The Time Turner

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I'm really sorry for not updating for so long. I have had a stressful few days and I never got the time to update. I'm really sorry. I hope you guys like this chapter. :)


'Where is everyone?' Pansy said suddenly, her voice slicing through the thick silence. 'Was it like this before?' she questioned, her brown eyes laying on me.

'I- no. No, it wasn't. I don't know where everyone is.' I said. 

'Lets go to Professor Snape. He'll be able to help.' Pansy suggested. She grabbed my hand and attempted to lead me out the second year girls dormitory. The same invisible string that tugged me towards Mattheo's empty room, tugged at my chest again. Horribly hard. 'NO!' I yelled. Pansy let go abruptly. 

'What do you -'

'Just...follow me.' I sighed. I let my body go, and the invisible string slowly dragged me towards Mattheo's dorm. Down the musty stairwell and past dull common room. I gently nudged the door open leading into Mattheo's dark room. I expected the same musty dank room left untouched and dusty. But, instead we were faced with the back profile of a man I knew too well. 'Professor?' I asked in confusion. 'Why are you up here?' Professor Snape turned around his moody, sullen face staring at mine. 

'I have no obligation to provide you a reasoning as to why I am here, Miss Malfoy.' He hissed through his thin lips. 'I will be off now.' 

'Wait, where is everyone?' I asked, blocking his way. 'Where are they?'

'We have evacuated them to the Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff common rooms, because we believe Barty Crouch Jr. will head here first, and you shouldn't be here either. Leave now.' he ordered.

My eyes shifted to his hands, where he held something- something I couldn't see. 'What is that?'

'Like I said before, Miss Malfoy, I have no obligation to be answering to you.' his grip tightened around the mysterious object. A hint of rusty gold peered from between his fingers. 'Is that a time-turner?' 

'Miss Malfoy, leave. Now.' he hissed coolly - he was losing his patience. 'And, I do not  block my way ever again.' he spat.  I wanted to say something, anything. Anything to stop him, to see what he was holding, to know why he was in Mattheo's know how Mattheo was.  So I did the first thing I thought to do. It all happened in a blur. I jumped at Snape, tossing his wand away from his robe as he went to grab it. Pansy took hold of it and magicked up cuffs to tie up his wrists. Snape shoved, pushed and pulled but I was fast. I wrenched the time turner out of his hands as he grunted with anger. He kicked my shin hard and I screamed in pain - still clutching the turner. A deafening thud rang out next to my ear and I stood up - wincing as a sharp pain ran through my leg. Snape was lying on the floor, knocked out cold. An empty goblet lying next to him. Pansy was breathing heavily as she stood up. 'Is he--' I asked gingerly. 

'No. We have to go. NOW.' She grabbed my hand and ran. We both ran. Fast. Down the stairs, and out the empty common room.  WHAM I ran straight into someone. 'Well, well, well.' Barty sneered. 'Where is my wand, Malfoy?' He said in his crazed voice. 'Give it. GIVE IT TO ME!' He grabbed my shoulders as I went still with fear.

'PETRIFICUS TOTALUS!' Pansy cried. Barty stiffened up, wavered side to side and fell with a thud. Pansy grabbed my hand once more and yanked me along with her. 

'Where are we going?' I asked, struggling to keep up with her pace. 

'Dumbledore.' I said nothing, and before I knew it we were standing in front of his office entrance. The two goblins asked for the password.

'Liquorice sticks.' I said. Pansy side-eyed me, but said nothing as we walked up to Dumbledore's office. No answer. Dumbledore wasn't in. What do we do now? 

'Miss Malfoy and Miss Parkinson, what are you doing here?' A voice called.

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