Suspension and A Secret

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It was McGonagall. Her strict voice pierced through the thick silence of the office. 'Well?' she asked again.

'We were here to give this to Professor Dumbledore. But he isn't here. Could yo-' Pansy said.

'Give it here. Is this a time turner? Where you get this from? Explain yourselves.' her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she tucked the time turner in her robe pocket. 'Go on.'

'We've actually had it for a while and Pansy brought me to my senses and told me to give it in. I was going to use to go back in time, to cheat on a test.' I came up with a whole story on the spot. McGonagall looked outraged.

'What? Miss Parkinson, you may leave. Miss Malfoy stay back.' Once Pansy reached the door, she looked back at me, her eyes wide and then she turned away, leaving McGonagall and I alone in Dumbledore's office. 'Miss Malfoy, I assume you understand the seriousness of what you've done. I have no choice but to suspend you. Go to your dorm room and pack your bags.' Miss McGonagall told me to leave, and so I did. My plan was working. I can get to the Manor, find Mattheo and come back. It's all coming together.
I went back through the deserted hallways, a half-hearted smile glued on my face. I found Pansy sulking in the corner, waiting for me. "Y/N! What happened?"

I smiled at her, "I'm getting suspended!" I said. Pansy looked at me as if I had lost my mind.

"You're getting suspended? Why are you smiling-" Realisation dawned upon her face, "Ohhh, you're going to find Mattheo aren't you?" I nodded cheerfully. Normally the idea of suspension or being expelled would make a chill run down my spine, but right now I was happy now that I could finally get to him. Pansy didn't look happy at all.

"Why are you doing so much for some boy? I don't understand you." she didn't wait for a response. She walked straight past me, on her way to Ravenclaw common room.

Without another word I walked up to my dorm room, packing my bags, thoughts whizzing about on my head. I started mumbling to myself, trying to figure out the next part of the plan.

Would father let me just visit the dungeons? Or would I need to sneak down. What if Mattheo isn't in the dungeons? What if something goes wrong? What if Aunt Bella finds me?

There were so many what was neverending and before I knew it I was closing my trunk and searching around for my tote bag.
I walked down the stairs into the empty common room. All the walls and surfaces were already covered in a thin layer of dust. A sudden rush of footsteps interrupted the thick silence. "Y/N you're leaving?" It was Draco. "Without me?" he came to a halt in front of me and stood there waiting for an answer.
"I have a plan Draco." I said, he raised his eyebrow in suspicion. "I have to go through with it, for Mattheo." I held his hand and squeezed it. "Don't worry, I'll be back soon." I smiled at him and walked past him.

"Y/N wait!" Draco called. "There's something you need to know..."

"Hurry. What is it?"

"Voldemort's back to finish Harry off. He won't stop until he does. Until..." he swallowed hard - he looked as though he was recalling something, something that wasn't pleasant. "Until Harry's blood is on his hands. Even if Voldemort can't do it now, he'll try again and again. Everyone's on his side. Everyone's helping him in some way."
There was a pause before Draco said something I had desperately wanted to believe wasn't true.

"Mattheo is too."

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