Return to Hogwarts

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Hi! I'm back.

Due to my declining mental health, my story quality was going downhill and I have just realised that- SO- I'm going to do my best to redeem myself over the course of the following chapters, starting with this one! :)

I am still going through a rough patch, so I apologise if my writing is not up to the mark anyway that's all for now, happy reading :DD


Tears slid down my face as I solemnly looked out the window down at the busy London city. I was sitting in a Ministry car on my own. Ministry cars operated with magic, so there was no driver. I was glad there wasn't a driver, I didn't want anyone seeing me with puffy red eyes crying over some boy.  My nails dug into my knees as I continued crying, my brain scanning over everything that had happened in the time span of a mere hour. That idiot, he could've waited to tell me, and pretended to not remember - he could've sat in a different compartment on the first day back, so we never met in the first place. Sometimes I wish we remained strangers... but I knew that wasn't possible, I was Lucius Malfoy's daughter after all. 

The car whirred slowly, and the wind whistled as we weaved through clouds. I wiped my eyes for what seemed like the billionth time and reached into my tote bag, moving my hand around until I clutched a book and pulled it out. It was my diary. It was old and worn, but it contained so many of my deepest secrets and darkest wishes - I had grown a connection to it. Whenever I felt like I couldn't handle my current situation, I would either flip back to the first page of my diary back from when all I had to worry about was getting to class on time, and not getting detention. So that's what I did. I unlocked tapped the bind of my diary twice and it gently opened up to the first page with a soft click.

I began to read.

Dear Diary, 

Hi! I'm Y/N Malfoy, I'm your new owner.  I got you as a gift from my Aunt Andromeda, she said diaries are something everyone should have. I love my Aunt Andromeda, she always finds a way to sneak me some gifts on my birthday  - gifts I actually use that is, like you! Anyway, this isn't about Aunt Andromeda, it's about me. Well, I am eleven years old, and I go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. It is currently ten p.m. and I'm lying in bed in my dormitory. Pansy is snoring rather loudly, which I find very annoying. Pansy seems to be pretty nice, but she's a snob which I hate. Anyways today was my first day at Hogwarts, it was pretty good. I really like it here. It feels nice, safe, and kinda like home. Not like the Manor. But that's something for next time. I really need to sleep now, or I won't wake up on time.



I smiled softly, I still remember the first day of Hogwarts like it was yesterday. It was the day I first met the friends that helped me throughout my years at Hogwarts. I used to despise Pansy for being snobby, but I soon realised how nice she really was. Draco and Pansy were exactly the same, that's probably why I hated Pansy so much. Draco used to be exactly like Father, like a carbon copy for Lucius Malfoy. But as he grew older, he came to his senses and realised how messed up our father really is. Blaise and I got along almost instantly, and we had almost every class together.  The rest is history. 

I loud honk cut through the silence and a shiver ran down my spine. I had arrived in front of the steel gates of the school. I looked out of the tinted windows of the car and up at the Astrology tower in the distance - it was faded because of the mist slowly forming around the castle.

The car honked again. 

'Okay! Okay! God, I'm getting out.' I stuffed my diary back in my tote bag and stepped out. 

The car revved to life as it tossed my bags out on the dusty road. 'Oh my god you could've waited!' I screamed after the car now speeding off into the distance. I stamped my foot and angrily walked to my bags and picked them up. I waited there for a bit not knowing what to do, I didn't know how to get in. 

A large silhouette formed in the distance. The silhouette of a giant, probably five times taller than me, and seven times wider. Hagrid. His beard was bushier than ever and his thick eyebrows looked like dark, hairy caterpillars resting above his eyes. His merry, beetle eyes made looked straight at me. Though his face was partially hidden because of the mist, his cheery smile could be seen from miles away. 

'Righ' there Malfoy?' he asked happily.

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