The Best Yet the Worst

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This is sort of a short, uneventful chapter about Y/n's feelings towards Mattheo

Mattheo lay limp and unconscious in the sunlight, his chest rising and fall softly. I sat next to him watching him intently, wishing for him to stir. Madam Pomfrey had said she couldn't get rid of the gashes on his body, which he had been getting every single day for three painful days. He never told me he got them as he beckoned me to help him. Maybe if I had listened to him right away these gashes wouldn't have been as bad. 

The blood was cleaned and Madam had to stitch the wounds up the Muggle way. Mattheo had been unconscious for two days, I made sure to visit him both days. I stayed sitting there for two hours; reading, doing mine and his homework, and sometimes simply watching. I did as much of my homework as I could and left some time to do his one too. As if the situation couldn't get worse I had gotten a 3 feet long essay in Potions and I had to write it twice. I couldn't be bothered to write a different essay on the same topic, so I copy-pasted. I had taken the essay to him and said, 'Greg had said specifically for me to write it the same thing for him.' In fear of the Dark Lord, he had (very reluctantly) taken it.

Maybe this is the day that he would finally wake up. I would always tell him about my day, hoping the stories might wake him up. Today I began talking about how Professor Moody had turned Draco into a ferret. He had become a laughing stock. Ferret boy, they called him. I swear I saw him shift slightly. 'Mattheo? Mattheo wake up goddammit.' I sighed defeatedly and stood up, I had to leave before Madam Pomfrey came out of nowhere. 'Well, goodbye. I love you, bye.' Obviously, I meant it in a way that we were just friends, I didn't have feelings for him, right? I read in a Muggle book, that when you say things that might mean something it might help them wake up. I thought that growing up with Voldemort as your father, "I love you" may not have been something he heard often.

I left the wing, and walked back to the common room. Thinking about so many things at once, that I'm shocked my brain didn't explode. The Triwizard Tournament. Mattheo. Harry. Professors Moody and  McGonagall. My exams. My homework.
Things have been getting much tougher with Mattheo around. Yet at the same time he made me feel light and fuzzy in the stomach whenever I saw him. Was that normal? I'm guessing not... He is the best and the worst thing that has happened to me in a long time.

@Lillianinthehouse - I really appreciate the way you interact with my story <33

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