The Boy Who Asked

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The Yule Ball was around the corner. The gorgeous Beauxbatons and the grim Durmstrangs were over-filling the Great Hall. I had no one to go with. The Harry Potter had decided to go with one of the Patil twins, Cedric with Cho, and Krum had chosen Hermione (still can't get over that bombshell) I desperately wanted to go with someone but it was like no one was coming my way. Slytherin girls were flocking around Draco as per usual and he thought he should go with Astoria Greengrass, some girl who he really liked.

Even though we were twins, no one ever left a chance to show that he was more worthy than me. All girls loved him, even some guys, HE DOESN'T EVEN LIKE GUYS - I think, he does seem a bit jittery around Harry. Maybe it's just me imagining things.

No girls nor guys paid any attention to me, NOT ONE. Snape was fond of Draco but couldn't care less about me. Even though I worked my ass off for my grades while he shoved his homework down someone's throat and cheated all the time to get to where he is now. Guess who got more recognition? Sometimes I felt as though I was invisible like no one was there for me. I could never despise Draco, but did I sometimes want to punch him in the face? Yes. Yes, I did.

'Hello, y/n.' a soft, dreamy voice said. 'Have you picked anyone to go to the Yule Ball with?' It was the unmistakeable voice of Luna Lovegood. I shook my head.

'Don't worry then. I promise someone will come to ask you, you really are pretty and smart.' she smiled softly.

'Who're you going with?'

'Well. It's sort of complicated. I actually want to go with Ginny, she is my girlfriend (A/N: I ship Luna and Ginny) . So we asked Neville and one of my fourth-year Ravenclaw friends to help out. Neville and Ginny go together, and Lilly and I go together. Then, once we're in, Ginny and I hang out. It was Neville's idea, genius really.' though her voice was focused her eyes were distant and in a different reality.

'Y/N!' a voice rang through the Great Hall, though no one took any notice. 'I needed to ask you a question. Er, hello Luna.' Mattheo added looking unsurely at the girl sitting adjacent to me. 'I have a question.'

Luna giggled and leaned in, 'It's him, he's the boy who's going to ask.' Luna winked at me and skipped merrily away, leaving me utterly bewildered.

'So... I have a question. Unless someone has already asked.' he seemed extremely flustered, his eyes kept drifting from my face to the front of the hall, to his hands. 'Has anyone asked you to the ball yet? Because I was wondering if you would come AS FRIENDS-' he added quickly, and unnecessarily loudly.

'Yes, sure, of course, Mattheo.' I smiled at him, and we began to discuss what we would be wearing and what it would be like; introducing themes and color schemes.

I kept wondering how Luna knew that Mattheo would be the one to ask, though it was sort of obvious...did she possess the Sight? I wouldn't be surprised.

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