Like Father Like Son

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Trailing past the ballroom-sized common room and up the marble staircase; thoughts were whizzing through my head. The dangerous red glint in his eyes was enough to tell that he was the son of the Dark Lord. I wondered if Delilah had noticed it and if she would tell her friends. Even though this was a magical school, rumours traveled just as quickly as any other Muggle high school (from what I heard from a few Muggle-borns anyway).

I could hear Mattheo's footsteps thundering up the spiral staircase, followed by the loud thud of the dorm door. Mattheo had been assigned a personal dorm and it's self-explanatory why. Before I opened the door into his dorm I gingerly placed my ear against the polished wooden door. The loud thudding of boxes and irritated grunts were the only thing I could hear. 

knock knock

'Mattheo?' I said softly, scared to make him even more irritated. The thuds abruptly stopped, followed by footsteps heading towards the door. I stood back clutching the satchel in my hand. The door opened and Mattheo's face was stony and cold. His lips were in a thin line, his eyes lacked feeling. 'Uh, you forgot your satchel. I thought you would-'

'Thanks.' he said through the ajar door. Mattheo's voice was rough and unlike himself. He snatched the leather satchel from my hands and slammed the door in my face. 

I just stood there, silently, slightly dumbfounded. I knew something like this was bound to happen, but I tried to give him benefit of the doubt. I guess some things just don't work out... I walked back down the polished spiral staircase, gluing myself to the wall as some boys walked by me. I walked back down to find Pansy waiting for me, looking around nervously, dressed in her pajamas. 'Took you long enough, gosh.' she scoffed, looping her arm under my arm. 'Delilah was freaked.' she giggled maliciously. 'It's nice to have Mattheo on our side.' she said, looking down at her white nails. 

My mind was engaged in a fierce debate.

Should I tell her? No, it'll scare her. But she has to know. She just stopped being scared of him! But it's better if she knows. Mattheo isn't a bad person I just know it. That doesn't mean...

'Y/N?' Pansy said, her head was cocked in my direction, her eyebrows furrowed in concern. 'Are you even listening?' 

'Huh, what? Oh, yeah.' I answered as my mind slowly returned to the girls' dormitory. Pansy raised her eyebrows in suspicion. 

'Really? What'd I say then?'

'Uhm, potions homework?' I said the first thing that came to mind.

'No.' she scoffed sarcastically, 'I was talking about Charms homework.'

'Eh, close enough.' 

Some other girls from our year entered the dormitory as we chatted about random things. Including Delilah. Delilah, Pansy, and I were sharing the same dorm. I pleaded almost every day for a week to Professor Snape, but being the absolute jerk he is, he said no. If only he had the same inclination towards me that he did with Draco.

Surprisingly, Delilah said nothing to us as she strutted past the bed we were sitting on and quietly gossiped with her girlfriend. 'Thank merlin she didn't talk to us.' Pansy said softly. 'Also, what happened when you went to give the satchel to Mattheo?'

I imagined Pansy's face go sheet white as I told her the story. 'Nothing happened. It's fine.'

'It didn't seem alright. He seemed very clammy while he was running away.' she said side-eyeing me for a reaction.

'It's nothing.' I persisted. 

'If you say so.' Pansy shrugged standing up and face-planting into her bed. 'I'm going to bed, goodnight.' she said sweetly, wrapping herself in emerald-colored blankets. I quietly changed into my pajamas and slept soundly, the thought of Mattheo and Voldemort slowly drifting away...

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