ever, and doe-like eyes teary. 'Sorry,' she mumbled wiping her tears, 'That was really nice.' I immediately stood up and hugged her, the scent of fresh books crawling up my nose. 

'Hi, Hermione.' I smiled brightly. My smile seemed to give her the tiniest bit of courage. 

'Hi..Y/n.' she said smiling, her teeth looked slightly different. 

My eyes grew, 'Your teeth!' I exclaimed gawking at her teeth, 'They look great!'

'Yeah, haha, I'm glad you noticed. Uhm, also... Please, don't tell anyone about my Only you, your group, Fred, George and Ginny know. Fred and George overheard Ginny and me talking about it. Ginny somehow just knew- I mean she's lesbian and has an incredible "gaydar" as she calls it. They were all terribly nice about it and I'm very grateful to you too, thank you. I'm also sorry for all the trouble Ron, Harry and I have caused you. I'll try and get them to...stop I guess.' she finally stopped talking and took a huge breath looking at us for a reply.

'Well... it's good the Weasley's reacted well, and it's really no problem with you three being rude, I mean Draco isn't very nice either.'

'I know but you haven't done anything to us, and it's unfair.' she said desperately. 

'It's alright, I forgive you.' My bairn suddenly clicked when I remember everything that had happened with Voldemort and Mattheo and their plan to harm Harry. 'Hermione remember the lesson with Moody when he let us have a free period and I asked you what you guys were talking about?' Hermione nodded. 'It wasn't me who did it, it was Moody. Using the Imperius Curse on me.'

'But wh-' 

'It's a really really long story, believe me, I would tell you. But, it's too much for now and it's best if our groups come together and discuss it. Without Mattheo.'

'Aren't you and Mattheo a thi-'

'NO.' Hermione flinched and Pansy grabbed my arm instinctively and immediately let go. 'Erm. I mean, again, it's a long story.'


'Mione, let's go I'll walk you to the Gryffindor common room okay? Y/N I'll talk to you later.' she hugged me and turned back around to face Hermione, she was quite taller than Hermione and lifted up her chin and kissed her before walking out the room. 

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