The Mission - Pt 1.

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In a few days, the Yule Ball would be taking place. The ball was the only thing everyone was talking about; girls were giggling about their crushes, boys constantly trying to muster up the courage to ask someone to the ball. Shockingly, it wasn't something I had to worry about. Mattheo had asked me already, Pansy was absolutely shocked when she had heard. She's going with Blaise as friends. Unlike most girls, however, I was still waiting on my dress. I waited patiently every day, expecting a dress to drop out of an owl's clutches. Yet nothing. 

I had a short theory quiz in Transfiguration in a few hours, which I nor Mattheo had prepared for. In companionable silence, we silently flipped through the pages of our books. I looked up at the front of the Great Hall, I caught Professor Moody chugging something from a silver flask, his forehead slightly bubbling, as he licked his lips similar to the manner of a snake. Something felt off about him...yet I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He didn't need to be here but he was anyway, it was like he was wherever Mattheo was.

The other day 

'Y/N!' Pansy's voice called, 'You never told me we had Transfiguration quiz? Oh my goodness, I'm going to FAIL.' she groaned. 'I wish there was some way to-'

'Oh, I can help. I picked up some stuff from Zonko's and I got a Limited Edition Cheating Quill, I knew it didn't work, so I bewitched it into actually working, here.' he passed a brown quill in Pansy's direction, 'I tested it out don't worry. During the Charms exam. The one I got full marks in.' Pansy shot me a smirk and quickly told Mattheo, 'Thanks Greg.' and left running.

'I knew you weren't capable of getting full marks on your own.' I smirked. He chuckled and quietly went back into mumbling to himself about Transfiguration: Everything You Need To Know

We still had to call him Greg in public and so did the teachers; to remain confidential. I'm still suspicious about what was happening between him and Moody, I see them quite often chatting in private. I always had just assumed it was for the classes he missed every week, but the more I saw them, the more suspicious I became. I don't think they would be talking about missed spells thrice a day. I never asked him anything or told him anything, though I'm sure he noticed me walk by as they talked. 

'I think I've done enough.' he chimed. 'If I revise anymore my brain will implode.'

'What do you mean you've studied enough? Its literally been like half an hour.'

'Yeah exactly, too damn long.' he closed his book with a thud, and stuffed it in his satchel. 'Are you done yet?'

'No.' I said bluntly, scratching my head trying to understand the process of transformation from the form of a frog to a cat. 'Some people actually want to get good grades.' I scoffed ripping my eyes away from the image of the cat frog stage; it was unusually uncomfortable to look at. The body of a furry cat it bushy tail wrapped around its hind legs, and the bulging yellow eyes of a frog and a flat, bloated, green stump where the cat's whiskers should've been, resembling the frogs' mouth.

'That is ghastly. Anyways, I have a question.'

'If its about cat to frog transformation I can't help you there.'

'No its about Harry Potter. The next task is dangerous, I was kind of worried.'

I couldn't help but laugh, 'The son of the Dark Lord, worried about The Chosen One?! That's bullshit.' 

'No seriously. It's dangerous.'

'How do you know that may I ask?'

'My father has connections.'

'Oh...' my mind had slid into an abyss of deep thought. I knew the games were dangerous, and I also knew that if I helped Harry, Draco would murder me in my sleep. I didn't really like Harry, we belonged to two different parts of the wizarding world, but he didn't deserve potential death. 'What is the game?'

'It's a maze, you have to find your way through it and to the center. The thing is... it's full of dangerous creatures.'

'Dumbledore ought to keep everyone safe, I don't think it's a problem.' I saw a look of desperation on Mattheo's face, his eyes were pleading as if he wanted Harry to quit. 'You know he can't quit he has to do it you know.'

'Yeah... I guess. But can't we put protective charms over him while he sleeps or something?'

'Firstly, that's creepy. Secondly, why do you care so much about him.'

'It's-' he began, but trailed off, '...nothing. Just trust me.'

Something in me said to trust him, something in me also said not to. Torn between what to do I just sat in silence, trying to figure out what to do.  I hesitated, 'Fine. Just tell me what to do.'

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