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Thanks to @PiperSullivan3 for inspiring this chapters' title

My sweat ran cold. 

McGonagall turned around, her eyes filled with worry, I thought she would think this was a joke. 'I need you to go to your common room now. Tell everyone to stay inside and to not leave. Barty Crouch Jr. is a dangerous man. Even without a wand, he's erratic and unpredictable. Go. Now.' 

The sternness in McGonagall's voice scared me and I didn't dare fight back. I left, and I ran. Ran all the way to the Slytherin Common Room...making sure to check every nook and cranny on the way, just in case he was hiding somewhere. 

Out of breath, and feeling like my legs were about to fall off I reached the blank, gray wall leading into the Slytherin common room. I said the password, 'Salazar' The stone wall split open evenly with a quiet rumble.

'Y/N!' Draco immediately ran towards me, his face screwed into a sour look, 'Why did you leave me behind?' he asked angrily. 

'There's no time, tell everyone to stay in here please.' Draco face softened into an expression of concern and worry. 'Hey! Stay inside!' I yelled at the small first-year on their way out of the common room carry the biggest book I had ever seen in my life. She squealed in fright and ran up the stairs to the dormitories. 'Please, tell everyone. Don't let anyone go. I promise I'll explain later.' I squeezed his cold hand and began walking around the right side of the common room, telling as many people as I could to stay inside. Draco did the same. 'Right, I've told all the girls and most of the people around here.' I informed him. 'Except Pansy. Did you tell her?'

'I thought you told her.'

'I was going to but I couldn't find her on my side.' 

'Neither did I.' his eyes were filled with an unmistakeable expression of realisation, 'You don't think-'

'Oh no.' I said, 'I'll tell you everything later. But Pansy is the only priority right now.' Despite of McGonagall's words of concern I was back outside. I felt my robe pocket making sure I had my wand and his in there. Both were safe. As I rushed through every place I thought Pansy might've been; the girls' bathroom, library, The Great Hall - Regret and guilt coursed through every vein in my body. Even though I knew I had Barty's wand he could still do anything. He could kill the Muggle way.

The hallways were empty with not a single student in sight. Seems that the message had got around. I had no other choice, 'PANSY? PANSY? WHERE ARE YOU?' I screamed. No response. What if she was caught? What if she was dead? What if she died knowing she hated me? 'PANSY? PANSY?'

'WHAT?' a voice replied. Pansy. Her hair was disheveled and she was wearing her reading glasses. A book the size of a baseball was in her palm. 'I SWEAR TO GOD Y/-' before she could finish a threw myself onto her. I really thought I had lost her. 'What happened?' she asked, pushing me. 'What?' She looked impatient, but I knew her long enough to know that she was still concerned. 'I don't have much time, but I need you to come with me back to the common room.' 

'Has this got anything to do with Mattheo, if it is I'm not coming.'

'No, its not.' I held her hand tightly and dragged her along with me, telling the occasional student to go back inside their common room. I also kept explaining the situation in a hurry, not waiting to see if Pansy understood. I stopped every few minutes to check for any sign of Barty lurking about like that cowardly rat he is. Before we knew it, we were standing in the cold dungeons in front of the dull gray wall as it slid open. 

I expected a brightly lit room bustling with Slytherins trapped inside their common room against their will. But we were faced with a situation entirely different. The room dull, and the torches along the walls were all blown out recently, the wisps of smoke a mere echo of the fire that used to be there. The common room was deserted and silent. Where was everyone? Where was Draco? Pansy looked utterly confused, 'Where is everyone?' she asked, as she walked past me. I followed close behind her as she trailed up the girls dormitory staircase peering into every room hoping for an odd squeal or two. But nothing- it was all empty. Everyone was gone. 


Sorry, for not updating in a while, I didn't get the time because, well- life! Haha hope u guys have a good day ;)

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