What the F%^&*

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Hagrid and I didn't say one word to each other as we made our way to the Slytherin dorms. As expected I got a couple stares and murmurs as I walked past students. But, I was glad everything was alright. 'Uhm, is Barty gone?' I asked timidly, scared for the answer I might receive. 

'Oh yeah, long gone! McGonagall and Dumbledore dealt with the situation quite easily, he was wandless after all, not much he could do except run.' he said ruffling his beard.

I paused to think before replying, 'Dumbledore came?'

'Yes, he did. Shoved that grimy little maggot back in Azkaban where he belongs.' He spat sourly. 

You must be wondering why Hagrid is being so open with the daughter of a Deatheater, and not just any Deatheater - Lucius Malfoy's daughter. Hagrid and I formed a bond back in first year, not as strong as the bond he has with Harry of course, but a bond nonetheless. We both share the same hatred towards the Deatheater and that's how it all started.

'Yeah, serves him right.' I said. Hagrid came to a sudden halt and I bumped into the wall that lead to the Slytherin common room. 

'Watch yerself now Malfoy.' he pulled me back and I nearly fell backwards. 'Can't stand straight?' he chuckled. He handed me my trunk and bid me goodbye with a firm pat on the back that hurt a lot but I didn't let him know. 

'Oh shit, uhm, what's the password-' I said dumbly, as Hagrid disappeared out of sight. 'Uhm..' I looked around for anyone in my house, no one. I looked at the people passing through the dungeons - Ravenclaw, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff...Slytherin! I smiled and ran up to the person. As I got closer my smile faded. Fuck.

'Hi, Y/N.' It was Mattheo. I felt his voice in every vein in my body and I hated it. So. Much. 'Did you need-'

'No. I can't talk to you.' I said harshly. The glimmer of hope in his eyes disappeared and it hurt to watch it happen but I had no choice. 

'Okay.' he replied equally harshly and pushed past me. I was dangerously close tears. I walked behind him, not too far but not too close. As soon as the wall divided and swiftly moved past him and towards the first person I recognised. Which happened to be Blaise. 

'Oh you're back already!' he said cheerfully, he gave me a side hug and looked at me awkwardly. 'Now what-'

'Hello to you too Blaise, why yes I'm doing great and I didn't die! Isn't that nice? Thanks for asking.' I chuckled lightly and started scanning the room. 

'Oh, Pansy is out with Draco. They're... actually I don't know what they're doing, they go out often.' he said thoughtfully. I eyed him suspiciously. 'I swear I don't know what they're up to.' I shrugged and walked away to the girls' dormitories and began unpacking. After fifteen minutes or so, I was done with stuffing clothes in drawers and Pansy walked in happily. I expected her to get all giggly and come and hug me but she didn't. Her smile faltered slightly, 'You're here already? It's only been a couple of hours. You said you would take at least a week.'

I chucked the last shirt into the drawer and slammed it shut, 'Yeah, it was...easier than I expected.' It wasn't easy. I lied. 

'Oh... okay, welcome back!' she smiled at me, but I knew damn well that it was fake. Something was happening and I need to know what. She walked over to her bed and started straightening the already straightened covers.

'So... Blaise said you were off with Draco.' She froze. 'What were you two doing?' I asked. Pansy plonked down onto her bed and sheepishly chuckled.

'Oh nothing much, we were just talking.'


'About stuff.' she was getting irritated.

'What stuff?'

'You don't need to know everything Y/N!' she snapped, her annoyed face softened as a couple of girls walked into the dormitory. 'It doesn't matter. Goodnight, I'm glad you're okay.' she said coldly. Pansy laid down and turned away from me. Why is she acting so weird?


I tried to fall asleep, I twisted and turned, flipped the pillow, stuck a leg out of the blanket, then an arm, then threw the blanket off of me. Nothing worked. Pansy's behaviour kept bothering me. I took a deep breath and looked over at Pansy, who was still turned away from me. 

I got up slowly and tip toed out of the silent dormitory and down the spiral staircase. The common room was cold, barren and you could probably hear the sound of a pin drop. I made my way across the ballroom sized room and up the staircase that led to the boys' dormitory. As soon as I reached for the door handle of Draco's dorm I heard not-so-soft whispers break out inside; "Shh, shh! Pretend to be asleep!" someone said. I pushed the door open, 'Uhm.' Curious heads lifted from under the blankets. They all sighed huge sighs of relief. 

'We thought you were Snape!' Blaise said. 'Are you okay?' he asked genuinely concerned. 

'Y/N?' Draco piped in, he was already getting out of bed. 

'No, no I'm fine! I just needed to talk to Draco.' the silence that was once in the dormitory was now non-chalant whispers. 

'What happened?' Draco asked as we stepped out. 'Is everything okay?' his forehead was creased with worry. 

'What is wrong with Pansy?' I asked roughly, like it was his fault she was like this. I instantly felt bad when I saw his eyes soften into an expression of hurt.

'I don't know.'

'What were you two doing earlier, Blaise told me you two were together.' 

'Hasn't Pansy told you?'


'We were making out.' he said matter-of-factly.

'What. The. FUCK.

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