The Mission - Pt. 2

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It was bright and early in the morning and it was cold. Freezing cold. I sat slouched on the edge of the bed watching the other girls sleeping soundly. The windows were dripping with racing raindrops and the scenery outside was blurred. I usually don't get up this early but I had promised to help Mattheo cast protection spells around Harry today. 'Fuck.' I swore under my breath as I took off the blankets allowing the cold to swallow me.

I slipped into my uniform and quietly tiptoed down the spiral staircase out into the huge common room. Mattheo stood waiting; his hair ruffled, his face agitated and his feet tapping impatiently on the floor. 'You took so long, merlin!' he sighed. His face was red and his eyes were bloodshot, he looked horrible. There was a large gash across his face.

'Are you okay? What happened, who did this to you?' I asked frantically.

'It's nothing I swear.' he said casually. 'Anyways I found this Protection Charm, that doesn't go away until the person who cast it takes it off. So, we just have to cast the charm and boom, he's safe.'

'And you know this works because??' I tried my best to ignore how physically worn he looked.

'My dad cast it on me when I was born.'

''Course he did. How are you planning to get in?'

'I already know the password, I followed this first year and heard it.'

'You're a weirdo, my gosh. Let's just go.' I was beyond tired, and grumpy.

We walked through the deserted corridors, as some awake portraits eyed us suspiciously. It was cold, tiring, and absolutely frustrating. My head was throbbing with pain. I whined like a toddler, continuously asking, "Are we there yet?" my eyes were half-open and I held Mattheo's hand allowing him to guide me.

'Widdershins.' the grumpy portrait of the Fat Lady looked at us suspiciously.

'Why do you want to come in here?'

'You have to open up, I said the password. It's a part of the agreement.' The Fat Lady sighed defeatedly, and swung open.

This common room was nothing like ours...It was lined with bean bags, comfy cushions and sofas, it was warm and welcoming. It felt better to be here. Our common room felt like a ballroom with furniture placed all about it, it was cold and unfriendly. Though I was happy to be in Slytherin, but sometimes I wonder if I'm just happy there because its what my parents want from me...

'Right, so we're in. Let's find him and just get it over and done with.'

'We're going to be seen.'

'We'll be stealthy don't worry.'

These words weren't reassuring at all. Famous last words...

Walking up the spiral staircase I thought to myself about everything that could go wrong. There were so many loopholes. I heard footsteps distantly in the dorm above,

"ohmygodohmygodohmygod' I clutched Mattheo's forearm and his eyebrows furrowed with confusion as he turned back.

'We shouldn't do this...'

'We've come this far. Come on.' he grabbed arm and practically dragged me up the stairs.

'Who's there?' Shit. We were done for. 'There's no point in hiding.' The footsteps drew closer and closer. I couldn't move a muscle, Mattheo desperately tried to get me to move. When I finally did the yelling of their fellow Gryffindor had woken everyone up. 'I- What're you doing?'

It was Fred Weasley - one of the Weasley Twins, his ginger hair was ruffled and his eyes drowsy yet concerned. 'Y/N? Greg? Why are you here?'

'We- I- Uh-'

'Save it.' another voice pitched in, it was Harry. 'I'm getting Professor McGonagall.'

We were cornered and were asked to sit down as Harry informed Professor McGonagall. A few minutes later, a worried-looking Professor McGonagall had strutted into the common room, Harry trailing behind her. 'What is the meaning of this, Miss Malfoy and Mister Tucker? Both of you, in my office now.' she said sternly. 'The rest of you back in bed.'

'I told you it would go wrong. I told you.' I whispered as we walked behind Professor McGonagall, the Gryffindor's glares burning through our backs.

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